Reviews by Ptruslow


Pros: decent bass, present mids, good soundstage
Cons: lack of sub-bass, absolutely no isolation
take what i have to say with a grain of salt. i do not own them, but i merely auditioned them at school.
 i was rather skeptical about them at first, but they are not bad. i see their sound sig as something like the monoprice 8320. they have a decent of bass, without being a fart cannon, although it does not extend very well. the mids are good, especially with acoustic guitars, and the highs were present without being too shrill or sibilant. these are no match for a good iem or can, i would even choose my monoprice 8320 iem's over them, but as ear buds go, they are probably the best earbud i have ever listened to. 
one thing i thought best to leave until the end, the isolation is completely nonexistent. you will hear everything around you. i found that i had to turn the volume up more than i would like to fight against the background noise i was in, so i would not say there a viable option for me as portables if in a public place. i will still revert back to my 8320 or m50


Pros: it improves sound quality when used in conjunction with a decent amp
Cons: could either be lower profile and have a snap in, button release like the l3
it is simple it does exactly what it was designed to do and nothing else. the build however is incredible. i held it up to the l1 my freind has and the difference in the quality and size of cable etc is night and day. if you need a LOD it is great for portable rigs but doesn't do anything other LODs do, it just seems like it will outlast your needs for it.


Pros: powerful enough for most headphones, clear enough for casual listeners
Cons: creates some static but should be noticable on sensitive IEM's, case could be better
the sound quality was without fault that i could find. to my ear it improved the soundstage by a bit, improved the clarity by a bit and improved the power by alot. in conjunction with the L9 and an ipod nano 6g i absolutely love how it sounds. i am a basshead so naturally i searched for a way to upload a custom eq to my ipod so don't really use the amp eq but my favorite eq on the amp would be the blue as it adds bass without distorting it. the red eq i found to be muddy and i did not like it very much at all. that said if you use it with an ipod i think that the eq isn't worth much noting. it is however great for bassheads because the increased power is just what my ears had been wanting to feel, in addition to hearing!
i think that although it seems to have a good build quality that there are a few design things that could be improved. to start i wish it had a casing similar to that of the e5 but with the sound of the e6, in a nutshell put the guts of the e6 in the body of an e5 and clean up the side buttons a bit and you're good to go. one thing i do like, however is that this thing is weightless! the casing is clean but i dislike the chrome paint on the corner. if you want it to look like metal, make out of metal, that is all. 
Value/reccomendability (I think i invented a word there)​
i believe that this is a great value, it increases the power of headphones and the clarity by what i hear as a decent amount. as for the reccomendability i have already reccomended it to one person, who has bought it and i will be showing it to a freind who recently bought beats pro. to clarify, he did not pay full price for them, he paid $150 for them used from a freind, which even i see as worth the money, although i do not agree with the media attention these overpriced headphones recieve.


Pros: very light headphones; good bass
Cons: pads not deep enough, lack of treble. no "sparkle" in highs. bass is slightly muddy
in a nutshell, i find my head bobbing with these headphones on. now onto the specifics.
these headphones look great. they look so much better that other headphones i have seen. if you do not like it to stand out, then these are not for you.
if you do not have ears that stick out more than normal, like i do, then these headphones are extremely comfortable. as my ears touch the inside of the ear cups, they become uncomfortable after about an hour, i am seeking a solution
sound quality. 
the bass is good and forward, the mids are where they need to be. the real problem is that there is a lack of highs. it will produce high frequency sound, but it lacks the "sparkle" that i found in my new cans, the ath-m50s/le
these things are built well, the flaw that was previously in the building process has been fixed, and i think these cans will last me quite well. the cables are removable. the only design flaw. the cable that passes the signal to the right ear may wear out, as it is bent a bit by the frame. if it does, i am happy to have a warranty.
i think i have an idea for the comfort, creating a spacer shaped like the piece that clips into the cans. they feel great, but were not made deep enough. i would glue the spacer to the pads and it should be ok
I just picked these up on a whim when buying paper goods at Costco ($79). Before putting them in my cart, I did a quick review check on my iPhone. Exited to get home for a pleasant surprise and I was let down. Tons of bass!!! Muddy bass that distorted everything else. If that's what you like then they are a great value. I quickly plugged in my IEM Jays - q-Jays for a comparison and the even though the bass is subdued on the the Jays, the rest of the register just kicked the V-Moda's butt. I listen to 5 different kinds of music to be sure, packed up the cans and put them in my car to be returned. I'd have to imagine it would be worth the extra $50 to get the AT M-50's. However, this side bar isn't helping me decide between the AKG-550 or Ultrasone Pro-900.
ath-m50 is definitely worth it, i love my m50's i have the limited edition and love them. against iems for sound quality there is no contest, but i truly think their fatal flaw is that the pad isn't deep enough.