Reviews by JRKO


New Head-Fier
Pros: small, cheap, bass boost & if ordered as 18v with a jumper can play any ohms cans
Cons: none that I can think of at the moment
great little tin of sweets - brings a new layer to familiar tracks when compared to straight from iPod.  Nicely balanced sound with option of bass boost.  Order the 18V for hi impedance cans and ask for a jumper to short the second battery terminal (making it a 9V amp) when listening to lower impedance cans.  Only marked it down to 4.5 stars on quality because its an old sweet tin!! 
very happy
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New Head-Fier
Pros: complete frequency range, tight sound, comfortable even for BIG heads!
Cons: cabling options
Just plugged these into my Audiotrak Im-Amp and they sound great straight out of the box.  Based on the sounds I'm hearing now I'm selling my HD650's and recouping/releasing the funds for other interests.  
To my ears, they really are that good.
I have a BIG head and found the clamping force of the HD650's rather tight but the HD-668B are comfortable from new.  I might get some plushy pads for an AKG or something to reduce the sweatiness the faux leather pads will no doubt induce.
SOUND: Straight out of the box they have a more complete sound than the HD650's.  Maybe its the lack of the Sennheiser 'black' veil?  I think its probably a slight lift in the mid-high frequency range.  But thats fine by me as the so called 'telephone band' is where we as humans are most sensitive.  Bass has been said to be light but I put this down for the fuller mid-highs.  
Insight is incredible, given the price and obvious effect it has on build quality.  On the first 2 or 3 songs i played I noticed things I'd not heard before.  Notes played on 'real' instruments begin and end just as you would hear a real instrument to do.  Vocals never seem to push into sibilance which I found an issue on some recordings with the HD650's 
As noted above, these are good enough for me to have sold my HD650's  
BUILD:  Lots of plastic, but are 'high end' phones really any different?  Not really.
My only real bugbear is that the cable options are rather limited as the HD-688B have a 3.5mm jack on the left hand cup and you have to connect a cable from there.  Sure its easy enough to make one up but I'd like to be able to wire straight up to the driver.  Never mind - for £35 inc shipping I cant really complain so I'm off to listen to them again.
GIANT KILLER? Maybe, maybe not.  But good enough to leave the £300+ phones alone for a good long time.  
Good for you! And you bought them at a great price.
Just wait 'til they break in (around 150 hrs) - you will be addicted.
Many of us 668B owners mod them...PM me if you get the urge...