Reviews by bemymonkey


Pros: Bass quantity, fit, comfort, strong isolation
Cons: Mid-high peak & sibilance
I bought this IEM due to people recommending it as a well balanced set without recessed mids. This is not how I would describe the sound, and since there are very few reviews, I figured I should probably add my impressions :)

Cable: Feels very cheap and plasticky, but soft and entirely without memory wire of any kind. Very comfortable once properly seated.

Aesthetics: Can't be worn around people I know. If using in public, I'll have to tape over the "BRO" scrawled on the side or random passers by will all want high-fives yelling "Dude!" "Sweet" "What's up Bro?!" "Wazzzzzzzzzuuupp??"

Fit/Comfort: Excellent. I have large, very soft silicone tips on there and the fit is excellent. In combination with the included cable I can wear these for hours on end. They're also quite secure during physical activity. Full points from my ear canal!

Bass: Fat. Nice extension, decent mid-bass hump, but bleeds into the mids a bit. I like it for casual listening. Stronger than ZS10 Pro, C10, ZS4.

Mids: Not recessed, but swallowed by the mid-bass and a strong high-mid peak (haven't measured but I assume around 3k-4k). The peak was unbearably harsh out of the box, but calmed a little after about 24 hours of burn-in. Now it's still present, giving the set a distinctly cheap sound (reminds me of Creative EP630). This is the only annoyance I have with this IEM.

Much harsher than the aforementioned comparison IEMs.

Highs: No real complaints other than the aforementioned high-mid peak covering them up a little and causing sibilance in the high end. Lacks "airiness" compared to ZS10 Pro and (especially) C10.

All in all, I would buy these again due to their superb comfort and fat bass. The peak and sibilance can be worked around using a decent EQ, which is acceptable at this price point, IMO.