Hello everyone. I have the Letshuoer LR - Nebula upgrade cable with a 4.4mm termination, here with me. The cable is pre-equipped with either the 3.5mm or the 4.4mm termination and is non-removable. You may purchase either of them. The make and build is 6N monocrystalline copper, available via the Letshuoer website at 165 USD. It is currently discounted and priced at 99 USD. The cable comes with a resin-coated black carry case, like the case provided along with the most recent Letshuoer releases.
Here are some of the technical specs for quick reference
- 0.78mm dual-pin connector
- Taiwanese 6N monocrystalline copper strands, diameter of 0.08mm
- Soft steel memory ear hooks
- Proprietary silver-infused solder blend
- Balance pairing construction with one positive core and two negative cores to reject RF noise.
- High-quality gold-plated connectors
The cable is provided to me by Letshuoer in exchange for my honest opinion. Letshuoer allowed me to express my views independently. The same is the case with any other product I have received from them.
Build Quality
The build is sleek and supple. Neither weighty nor slim without a tendency to tangle. The cable appears like a regular 4-core cable but the quality feels premium. No microphonics were exhibited throughout my testing time. The cinch/ slider serves the intended purpose. At times I had a feeling of damaging the cable while sliding the cinch up/down as the cinch holds the cable a little tighter than average. The 2-pins L and R are much elongated horizontally - useful with the IEMs with a more recessed 2-pin structure like the Final A5000 and Dunu DaVinci. This way, the Nebula is more versatile than the after-market cable I have in my possession such as Kinera Leyding.
The 2-pin ends L & R of the Kinera Leyding do not insert themselves into the recessed pin structure of the Final A5000 and Dunu DaVinci. And the issue is now resolved with the Nebula cable.
I tested the Nebula cable with various IEMs in my collection. Here are the impressions using some noteworthy IEMs with a better-quality stock cable that facilitated a more meaningful comparison. The list is as follows - in no specific order of the price or my favorites.
Letshuoer Cadenza 4
Letshuoer S15
Juzear 61T
Dunu x Gizaudio DaVinci
Kinera Idun Golden 2.0
Final Audio A5000
Aful Performer 8
BQEYZ Winter
Hidizs MP145
Kefine Klanar
Letshuoer S08
Before I detail the sound quality with specific IEM pairings, I would like to highlight one thing that didn't impress me at the start - the ear hook design. The soft steel memory ear hook design implemented here can be molded according to the shape/ fit of the IEM. I wasn't impressed at first and got myself used to it over time and I feel that it should not influence the reader to make an informed decision. You may like it. I must be honest that with the time I have spent overall, I am less bothered now than I was at the beginning. So, the design could be a very subjective issue.
Also, Letshuoer has an arsenal of differently shaped IEMs like S15, S12, and S08 compared to their regular shaped IEMs like the Cadenza 4, and DZ4. It is no wonder that Letshuoer has come up with this design accommodating to their various IEMs instead of letting the design be aggressive on the ear or the opposite. I dig it.
The following is strictly my personal opinion and may not be a similar case for others - the ear hook design was more of a hassle than comfort to me personally due to 2 reasons - one being the weight of the soft steel pulling the IEM out of my ear at times especially the extremely lightweight IEMs like the Final A5000 and two, changing and molding between various IEMs at a given time is not a pleasurable experience. So, that is the only issue I noticed as far as the build and ergonomics are concerned. The build and feel otherwise is excellent and appear premium considering the price point – Again a subjective opinion and may vary between the users.
In the upcoming sections, I will focus on the sound aspects pairing with the IEMs rather than the build quality comparisons between the cables. I tried to bring in only the differences I noticed during my testing. In most cases, when it comes to soundstage and imaging, there was no big difference. So, I didn’t cover that aspect specifically. With that said, here we go:
General Impressions of The Sound:
The cable is of copper made; however, I always had the feeling that it never behaved like one. In general, the notion is that the copper cable boosts the lower frequencies while taming the upper frequencies and is best suited to tame the upper frequencies of the brighter IEMs a notch down. My notion was destroyed when it started performing just the opposite - the treble including the air frequencies is just rightly boosted, the Bass is tightened in some cases, and noticed an uplift in resolution and transient response in general. The bass is the least affected in most use cases. These in general pair excellent with the IEMs that have early treble roll-off at 10khz and so on - Time and again this was proven against various IEMs I have tested. Let's go to the specifics of pairing with each of the IEMs.
I tested the stock and the Nebula with 4.4mm termination using Onix Alpha as the source. I have been listening to this pair, with Dunu DaVinci and with the Final A5000 more than any other IEM. I already posted my impressions with C4 on FB, and I can't put it any better now. These are my final impressions too.
This cable makes the Cadenza 4 much closer to perfect to my ears - a kind of reference-grade for critical listening. It shifts the balance a little onto the treble side, but not too much. There is an uplift in the entire frequency response that includes note weight and makes the vocals a little more forward in comparison. The midrange is still intact with the great tone and details. Improves the micro-contrast, details, air, and extension a bit better compared to stock cable. The subtle changes are impactful overall. The bass line is slightly better defined but when it comes to depth and slam, I didn't notice an impactful change. I heartfully recommend this cable pairing against Cadenza 4.
I tested with 4.4mm termination on both using Onix Alpha as the source. I felt the S15 is more balanced, mature, and soothing with the stock cable compared to the Nebula. The brightness has increased slightly, and I don't recommend this pairing, especially with treble extended tracks.
The balance and matured sound with the stock cable sounded perfect to my ears and there's a slight shift toward the treble affecting the natural tone of the IEM in some treble-focused tracks. Also, noticed a slightly over-elevation of air frequencies in tracks like
Leave Them All Behind - Ride. If you prefer more brightness, you may upgrade the S15 with this cable which isn't bad in the first place, but I am happy with the stock cable.
I tested with 4.4mm termination on both using Onix Alpha as the source. There is a slight improvement in transient response, resolution, and crispy detail going from the stock cable to Nebula. Transient response is the more impactful among the above. The other 2 are subtle.
Fortunately, the treble behaved the same between the two. In the stock form itself, there is an extended airy treble. However, the changeover brought very little impact on brightness. It is on the upper side only but very manageable unlike the shifting of balance with S15. Also, the airiness has a slight subtle improvement as well. Bass impact, depth and slam are relatively the same with both cables.
I tested with 4.4mm termination on both using Onix Alpha as the source. The cable behaves interestingly with the DaVinci. It reduces the lower mid-thickness of the default DaVinci to a degree and improves the transient response bringing more balance. It's like the tuning has been slightly changed from the original. The note weight is still excellent but a little more detailed and analytical.
From a sweet thick laid-back sound to a more analytical sound with less thickness. Bass slam, depth and impact are still the same. The clarity in the treble region is also slightly improved. The cascading effect of this results in an even better perception of the air frequencies. With this pairing, you get 2 in 1 package literally. I highly recommend this pairing.
I tested with 4.4mm termination on both using Onix Alpha as the source. There is a noticeable improvement in treble performance especially in the upper treble compared to the stock Kinera Ace cable. There is a slight improvement in the resolution and overall clarity of the sound - midrange and treble. Bass slam has a subtle marginal improvement. Depth and texture are the same. Transient response is similar.
Both the cables pair well with the IEMs having early treble roll-off. So, these two provide a similar performance. Between Leyding and Nebula, there is a slight improvement in resolution and detail retrieval - More clean sounding with Nebula. Nebula is slightly smoother and airier sounding compared to Leyding. Other than this I didn't notice a difference between the two.
Final A5K comes with a default 3.5mm single-ended termination. Hence the source is changed from Onix Alpha to Tempotec V6 + Topping NX7 to ensure there is no difference in power delivery between the stock 3.5mm cable and Nebula 4.4mm termination. This cable improves the resolution, and details over the stock. I was able to perceive a tad better detail with the Nebula.
This IEM by default has a bass-boosted neutral bright tonality and the cable introduces slightly more harmonics in the treble region, especially with heavy treble-focused tracks but not to a point of sibilance/ inconvenience - If you have enjoyed the sound with the stock cable, it is very much manageable with this upgrade cable. The note weight is as crispy as the stock - a tad cleaner and clearer overall providing a slightly better perception of transient changes. Tonality is unaffected. The bass slam is slightly better with the upgraded cable. I enjoyed listening to Final A5K using this cable.
Aful Performer 8 comes with a default 3.5mm single-ended termination at the time of its initial release. The source used is Tempotec V6 + Topping NX7 to ensure there is no difference in power delivery between the stock 3.5mm cable and Nebula 4.4mm termination. P8 by default has some congestion in the airy region. There is a slight improvement with Nebula cable and makes the sound a little smoother as a result. It does not sound jam-packed like it used to in some treble-heavy tracks with a lot of hi-hat cymbals, and percussions going on. A subtle but nice improvement I would say.
Dynamic transients can be better perceived and there is a slight improvement as well. Note weight appears to be the same. The upper mids are energetic but slightly better controlled as well with upper registers of violins sounding a little harsh at times with stock cable. I believe the improved airiness helps in a way to pacify the upper mid-sharpness. Bass slam is slightly on the better side. Overall, an improvement with this cable and I recommend this pairing.
I tested with 4.4mm termination on both using Onix Alpha as the source. This IEM on default has a hefty note weight coupled with great dynamics. There is smoothness with good bite and energy in the way the upper mids and treble are tuned. Does not go over the top and stays in control. But lacks some airiness and feels congested with some treble-heavy tracks. With Nebula, the IEM sounds more airier resulting in a much smoother upper mids and treble. The resolution has a better improvement from the hefty note weight to a better crispy note weight - A subtle but impactful change. Slight improvement in the transient response as well. Didn't notice much difference with the Bass but gets tightened a bit. Highly recommend this pairing.
I tested with 4.4mm termination on both using Onix Alpha as the source. The tonality is slightly improved with this pairing when you listen to tracks like
Ecstasy of Gold from Yo-Yo Ma. With Nebula, it sounded more natural to my ears with a slightly better resolution. Also, I felt slightly better smooth and balanced sound across the board with lesser peaks and better detail retrieval. Not a noticeable difference when it comes to dynamic transient response and Bass. Transient response is already excellent in the stock form. But the resolution has improved leaving a better perception of the transients.
A subtle but noticeable improvement when it comes to treble. It sounds more open than the stock and airier as well resulting in a more balanced and smooth sound overall. I love this pairing. I must keep listening to this more often. Highly recommended.
I tested with 4.4mm termination on both using Onix Alpha as the source. In stock form, this IEM has a warm neutral thick sound. Not very crisp sounding but is musical with a great tone for a planar IEM. Transient speed and resolution are good but not the best compared to the competition like the Hidizs MP145. I like the tonality and the airy open treble performance of this IEM in stock form compared to MP145.
Changing to Nebula, the airiness has improved subtly as it was already good in stock form. I can hear improved smoothness and less congestion in the upper treble region. The note weight has become slightly sleek, crispy, and tight compared to stock form. The warmth is slightly missing as a result. Some may like it, and some may not. However, the transient response has improved. No noticeable difference with the bass. I liked this pairing, and you may try this pairing as well.
S08 has a good bass boost and a soothing upper mids/ treble. Not the best when it comes to detail retrieval and treble extension in stock form. With Nebula, there is a slight improvement in the treble airiness and resolution. Dynamics are improved as well resulting in better detail retrieval. The energy is still in check, however, it sounded smoother with the stock cable. Bass quantity and quality appear to be the same - A little tightness can be noticed but very subtle. Note weight sounded a little crispier and more precise. I enjoyed listening to the details of this pairing that are somewhat hidden in plain sight with the stock cable. I recommend this pairing.
Review Closing Thoughts
Over the period I bought quite a few upgrade cables, the pricier one being the Kinera Leyding. I made up my mind that this is the best I could invest when it comes to cables - Any further spend over and above the Leyding, should go towards an IEM or a source rather than a cable. My notion was changed to an extent when I started listening to Nebula because of the sonic differences I noticed over and above the Leyding. Every IEM I paired with the Nebula had a subtle and noticeable improvement except for the S15.
I am more impressed with the sound quality when paired with Cadenza 4, Dunu DaVinci, Hidizs MP145, and BQEYZ Winter. This cable improves the treble performance and synergizes great with the IEMs having early treble roll-off. Resolution, details, transient response, and note weight texture have some positive changes too. Tightened bass and improved transparency are noticed in general. Ergonomically, I believe you will get used to the ear hook design over time as I did. Considering the sonics, I highly recommend this cable for its offer.
Currently discounted at 99 USD available on the Letshuoer website, I don't think the deal gets any better than this. I consider this one of the best investments in the audiophile journey.