Reviews by deodatsss


New Head-Fier
Burson Audio Playmate 2 - a worthy all-in-one desktop audio solution
Pros: Premium Build Quality
Neutral to Bright Sound
Powerful but Smooth and non-fatiguing
Perfect sound signature for long listening sessions
Headphone Jack with Mic Input
Cons: No MQA
Limited connectivity for its price
Burson Audio's Playmate 2 is an all-in-one entry-level Class A headphone amplifier, DAC, and pre-amp. It's the perfect package for people who are fairly new to the hobby and wants a plug and play solution - it pairs well for users with desktop/laptop setups.


The Playmate 2's build quality is top notch. Housed in a brushed aluminum finish, the case feels very premium. The volume dial feels very solid as well. I experienced a bit of inaccuracy when turning the dial slowly to fine tune my volume level, but this is tolerable. What I love most is its connectivity - it has USB Type-C so you can connect it to your PC, Mac, or even your smartphones. aside from the standard RCA output and , it also has a headphone jack with mic input which is perfect for gamers and streamers.

Personally I prefer a warm signature when listening because I have a high sensitivity to high frequencies - but somehow, the Playmate 2's slightly brighter sound does not feel harsh to my ears. I've tried going on a 3-hour listening session and there is no sign of fatigue at all.

I auditioned the Playmate 2 with a few peculiar IEMs, headphones and speakers. Here are my impressions:


1. IEM: Soundmagic E11

music: Bigger Than My Body - John Mayer

The Soundmagic e11 is still one of the best sounding IEM in the market considering its very affordable price. Its as close as neutral as it can get, so you get to hear what the source wants you to hear. And yes, the E11 pairs very well with the Playmate 2.

I set the gain level to low for the E11. The experience feels very immersive, but balanced - leaning toward a brighter sound. Bass is very clean, rumble is just right, paired with a nice decay. John Mayer's rhythm guitar strums have a nice crunch to it. Vocals are rich and full, and the highs have a certain clarity to it - clear but not harsh at all - even at high volume levels.


2. Monitors: Edifier R1000T4

music: Space Cowboy - Jamiroquai

Yes, the Edifier R1000T4 is an active pair of bookshelf speakers - but when driven by an external DAC/Amp, you'll be surprised of how good it can sound for its price.

And again, the Playmate 2 performed very well. Jamiroquai is very well know for their complex, very funky, but very pleasant music arrangement - and the Playmate 2 did not disappoint to showcase just about every detail in Space Cowboy. The bass guitar showing off its solo prowess, Jay Kay's vocals sound very rich, leaning to a thicker sound but it sounds just right for me. It also does well in terms of separation of instruments.


3. Headphones: Sennheiser HD 599

music: Godsent - Ben & Ben

The HD 599 has a laid-back output with its open-back design which is perfect for casual listening. Pairing this with the Playmate 2 gave it a lively but very pleasing sound. Godsent is a very intimate song - and the Playmate 2's bright sounding output gave the song a pleasant and vibrant feel. The Benjamin brother's vocals are the main highlight in this song - their voices sound very rich and clear, a bit thick - but still pleasant to listen to.


4. Headphones: AKG K361

music: Monarchy of Roses - Red Hot Chili Peppers

These headphones aren't really my type, but I gave it a try again with the Playmate 2. Somehow the Playmate 2 drives the K361 well - to the point that I'm starting to like this pair again. Again, it outputs a bright overall sound - but there is no harshness from the highs. Monarchy of Roses demonstrates the synergy of the members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers in terms of musicality. Flea's super funky bass post along with Josh Klinghoffer's rythm guitars and Chad Smith's drums bringing the funky progressive sound all together with Anthony Kiedis' unique vocals - the Playmate 2 surprised me by driving the K361 and making this my go-to pair when listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers or other funk rock genres.


Burson Audio's all-in-one solution is perfect for the fairly new hobbyists making the entry into the DAC/Amp world. Its output is fairly bright - which tends to be a bit harsh for some treble sensitive ears - but the Playmate 2 perfectly balances the high frequencies, which makes the overall listening experience very pleasant and immersive. It's also versatile in terms of connectivity, and its interface is very easy to use.


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