Reviews by nagpf


New Head-Fier
Pros: Solid Build Quality. amazing choice of tips. long cable.
Cons: sound on iphone is terrible.
I bought these on the recommendation of the many reviews on this site and amazon. I purchased it in the apple store and have owned them now for almost 2 years.And frankly am disappointed.
Myhouse growing up was an audiophile's dream. MAny rooms with very high end systems. My Folks are audiophiles, I appreciate good sound but live in an old appartment and can't enjoy. 
Davis and BW speakers are my favourite. I like sound that is rich.
And these headphones sound awful on the iphone. They do sound a little better on my microsoft surface which is of a higher resistance and power. 
This is going to shock a few headfiers, but honestly the $35 apple earpod's sound KILL these. Like no contest. Now if only they would fit well like the RHA's which are a little heavy but ergonomically great. 
I should point that 6 months in I had a few problems and RHA replaced them with a new pair. Their service is impecable. as is their build quality. But when I sit on my balcony with a rhum and coke and want to enjoy some pop, classical or rock or even hip hop I reach for Earphods or Grado sr80;s.
From your preference, I think you may like a really "rich" sound.
Because the RHA MA-750 is definitely on the neutral and "cold" side.
Therefore I see where you are coming from.
The earpods, which give a muddy bass compared to the tight bass of the MA-750,
which may give a false sense of richness.
The 750 will definitely sound too "sterile" and lacking emotion to some ears,
due to its clinical rendition of sound.
I agree with Djinnenjous.  The MA-750s are excellent and blow away some much more expensive phones.  To say that the Apple earbuds KILL them is just ridiculous.  Sorry if I offend, but some comments go way beyond the typical YMMV range.
I have the earbuds and the MA750
Earbuds are ... OK
RHA are awesome in comparison ...
There is a EarPods Hype Thread somewhere