Recently went looking for a small non-obtrusive amp just to power some phones for TV and incidental listening when not engaging the Bryston BHA-1 head-amp.

Well just got this little guy, I knew nothing of S.M.S.L. but it looked like the SMSL sApII TPA6120A2 should fill the bill so thought I’d take a chance.

Needless to say it’s a phenomenal little amp, plugged in my Fiio X3II from the fixed line output, way more than enough power to get the AKG K7XXs boogying at 10-11:00 o’clock on the dial with plenty to spare. Well power is not everything and I was presented with excellent separation and air, base is full and deep and highs are IMHO super clean and extended.
Starting with the almost 1/4" thick front face plate, build quality belies the budget price, it's a classy solid little unit.

Going by the online photos it looks like they’ve changed the 24v power supply, which is now about 2/3rds the size of the amp. Even with my Senn IE800s iem’s there was zero hiss or noise when the volume is maxed out (without music playing of course) which is a testament to an excellent designed amp/power supply.

So overall a very highly recommended little amp that should fit anyone’s budget and power about any phone.
...Just to add...believe I'll be using this little guy to listening to more than just TV...

Well just got this little guy, I knew nothing of S.M.S.L. but it looked like the SMSL sApII TPA6120A2 should fill the bill so thought I’d take a chance.

Needless to say it’s a phenomenal little amp, plugged in my Fiio X3II from the fixed line output, way more than enough power to get the AKG K7XXs boogying at 10-11:00 o’clock on the dial with plenty to spare. Well power is not everything and I was presented with excellent separation and air, base is full and deep and highs are IMHO super clean and extended.
Starting with the almost 1/4" thick front face plate, build quality belies the budget price, it's a classy solid little unit.

Going by the online photos it looks like they’ve changed the 24v power supply, which is now about 2/3rds the size of the amp. Even with my Senn IE800s iem’s there was zero hiss or noise when the volume is maxed out (without music playing of course) which is a testament to an excellent designed amp/power supply.

So overall a very highly recommended little amp that should fit anyone’s budget and power about any phone.
...Just to add...believe I'll be using this little guy to listening to more than just TV...