Reviews by Thlayli


New Head-Fier
Pros: Great sound, amazingly clear mic
Cons: Price, lack of mic mute
When i first heard the Hotel California on this, it felt like i found salvation. This set is the first true audiophile grade thing i ever purchased for myself and let me tell you IT IS AMAZING. I saw the light with this, when compared to the regular headset you get from razer or creative this makes everything sound like crap. I'm not going into details other than just look up some DT 770 reviews which just about sums this thing up. Bass is strong, but not over powering, everything sounds crisp and clean coming out the default setting (I will have to play around with these a bit). The first thing i've noticed is the amount of other sound you pick up that you never noticed was there. youtube videos, mostly live, will have this opening hiss from turning on the recording equipment and i swear i heard some fans humming the Hotel California during the instrumentals. Mic is very telling, hearing myself on this makes me understand how hard it is to do broadcasting, as the sound coming out of my mouth sounds nothing like what i imagined.
------- PACKAGING ----------
When it first comes out the box the clamps might be a bit tight so you MUST break these in a bit. The thing comes with a nice little carrying case, but the new models will NOT have a usb converter like most of the pictures show. It comes in a simple box that just holds the case in, no messy plastic to mess with, not cutting anything with a knife, except the shipping box.
The real issue is price. If you can get these at a reasonable price do get them, but only if they are around 300 (200 for headphones, 40-60 for mic, rest profit/incentive for company). The only other problem i have with this is the lack of a mute. For me it's not a huge problem, but it would be nice to be able to switch mic on and off if needed.