Reviews by Kevin Chan

Kevin Chan

Pros: Amazing mids | Excellent Bass | Details | Lovely Treble | Panorama Soundstage | Comfortable |
Cons: Cable too long 10ft | Headband too thin |
Before I own this HiFiMAN HE-400, I owned a pair of Alessandro MS2i Headphones (Dynamic driver, Open) and I thought this was the best headphones. I was wrong until I try this HiFiMAN HE-400 (Orthodynamic aka Planar Magnetic Headphone, Full size). This is an amazing headphones with panorama soundstage, amazing mids, excellent bass, crisp at high, lovely treble is there and this headphones is so comfy. Some people commented it is heavy, quite true, when I first wore it and I felt the weight but after I wear it for couple of times....It just so comfy and comfy is the word that appears in my mind. I listened to this headphones before I went to sleep and it is dark in my bedroom and I closed my eyes.....the panorama soundstage is so big for live just so wide and lovely. I don't really have many negative review for this pair of headphones. I simply just can't find it now. After 50 hrs of break-in I started to get goosebumps and the instructions recommend 150 hours of break-in. I can't wait to reach that hours and see what I feel at that time. If you love musical instrument music, this is definitely the one I will recommend to you. Whenever I bought a new pair of headphones or earphones, I always tested them with my Audiophile Reference IV album. The things that annoyed me is the cable is too long...10ft, it just too long for me. The headband is just too thin. I am looking for addition headband to wrap around it.
Kevin Chan
Kevin Chan
Thanks Nighystep, it is amazing Mids. Typo error
Nice job on the review!  I agree on the cord, I think maybe 10 foot cords are best for when you have a seperate AV stand with full size dac or receiver to plug them into but now that many nice and small dacs/amps fit on a pc desk 6 or 7 foot might be more appropriate.. the he-400i update has a shorter cord..  you can always buy a shorter cord since they are detachabl
Kevin Chan
Kevin Chan
@uncola  Thanks. I found a guy who customized the cable for me. It cost me $46.00 and I am very happy with it. 