Pro-Ject Audio DAC Box E Entry Level DAC Black

The Collector 3

New Head-Fier
Probably The One Of The Best Deals In Audio
Pros: The Perfect Dac For Systems That Are Rolled Off In The Higher End Frequencies.
Cons: Not Good For Bright Systems Or Class D Audio Sound May Be Too Sharp And Annoying To Some Very Digital.
I cannot say anything bad about this unit what I can say it is an amazing sounding unit for the money. The Dac Box E is a perfect match for vintage electronics and tube amplification. If you have a system that is a bit rolled off and you want to inject some high top end this is your unit period ! Don't let the low price fool you or think that this unit won't cut it because you couldn't be more wrong. I use it with my vintage Marantz and my tube amplifier I needed more top end I wasn't getting with my Marantz CD 5004 a high end audio store mentioned to me this might solve your problem. I set the unit up my RCA cables I purchased from Blue Jeans Cable I believe Lc-1 their best selling RCA and a basic blue Pangea coaxial cable going from the CD player I purchased from the Audio Advisor. I can tell you this for a fact the sound was amazing I never figured for a low cost in money that this would make such a big improvement. I was going with this for about six months until I stumbled on another wow factor to take the sound to another level. Well there was the Jolida now Black Ice Audio Foz-SSX bass expander for $600. and of course the Decware Z Rock for $800. both kind of high for my budget. So steps in the Schiit Loki + for $200. shipped to my door. I opted and purchased this unit and all I can say is wow let me repeat that again wow ! It took my unit to a whole new level it brought in more bass midrange and top end even though my top end was pretty darn good.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Price, up to 24/192 khz conversion.
Cons: No USB
Bought one of these to keep me going while I save for a replacement dac for my bedside rig. My previous Dac's have all been in the lower to mid end so this review is based on that level- Arcam, Cambridge Audio, Beresford etc. 
What would you expect for approx $80 (I paid £60 so look around rather than just Amazon) for any audio product? Well these days it seems that you can expect more and more... Technology and price wars is giving us audiophiles with shallow wallets lots more options. This little Dac made in Austria comes very well packaged and is about the size of two cigarette packs stuck together. A standard cheap wall wart is supplied and no other cables included. No USB, which is fine for me as I prefer to use spdif converters for PC use. So what you get inside the dac is nothing that doesn't need to be in - just the D/A conversion. Inside there is the Texas Instruments TLV320DAC23 and Cirrus Logic CS4344. Although you can use 24/192 khz with the coaxial input, I personally don't see any need. It is indeed impressive for such a cheap component but in my experience with pc audio 16 bit is all you need, unless you have a collection of HD tracks. Otherwise all you are doing is putting extra strain on your pc and slowing it down. 
Streaming music from Spotify premium and the sound is nice, I'm struggling to find negatives... The low end goes deep and is nicely pronounced. The top end sparkles. The mid range is smooth and voices sound natural. The smoothness goes right to the top and the sound is not grainy at all. (which I have heard before in cheap dacs and older machines) The soundstage is neither wowing me nor making me want more. 
Now to the nitty gritty and fickle side of me :) The bass could be tighter, there is very slight blurring when the music gets complicated and there could be more space between the instruments. But!, this is compared to much more expensive machines. 
But lets get serious folks, for $80 - $100 you are going to be very happy. If this is your first Dac to upgrade your pc soundcard then you are going to be blown away! Second more, it looks and feels well made. Sits very neatly on your desktop or placed on top of your hifi. Its also small enough to be hidden away
Perfect for noobs wanting to spend more of their budget on the amp and headphones, or anyone wanting a little dac for a bedside rig or such-like.
Edit. A month later and this little Dac has kept me from upgrading... If you have a nice spdif converter this dac is as good as it gets before you are willing to fork out loadsa wonga. And even then make sure you've got enough resolving transducer at the ready :)
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One comment, without rude intention.
You were aware this didn't support USB right? 
This company didn't include USB until about the time of the iPhone.
Yes, I was aware :) 


Headphoneus Supremus
Cons: 0.7 vrms output
It works alright with a preamp. Sounds pretty good.
If you want to plug it straight into the back of a headphone amp, you'll be reaching for the gain switch.