Reviews by The Viking

The Viking

New Head-Fier
Pros: Flat, revealing, articulate, yet warm & forgiving. Comfy.
Cons: Chunky cable. Uninspiring looks. Gets toasty in there.
These DT-250 (80 ohm) are just flat-out the best sub-$500 headphones I've yet heard. I found the Shure SRH840s way too bright, and returned my DT770s for being too dark. 
The soundstage is as wide as you could hope for with closed-back cans. Separation is really great, and I find them to be analytical enough to reveal all the detail I care to hear, without turning suboptimal recordings (or encodings) into garbage.
I thought they sounded pretty nice before connecting them to my Nuforce Icon UDAC-2. Really, they're not that much better than a $100 pair of Sonys until they're amped.
They don't throw down bass in the quantity of the head-subwoofers known as the DT-770, but they dig plenty deep and produce accurate bass, if not the most bone-rattling.
The major reason I took my DT-770s back was that the mids were just absent; pushed back into a corner. These are much more forward, so vocal-heavy recordings sound vastly better than on the 770s. They're also a lot smaller and make you look less like an astronaut.
Another thing about the 770s is that there was a bit of "echo chamber" inside the headphones that I found distracting, which is completely absent from the 250s.
The 250s are super comfy. Other than the fact that I have to let my ears breathe peariodically, I could and often do wear these all day.
I don't know why other headphones get so much more attention, honestly.