Reviews by desperategraves


New Head-Fier
Pros: quality of build, curb appeal
Cons: lack of clarity, unrefined mids/highs
So, I did a lot of reading when it came to this purchase, however, no amount of reviewing can objectively explain what you are actually going to hear when you plug them in - so I said 'screw it!' and purchased my X2's from a retailer overseas for an excellent price (the coupons always get me). It took almost two weeks and my excitement may have adversely affected my opinion, because, I was expecting these to sound a great deal 'better' than my 598s.
They don't sound 'better' than my 598s. They are very different, I admit - but I wan't looking for a copy I was looking for an upgrade.
They are a little muddy and thumpy, those are the adjectives I have chosen - muddy and thumpy. I am disappointed. These were my first pair of Phillips and most probably, my last. I had to EQ them a great deal to get anywhere near a good sound. For the record, I am not a basshead; I prefer clarity - accurate, unveiled clarity. I am also not a stuffy audiophile who has lost interest in actual music and I want my experience to be fun as well, there is a balance to be achieved. If this is V-shaped, then V-shaped is not for me.
I was looking for a side-step to the 650s (purely price related avoidance) but these are not the cans I was looking for. While they are 'fun' and 'musical' they do not achieve clarity and voices are muffled, harmonies are rolled off, and where is the sparkle I was reading about?
They are beautiful and the build quality trumps my Senns and my Beyers. I did manage to fall asleep with these monsters on, and that is an accomplishment since they are huge! My only note here is the fact that they are a little heavy and I can feel them fall forward, clamping force leaves something to be desired.
For those suggesting that I didn't do enough research, know this, I did months of research - what I didn't get the chance to do was audition...the takeaway here is those of us unfortunate enough to live on the outskirts of civilization are doomed to a cycle of purchase, regret, return. 
Do not assume that I don't know what I'm talking about.
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i guess you didn't do enough research..because X2 is known for its bass, im personally getting it for gaming/movies and some techno/dance music.
i think the headphone from Philips that would suit your taste would probably be Philips SHP9500, some are comparing it to Senns HD600..and its like 75$ only, you should try that.
Try using them exclusively for a week and then trying your other headphones.  You need time to adjust to their sound signature, especially if you're coming from something that sounds very different.


New Head-Fier
Pros: quality materials, vetted brand
Cons: uncomfortable, boomy, dark
So I'm not going to try to impress you with my resume or be unnecessarily verbose here...
I'm having a little trouble justifying the purchase of these cans after a few hours of playtime - I'm not a staunch believer of burning in, but I'll give it a shot and amend if there is a change.
They are dark, too dark for my tastes. There is no sparkle, low highs are emphasized here which leads me to...
The mids are combative and aggressive, constantly fighting for the spotlight, it turns to noise when playing a complicated piece.
They are boomy - there's lots of boom, enough to shake them off my head (since they already seem to want to slide off) bass is all in the high and middle of the spectrum, its punchy and taught but there isn't any depth.
If you are strapped and you must stay under 160$ then these could be considered a good value. If you can spend more, go for something else...I definitely am.
I hope you would come back to comment after at least 50 hours of burn-in.
If it does not change your opinion then probably this is was not a worth purchase.
I only had few headphones and IEMs and some cheap earphones and was disappointed even with my IE80 but after burn-in I am absolutely happy with my IE80.
Please do share after burn-in, would love to know if it made any difference.