Reviews by Qui audit

Qui audit

Pros: Very 'true' to the recording, surprising separation and soundstage for a closed can, comfortable, easily driven, portable.
Cons: Require some amping for the bass presence some may like,do heat up after a while.
These just arrived a couple of hours ago so I can't say anything conclusive yet but so far I'm loving them! I've been wearing them for an hour now (with glasses on) and had no problems with fit or comfort, the cans are starting to heat up a tad though, that could be due to me being in quite a hot room. I find myself preferring my HD598s for most tracks so far but it's a close call on many and for the money I don't think I could have found a better buy! Admittedly there is a slight lack of bass but not to the extent that some people have been claiming. The ZX700s still produce a noticeable and 'thump' when necessary. Definitely far more controlled than the XB line, but that's to be expected. 
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How does this differ from the Sony 7510?
ecost, macmall are about $80 at this moment. They are legit companies. ZX700 had been around $80 for a long time, then, price went up.
Qui audit
Qui audit
I bought mine in the UK so this is an approximate price in the US, it appears that they're cheaper here. I bought them off Amazon myself, I was however expecting to pay around £80 ($110) and even if they had cost that much I'd say they're very good value.

I don't know how it compares to the 7510, having not owned one. It's very neutral, slightly lacking in bass presence but it more than makes up for it with the accuracy of the bass and the 'punch' as I like to describe it. Soundstage is left-centre-right but the instrument separation is good and there's some 'depth' to the music, good for a closed can.