Reviews by cdsa35000


500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Hi-Fi 50mm drivers that fits in SA3000!
Cons: AM Radio Sound HP CUP Design, Worst hp uncalibrate SQ ever, my cheap archos earbuds sounds way better!
I needed new same constructed drivers for the SA3000, which originals were replaced in a defective SA5000.

Drivers transplanted into SA3000 with added 10 Ohm ground resistor to up the impedance to 34 Ohms.
Now the SQ is Hi-Fi without using extra headamp, All portable music sounds amazing without fatigue! like the SA1000.
I'm happy with SQ.
Only a dampening modding the ZX700 will probably fix the wrong unbalanced lifeless brassy SQ!
Greatest Sony design bug ever and they use same design over over again!? z1000, zx500, 7510 , 7520 etc.
They must really loved and proud of this POS ever designed for deaf ppl.
The reflecting mids tuned ports ruined the excellent drivers!

- Headband is too tight, earpad/cup too shallow touch and clamp my ear bloodvessels, so I hear my own heartbeat What.
- Pulled the headband apart to lessen the clamping, but now the cups swivels everywhere, because the backpadding isn't thick enough to create the angled fit.

- There's no dynamics in the sound because what you hear is boring plastic mids, reverbs and echos caused by the 3 big echo reflecting front grills and no dampening in the cup chamber, hence the plastic mids reverbs are reflected through the front grills!

- This hp can go straight to the garbage, if I have extracted the 50mm drivers transplantation to SA3000.
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Reactions: MrTechAgent
Haven't touched my ZX700 for a year now, what a crappy headphone. 