Reviews by BigRC


New Head-Fier
Pros: When it works, lots of room, compact unit
Cons: Not built to last/Contacted them-they didn't care
I purchased the first unit and it lasted 9 months and they replaced it.  Then that unit lasted 7 months.  I called them up and they basically so-oh well, to bad.  Really?  You make a faulty unit that doesn't even last a year, and you tell a loyal customer-to bad?  Come on now.  Are you that big that you don't care about the product you put out.  I've learned.  Next time I'm buying a quality product from a quality manufacture.  I've learned my lesson from these guys.
My Clip has lasted everyday use for over 2 years and my other 3 Clip+ are doing fine being used by me and family members. I think you got unlucky.
My original Clip V2 has been abused and is going strong after 3 years of use. My refurbished Clip+ still runs well after a year. I did have a Sansa Fuze whose screen went dead after about a year. I think most electronics last me long enough till I upgrade (every 3-4 yrs). 2 of my countless number of mp3 players (another one is a Cowon D2 with dead screen) broke within less than 3 years, but I guess it happens by chance.
My Clip lasted over 3 years. When it was 3 years old and still working fine, I gave it away. I have been using a Clip+ for over two and a half years and it still works fine.
Your experience with having two Clip players each breaking within a year is not typical. I have no idea if you were just unlucky, or if you are putting excessive stress on your players.
