
100+ Head-Fier
And here Artti achieved the excellence
Pros: Very Well Done Tuning
The scope of the Sound is big (Height and Width)
Very Snuggly fit
Cons: Need a Powerful Source to sound good
Artti T10

Artti T10 is a planar IEM from the house of Artti. This IEM is similarly priced as their R1 IEM which consists of 3 drivers. I already compared the R1 to R2 so you can check it out on my profile, on the R2 review.

Disclaimer - This IEM is provided to me by ConceptKart without any negotiations. All thoughts and opinions are 100% honest and mine. No one influenced me to say anything good or bad.

Design and Fit

This IEM is built beautifully. The polycarbonate housing feels very sturdy and robust. The shell is on the smaller side. The nozzle although is a bit big. Although it is not something you can sleep with but it is small and light enough to provide everyday carry. The fit I would say is above average. The cable connection is a huge plus for my ears since I have small ears.

The cable on this IEM is perfect. It is a 4core OFC cable that gets the job done. No memory as such as well as no microphonics. Looks beautiful and feels like quality on the hand.

The Wow Factor

The thing that impressed me the most was the tuning of the Planar. It sounds huge compared to similarly priced IEMs. The width of the sound is like headphones. To an extent, Planar inside the IEM is to thank here. The scope of the audio is very big, it sounds tall, and it feels like the bass is coming from a big driver. And it never broke a sweat. Mids to Treble everything tuned so well for the price it is retailing and discounted at.

The desired factor

The least fascinating thing about this IEM is the power requirement. The more power in terms of current you give to it, the sound becomes more and more well-rounded. Cheap dongle DACs won’t be able to power this to its full potential. A good source will be required.

The Tuning

This IEM is extremely well-tuned. It is not a safe tuning by leagues. Artti Simply nailed the tuning of this Planar driver.


The sub-bass of this IEM is extremely authoritative and well-controlled for the price. The textures are there, it never made the midbass fall short. The descent is gradual and follows a linear fashion.

Eye For An Eye – Bob Moses

In the following song, the sub-bass reaches deep and provides me with plenty of air. It was not as rumbly as the R1 but it got the quality.


Personal – Emotional Oranges

The bass is authoritative and it got a good amount of air, Still not as much as R1. The midbass never bleed into the mids creating any sense of bloatyness or congestion. This song particularly excels in this department, to segregate IEMs from this point of view.


Male vocals are full and the resolution is perfect for the price. It never felt recessed or subdued for the bass. The vocals are textured and feel organic.

Frank Sinatra – You are getting a bit of habit with me

Frank & Nancy Sinatra - Something Stupid

Female vocals are also very well portrayed in this IEM. Although the shine and sparkles might be missing which I love. On the other hand, they are full of air and upper treble extension which give them a lively feeling.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow – Malissa Menago

The Raven – Rebecca Pedgeon

The timber of the instruments is not the highlight of this IEM. It sounds good with modern genres more. The most prominent thing is the instruments feel cold, and the body is missing.

Masquerade Suite Waltz – St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra


The treble on this IEM is very safely tuned. There is no hint of shoutiness I noticed while testing the IEM. The speed was good if there were better. The incisiveness was there, but the bite was missing due to slower attacks, and while trailing edges can be felt, it is a bit hard to listen to.

The Way Up Album - Par Metheny Group

This album is enjoyable on this set. It would’ve been better if the Pinna dip wasn’t there to take off the certain shoutiness, but it is a nice presentation. Details and nuances are there.


Soundstaging on this IEM is neither too expansive nor too narrow. But the way it utilises it is very good. Of course, Binaural recordings with added depth are a joy to listen to in this IEM. But it doesn’t overly stretch or compress the soundstage.

Hideaway - Jacob Collier

This song felt not very spacious but the stage utilisation is very good. Instruments are fairly distant and although no holographic nature can be followed but the ambiance is observable.


Imaging of this IEM is better than average at this Price.

Thriller - Micheal Jackson

The ques are clear and well spread out. The way this IEM utilises the soundstage is better than the previous two IEMs I reviewed from Artti.


Although it might not sound like a detail Monster it is revealing quite a lot of its price. The micro contrasts might not be there by a lot but the micro details can be appreciated here and here. It won't hit you as a detailed machine but you won't feel it to be underdetailed either anyhow.


I wholeheartedly recommend this IEM at a discounted price. In one word this IEM sounds “Big”. The scope of the sound is taller than the IEM I tried at this Price point. You should definitely consider this IEM before making your purchase decision, although all the options available at this price are so good that you can't go wrong. But this IEM is the best IEM I tried from the house of Artti under $80.

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New Head-Fier
Best Affordable Planar In The Market! The ARTTI T10
Pros: 1. Neutral with sub bass boost tuning
2. Better tonally balanced than other Planar IEMs
3. Detailed and clear sounding treble
4. Captivating and lively mid range
5. Well controlled and punchy bass
Cons: 1. As Planar, it lacks the technical prowess

Review Of The ARTTI T10



Artti, a recently famous electro-acoustics firm, has been highlighted everywhere for the value they deliver for the price, and many audiophiles who gave them a chance and tested their goods were quite impressed. They launched with four IEMs: the R1, R2, R3, and T10. I recently evaluated the R1, which was quite wonderful and appealing for its sound quality and price. fortunately I was recently able to obtain the T10 for evaluation, but before going any further, I'd like to clarify a few items.



*This is a review unit, courtesy of Concept Kart. All thanks to them for providing. And as I've said in all of my evaluations, the same is true for this one: all of the concepts I've expressed below are entirely my own, original ideas that haven't been influenced by anyone else. If interested, go to this link.
*I am not associated with the connection, and I receive no financial assistance from anyone.
*For the remainder of the review, I will refer to these IEMs as “T10.”
*I am using different Ear-tips for convenience and better versatility.
*Finally, I will only evaluate the T10 based on their performance, even though I will explain how it feels and seems physically and aesthetically.


The T10 features a 14.2mm full-range planar driver on each side, contained in a plastic shell inspired by Sony's MDR-Z1R design, and a faceplate made of 6063 aircraft aluminum alloy carved via CNC processing. Even after extended periods of listening, the shells effortlessly fit within the ear and cause no discomfort. The cables that comes with the T10 feels and looks like a basic grade cable, which is fair for an IEM at this price point, but it feels soft in your hands.The cable is a 4 core, 216 strand detachable cable that terminates with two pin connections on one side and a straight 3.5mm termination plug. Three sets of eartips in various sizes are also supplied, along with a storage case. According to the technical specs, the impedance is 16.5 Ohms and the sensitivity is 96dB. The frequency response ranges from 20Hz to 20kHz, and the overall harmonic distortion is less than or equivalent to 1.5 percent.


The T10 earphone follows a response that is more neutral with a sub-bass boost that emphasizes details and clarity while maintaining a tonal balance. From my experience with full-range Planar IEMs, they are known for their fast transient response, accuracy, and clear response which makes it one of the most resolving drivers in this segment. The T10 is no exception and is a great product considering the price at which it is being offered. However, what makes it unique from other full-range Planar IEMs is the exceptional balance between safe tuning and expressive details. The emphasis in the lower treble allows for a leaner, clearer response but the slightly laid-back upper mid-range around 3k makes it non-offensive sounding. This reminds me of the response like the U12t. In summary, the T10 offers an impressive combination of detailed and clear sound while maintaining a safe tuning that makes it a great choice for music lovers who value balance and clarity. Well let’s delve deeper in the sound and get more in details.



Alright so the response closely follows the response like the OG S12 by Letshuoer with a little less emphasis in the upper extension even though it extends greatly. For me the whole treble section of the S12 sounded a little too bright for me, though when it comes to the T10 the tuning is a little tamed which allows the lower treble to bring more elements on the surface and makes it sound filling while also sounding not bright. The vocals and the instruments sound extensive and airy with a good amount of presence in the upper treble with less emphasised sparkle. The lower treble on the other hand packs good amount of energy which reflects in the response where both the vocals and the instruments bring a vibrant and clear response with nicely toned notes. Though the notes aren’t very sharp or edgy, it still keeps the details on par with other planar IEMs around this price. Therefore the overall presentation of the treble region is safe, detailed and clear.

Mid Range

Coming to the mid range, the vocals and the instruments brings a good amount of air, openness and space in the mix which allows for both a segregated and linear response, specially when the upper mid range resonates with the lower treble energy and makes the response till the lower mid range coherent. The upper mid range brings the vocals forward with better note weight and roundness which helps it sound less wet and more organic. The vocals still has that vivid clarity in the mix while the instruments compliments them with a detailed exposure which makes it sound captivating. The same I don’t think I would say about the S12 but I don’t have S12 for direct comparison. The scoop between 3k and 5k makes it sound as it does right now which helps eliminating any sibilance or peakiness in the mix. The lower mid range also holds a good amount of depth in the notes which makes it sound dense whether it is the vocals or the instruments. The notes have definition but in clean manner not in a detailed manner. This is what I like about the planars, the lower mid range has no warmth and yet subjugate enough note weight to make the response bodied and fuller. Hence the overall presentation of the mid range region is forward, captivating and lively.


When it comes to bass region, it is done nicely with better exposure of the sub bass region where the mid bass also holds enough presence to keep it sound impactful and heavy. The emphasis is on the sub bass where the bass goes deep and produces sensations of rumble noticeable to ears easily. Also the fact that the punches have good impact which sounds more like pounding makes it a really clean sounding bass, and also thanks to the mid bass being present and not emphasising in the slams or thumps to overshadow the fuller response of the overall bass region. The texture and details is really great for the price which even though gives a soft response but still acts fast and gives a proper note. So all in all the overall presentation of the bass region is punchy, controlled and impactful.

Technical Performance

No matter which ever Planar IEMs I have heard their technical prowess always surprises me whether it warmly tuned or otherwise. The details are impeccable yet T10 leans towards a more tonally pleasing response which does impact the details which are still at par with its peers yet not better than the likes of OG S12 or Timeless. Though there are IEMs which are less technically better than T10, ultimately keeping this on par with its peers and elder brothers. Let’s get in specifics.


Soundstage, Sound Imaging & Separation

The stage is holographic in nature which is spread out not very far but close yet the response is very resolving thanks to the sharp and clear imaging and distinctive separation between the notes makes it easily recognizable.

Speed & Resolution

Whether it is the macro details or the micro ones, both are splendidly expressed with a great resolution for the price. And The attack and decay of the notes is quick paced which helps resolve faster and makes the overall response clean and clear.

Sound Impressions


Sony WM1A - while listening to the T10 with WM1A, the response sounded more spread out which made the notes sound more separated and gave a sense of better depth and height. The treble felt more airy while the upper mid range sounded more prominent in the mix while balancing the pleasing tonality. The bass on teh other hand sounded more rounded and warm which made it sound warmer while sounding clean. So from an overall perspective the response sounded rich and full bodied with the similar quality of details and clarity if not the same.


Tempotec V6 - while listening to the T10 with V6, the response was forward in the mid range with better control over the bass but made it sound a bit more leaner which kind of allowed a little bit sibilance, rarely heard though in the mix. The treble sounded the same and the bass impact was a little underpowered which made it sound more mid centric.


Simgot DEW4X - As I was listening to the T10 with DEW4X, I noticed a significant improvement in sound quality. The response became more delicate and nuanced, with a richer, more vibrant tonality on female vocals. The instruments also sounded more distinct and vivid, with a newfound lightness and openness. The mid-range was particularly refreshing to listen to, with a clear, well-defined sound that was easy on the ears. The treble was less prominent, but still present, adding a subtle sparkle to the overall sound. The bass was also impressive, with good impact and rumble that never became overwhelming, even on bass-heavy tracks. All in all, the T10 with DEW4X is an outstanding audio experience that delivers exceptional sound quality across the entire frequency range.



Millet - Anytime Anywhere
Anri - I can’t stop the loneliness
Kohana Lam - A Few Sentimental
Kohana Lam - Loving Me, Loving You
Uru - Kimino Shiawasewo
Uru - Kamihitoe
Kujira Yumemi - Kenka
Majiko - Kokoronashi
Anly - Sukinishinayo
Kohama Lam - A Few Sentimental
Kohana Lam - Loving Me, Loving You
Miliyah - Kono Yumega Samerumade
Rokudenashi - The Flame Of Love
Yu-Peng Chen - A New Day with Hope
Yu-Peng Chen - Another Hopeful Tomorrow
Yu-Peng Chen - For Riddles, for Wonders
Valentino Khan - Satellite
Kai Wachi - Happier By Now
Jawns - Erotica
ISOxo - how2fly
Kai Wachi - Happier By Now
Weeknd - Popular
YUNGBLUD - When We Die(Can We Still Get High)
Bring to Horizon - Kool-Aid
Middle Kids - Bend
FLETCHER - Leads Me On
Loathe - Aggressive Evolution
The Weeknd - Save Your Tears
Sigrid - Burning Bridges
AURORA - Black Water Lilies
AURORA - Runaway
X Ambassadors - Renegades
Lupe Fiasco - Words I Never Said
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Can’t Hold Us
Goyte - Somebody That I Used To Know
Jay-Z - Run This Town
Lady Gaga - Poker Face
Lady Gaga - Just Dance
Ladytron - Ghost
Travis - Love Will Come Through
LINKIN PARK - Somewhere I Belong
DJ Shadow - Six Days (Remix)
Hoobastank - The Reason
Ricky Martin - I Don’t Care
Tool - 7empest
Tool - Vicarious
A Flock Of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song
Zack Hemsey - Vengeance
Elton John - I’m Still Standing
The Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin
Micheal Sembello - Maniac
Guns N’ Roses - Sweet Child O’ Mine
A.R. Rahman - Kun Faya Kun


To end this review, from the value that these T10 provides is exceptional for a full range planar IEM, mostly Planar IEMs around this price tends to focus too much on detail producing tuning or warm sounding but the T10 is best of both worlds while maintaining a good tonal balance between the regions. I wholeheartedly recommend the Artti T10. I urge you to at least try these, as these will trigger your curiosity.

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New Head-Fier
Excellent budget planar
Pros: Deep bass
Fast treble
Excellent fit
Cons: Slightly recessed mids
Sustain and decay is typical planar
Thanks to Concept Kart and gadgetgod for organising the tour of the Artti iems. Below is the review of the Artti T10 .
All views of the iem are my own and have no incentives of any sort for the same.

Artti is a relatively new brand to hit the market with a set of iems that have gathered positive reviews quickly.

Build and fit

The T10 is the planar iem offering from Artti. Sporting a 14.2mm planar driver, the iems are moulded into a ABS plastic like shell with a CNC milled aviation aluminium faceplate.

The iems come with a nice 4 core SPC cable with a 2pin connection to the iem shells. The iems are very lightweight as a result, with a very nicely sized nozzle. As a result,
long term fit and usage is excellent.

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No microphonics in the cables, excellent comfort overall. Best fitting of all the Artti iems.

Sound impressions

Typical of a planar driver, the iems scale on power, but are fairly decent to drive easily. They are well tuned with a V shaped tuning with a very slight mid recess.

Bass - 4/5 - As the iems are planar drivers, they dont get the decay of a well implemented DD for bass. However, there is plenty of slam and texture to keep the overall composure.
Bassheads will love the bass for sure.

Mids - 3.75/5 - While the vocals are slightly recessed, there is still a lot of details and nuances that the drivers are able to portray. However, there is a little bit of domination from the bass.

Treble - 4/5 - The treble speed is very good as expected from a planar iem. There is a touch of brightness on poor tracks, that are typical of planar drivers.
Again, treblehead heaven.

Imaging - Above average imaging provides a very nicely done instrument presentation. Precise presentation of vocals and instruments are a highlight


The planar budget game is definitely heating up with the T10. It is a superb offering for the price, outcompeting some of the previous gen planar iems like the Hook X or the Tangzu Zetian Wu.
Artti is definitely promising and a brand to watch out for

Marijn Riz

New Head-Fier
Cons: the shell ain't gonna win a beauty contest
Very picky whit tips
Right, my take on the Artti T10. I had them for quite a while in my IEM collection. I personally paid around 54 euro for the set. Ordered them 23 november 2023 so around the black friday sales.
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Driver Configuration: 14.2mm Dual Magnetic Circuit Planar Driver
Acoustic Duct: Carefully Selected Acoustic Damping System
Cavity Material: PC Engineering Plastic + UV handling Technique
Faceplate: 6063 Aviation Aluminum Alloy CNC Carved Decorative Plate
Cable Material: 4-Core 216 Strands * 0.05mm High-Purity Copper Silver-Plated Wire
Impedance: 16.5Ω±1% (@1kHz)
Distortion: ≤1.5% (@1kHz)
Sensitivity: 96dB/mW (@1kHz)

As listed above in the specs the Artti uses a 14.2mm Planar driver, Probably the same driver as the LetShuoer S12, S12pro and the Z12, The one pick i have with it is it is harder to drive properly then the S12 series. So a proper dongle is really needed to get the best out of it. Also they are really picky if it comes to Tips is settled on Divinus Velvet tips as my choice.
The shell is plastic and ain’t gonna win any beauty contest with it. But I prefer how the set sounds as a whole. You can have a nice shell but a nasty tuning. But the eye wants something as well at the end of the day. Not a big deal for me once there in your ears you don’t see them anymore. They are like the Qwazimodo in my collection. Really nice tuning but the outside looks “crap”. But deep down they have a kind heart. It is very musical.

Tonality wise, If you used a planar IEM it will come across very very familiar. What a Planar offers are the quick and snappy bass decay but also feeling kinda dry at times. The tuning has nice sub bass focussed with a nice rumble But i can also see that some ppl want a little more of that.

Mids on the T10 again there well tuned and mosly on point however in the upper mids can be forwarded. It can be for some people borderline shouty but i didn’t experience that at all whit the right tips it mellows it down.

Treble is that more laid back i have to look at their predecessors. like a S12pro that I have in my collection. it stays mostly on the safe side without getting too splashy or shouty. I personally didn’t feel fatigued even after hours of listening to the set.

Technicalities are like most Planar IEM always impressive. But they also have that Planar timbre which is kinda normal. It has a very sharp image and feels decently spacious.
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Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: -well balanced bassy W shape tonality
-vast 3D soundstage
-deep fast rumbly bass
-open transparent mids that aren't thin
-gently bright, not shouty nor splashy
-excellent technical performance
-excellent resolution
-fast snappy treble
-excellent imaging
-versatile tuning
-excellent cable
-incredible near non sens sound value
Cons: -not the end word in timbre naturalness (even if among best for planar)
-some might find upper treble a bit energic
-not for bass hater
-cheapish housing construction
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Tonality: 8.5/10
Technicalities: 8.8/10
Timbre: 8.2/10
Soundstage: 8.5/10
Imaging: 8.2/10
Musicality (subjective): 8.8/10
Construction: 7.5/10
Accessories: 9/10
Sound value: 10/10


Artti is an obscure OEM company from China that was manufacturing IEMs for other companies like Letshuoer before going their own brand. It seem closely connected to Volkchoi but I wasn't able to get much more info about this IEM maker.
They've been getting lotta attention on ChiFi Love, thanks to Joel Regalado for it's find about 3-4 months ago.
Then I become obsess about this IEM brand because of their extremely competitive price for IEM tech that we rarely find in sub-100$ market like 3 dynamics drivers (of different type) and the planar IEM I will review today call T10.
Priced 70$ but easily findable for 50$, the T10 use a 14.2mm planar driver that haven't nothing to envy to pricier planar and put to shame rough sounding budget planar things from KZ.
I've waited 2 months for the arrival of T10 so let's say my expectation has the time to grow and grow.
Let see in this review if it worth getting crazy about those ultra budget planar IEM.


The T10 ain't gonna win a beauty contest and feel cheap in hands. Yet, when we look closer, it does use a special type of plastic that is very similar to Letshuoer DZ4 and S15, so the housing is surely made with 3D printer. Then we have a round metal back plat sticken at the back of the round housing which is rather small and have a long angled nozzle.The plastic is smooth and IEM is light and very comfortable for long listening. It's thinked to be use with ear hook and noise isolation is good enough.2pin female connector are quite tight, this mean we need to be cautious when connecting a variety of cable.

The included cable is incredible for the price, you can choose it in balanced 4.4 termination which is a big plus. Its a 4 cores high purity copper silver plated cable that don't justify urgent upgrade and will be enough for most audiophile. This is a big deal because the goal of this IEM is to be an end game budget audiophile solution so now the only thing you need it's a dongle with powerfull balanced output which can be found around 50$ easily nowadays.

The packaging is minimalist in presentation, which I like because the vain waste of fancy packaging is just ridiculous and often use to compensate lack of proper accessories which we have plenty with the Artti. We have a large enough carrying case of great quality, 6 pairs of silicone ear tips and that's it and it's plenty for the price.

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Tonality wise these sit between U and W shape, why? Because we don’t feel it lack anything bass, mids, treble wise yet their some coloring going on, like sub bass dominating mid bass in slam, then mids lift have extra warmth that thicken fundamental and lower mids so it’s not thin like an harman target U shape, then the treble isn’t fully sparkly but have plenty of snap and air.
We are into well balanced tonality, and guilty pleasure part will hit harder with bassy music than instrumental like classical and even jazz.

Describing the T10 this way don’t do them justice since i would like to be able being 100% hysterical brainless hyper but just can’t. Yet, they merit this way more than anything KZ or even Letshuoer. The 55$ price is not normal, we are into exceptional sound value even if musicality is more boosted than technicalities with T10. Those are bassy planar for sure, slightly bright but not shouty, piercing or trebly, as well unless going Shuoer S15, you will not find as natural timbre for a planar IEM, for me only thing T10 don’t excel is male vocal, the bass warmth benefit more female vocal density and lushness here and I can’t explain why, it is like it is.

The bass as big rumble that is thick and vibrant, the slam hit hard with great headroom, it’s wide and dense, dominate by lowest range so it’s not focus on mid bass thumping punch, nor magnify sens of speed. Kick drum is a bit dark in definition but the boom is fun and euphonic, well balanced within an overall warm balance.
This mean bass line are well extracted and easy to follow, yet they don’t overly distract or dominate the mix, warm transition is well done, it don’t bleed on male or female vocal due to fast transient response of planar driver that permit open sound layering.
Acoustic bass line like double bass or electric bass has minimal bite to it so attack lead is energic and define enough, it’s not overly boosted in bite so texture of string pulling will be too much.
Don’t expect cleanest bass, though it’s not muddiest too, it’s fun, lush and weighty, it’s not very resonant too, the rumble is about thick air vibrancy that I find highly appealing. This do better with soul, R&B, rap, Trip-Hop and EDM than rock or jazz. Still, i can enjoy most music style with T10, i accept the extra sub bass boom which add sens of physicality to music, the minimal kick drum texture and mellow punch permit enough readability, while for cello it lack a bit of low mids fullness so it can be mixed up with violin in orchestra or chamber ensemble.
Yes, we are in U shape balance where sub add weight to the slam without sounding too thin or too boomy. We have plenty of ‘’oomph’’ with the T10 even if it’s not perfectly define in roundness it can go speedy and had dynamic energy to the musicality.

The mids are open, gently bright and not thin sounding. It specialize in higher pitch instrument like female vocal and saxophone, which aren’t shouty or sibilant.
Female vocal are wide in presence, breathy and textured with hint of warmth in timbre, which make them lusher and more natural sounding than alot of pricier planar IEMs.
It’s not buttery sweet though, and some might find pina gain a bit borderline high.
The layering of multiple instrument is great. and we have enough transparency to perceive different stage of music.
The piano sound realist and have enough note weight to be felt, it doesn’t tap hard in attack lead wich is softed, then the natural resonance is a bit hazy but this avoid a dry or too flat rendering too, note of piano open up with euphony.
Then the male vocal has bright presence and aren’t veiled by bass nor thicken by it, it’s a bit leaner in dynamic than female vocal and perhaps not the best for fans of Kurt Elling which has a bit too much boost in raspiness compared to visceral grunt that should densify it’s vocal. Anyway, i’ve heard way worst and male vocal are as clear as female vocal.
All in all, very good mid range for a planar, with quite natural timbre too, it's open sounding, vast and lively and we have plenty of instrument positioning accuracy that make music listening extremely captivating.

The treble is fast and snappy, has hint of brilliance that benefit acoustic guitar and percussions and extra sens of air and openness.
While energetic, it’s well balanced and percussions don’t dominate the mix even if they are well separated, lievely and easy to pin point.
It’s quite extended too, yet permissive enough for poor recording since it don’t boost background hiss like KZ PR planars which are notably more trebly.
The snare are clear and loud without being piercing, hit hat is fast and tight, crash isn’t splashy yet well resolve too.
Both electric and acoustic guitar has slightly softed attack bite lead and texture, it doesn’t sound thin or too sharp, it’s hard to pin point electric guitar or acoustic chord than single note playing due to this.
We have plenty of micro details but no unpleasant noise artefact or texture boost unbalance, the highs are very well balanced within a W shape dynamic that is agile and lively.
If you love fast snappy treble with plenty of attack bite and control, your in for alot of joy with the T10 which is a sub-100$ technical champ.

The soundstage is another highlight
, its quite gigantic in fact (with right ear tips), its taller than wider but still very wide and we have plenty of depth even when bass occur.

The imaging is excellent too, thanks to fast layering capacity of planar driver and great transparency, you can travel within a 3D holographic soundscape with accurate positioning, something that is quite unheard in this price range.

Side note

Like all planar, these scale up greatly with proper amping. I suggest a minimum of 200mW@32ohm to wake up the dynamic and open up spatiality.

The ear tips too inflict alot on sound projectiong, wide bore is mandatory but their a variety of it.

The cable don't inflict alot on sound rendering, this is perhaps due to planar not being sensitive to impedance output. As well, included cable is excellent, i just suggest using balanced cable for better imaging and spatiality representation from a balanced source.




S12 is less bassy, more W shape and brighter with more spicey upper mids.

Bass is both less punchy and rumbly, it’s more texture and cleaner but more rolled off in sub bass. T10 offer wider weighter slam, chunkier overall bass, lusher in timbre and deeper more vibrant and deep in rumble.

Mids are more aggressive and thinner with the S12, its more prompt to sibilance and harshness, texture is more brighten and noisy, vocal feel more compressed and less wide in presence, they are a bit cleaner too. T10 has smoother upper mids and more creamy timbre, saxophone and vocal sound more natural and bodied, when their big slam in track is can bleed more in lower mids, so overall darker yet piano sound less recessed as well as acoustic instrument less unbalanced in presence texture and fundamental of tone.

The treble is sharper and splashier with S12, for me it’s barely bearable while T10 is smoother yet still snappy and airy, you don’t struggle finding percussions yet they aren’t as unbalanced as S12.

Soundstage is notably wider and taller with T10, while slightly deeper with S12.

Imaging is more analytical and edgy with S12, so they win in that regard if you can handle the ‘’presence boost party’’.

All in all, technical performance is on par but less boosted in clarity sharpness with T10 which i find more balanced, smoother, warmer and way more musical.


The F1 is brighter, boomier and more W shape in term of dynamic spike.

The bass is notably more muddy in resonance with darker thinner wonkier bass line that are impossible to read properly, the slam is loose and more boomy and dominant than warmer smoother and more balance bass of T10 that has thicker rumble with faster sustain and less resonance rebound.

The mids are more sibilant and bright, has artificial timbre compared to T10 and are more shouty, note weight is thinner, piano sound more distant and hollow, among worst planar mids i’ve heard.

Then the treble is sharper, dryer and edgier, its has a metallic timbre to it which make it more artificial and hint more brilliant than T10. Snap and clap sound are more piercing and detached, we have more lower treble noisy texture and more splashy attack than overall ddarker and more balanced treble of T10.

Soundstage is about same wideness, but taller and deeper with T10.

Imaging is on par with both too.

All in all, T10 surpass the F1 in all department, bass is more controlled and balanced, mids are smoother and lusher, treble is more controlled and balanced, tonality is more natural and musical and ultimately put to shame the messy F1 that I find unlistenable.

423766593_3633381016988999_6443386454576852521_n (1).jpg

The Artti T10 are the game changer budget planar IEM i was waiting for, it’s not perfect but nothing is even at kilobucks price.

The fact we can find these for around 50$ is just insane, add to this the great balanced cable and it’s ski high price value buy.

Those who love bassy W shape balance will be in heaven with the T10, those who need well bodied instrument presence too, those who need technical performance that hit way above it's price range too, those who need vast soundstage as well, those who lovee fast bass and rumble too...I can go on and on, it's truely the budget miracle IEM and believe me: i don't earn nothing praising those. In fact, my audiophile quest try to avoid budget IEMs which are very underwhelming either in performance or tonality to my capricious high end ears....yet, this is a planar IEM that can compete against any other planar IEM whatever the price range, and this without shame....unlike KZ offering this is a cohesive and musical tuning and thanks god, it don't go shouty like the 7HZ Dioko or other harman target disaster that seem to charm alot of ears but not mine.

I'm no hyper yet these worth hysterical praise, which I hope some will do but it seem you need to have $ earning to go all positivity my case, i loose $ and time doing this, it's 100% self less praise to help those budget audiophile finding very best planar deal, which T10 is without a single doubt.

This is the new budget planar benchmark to beat, before it was around 100$, with the like of Letshuoer S12.

I don't think we will see another 50$ planar as competitive as this in 2024, but if so, thanks again to Artti for pushing the bundaries because ChiFi market was a bit complecent in 2023.

VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ( a must for those not owning planar IEM)


PS: hum, i'm not sure i wanna thanks Volkchoi which take months to send this IEM to, i just underline it's a review sample here....which worth nothing to me. 50$ is price of 3 pack of cigarette here.

You can find the T10 for 55$ here:
Yes, T10 is better tuned than most pricier planars.


100+ Head-Fier
Gotta Love That Planar Sound
Pros: Price
Planar technicalities
Great fit and comfort
Nice cable
Cons: Planar timbre
It could use a little more midbass
Slightly intense
Evaluating Artti T10 was rather easy for me. Because I’m pretty familiar with the planar sound, especially on the IEMs that came after 7Hz Timeless. But before spoiling the review too much, I should introduce T10.


Artti T10 is the first IEM Artti has released. Before T10, I reviewed their R1, which was a 3 Dynamic Driver IEM. While it was tuned very well, it didn’t exactly suit my taste. I was expecting the T10 to be better for me because of how it measured pretty much the same as the other planars in the market with a cheaper price tag. Coming at 69 USD MSRP, is T10 the cheapest “good” planar?


I bought the Artti T10 with a discount in exchange for a review. As I always say, everyone is biased one way or another so take everything you read with a grain of salt. Also I will try to be more concise and to the point in my reviews from now on without worrying about the word count etc. If you have any questions, please ask me in the comments and I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities.


Configuration, Build and Accessories of Artti T10​

Artti T10 uses a 14.2 mm planar magnetic driver. This driver is probably the same that has been extensively used by the other manufacturers including LetShuoer in their S12, S12 Pro and Z12. One thing however, the T10 is harder to drive than my S12. It’s not impossible to drive but you should get better results with a decent dongle, DAP or something like that.

Packaging and accessories is again similar to the LetShuoer offerings just like R1. Actually everything is identical with R1 except the shell material, tip and cable colors.


The Shells of the T10 are plastic, and a very cheap one at that. It might be the cheapest feeling plastic on an IEM I’ve ever seen. At least it is light and very comfortable. Nozzles are angled and rather long allowing a deeper insertion.

Cable that comes with T10 is probably the same one that comes with LetShuoer’s DZ4, a 4 core silver plated copper with 4.4 mm and 3.5 mm options. I can say that it’s one of the better stock cables I’ve got. Both LetShuoer and Artti deliver in that regard.

Apart from the cable, T10 again comes with two sets of tips, one wide bore and one regular. Included case is a fabric one identical to the one that came with the R1.


Sound of Artti T10​


If you have used planar magnetic IEMs before, Artti T10 would come very familiar with a few refinements. Like the usual planar fashion, bass decay is fast and the feeling is rather dry. Tuning is subbass focused with nice grunt and rumble. Still I can see some people left wanting for a little more quantity.

Mids on the T10 again well tuned and mostly on point, upper mids however, are forward and borderline shouty. Newest planar IEMs moved away from this approach but T10 followed its predecessors in that regard.

Treble, like S12 and others, is emphasized. However it mostly stays on the safe side without getting too sizzly and splashy. I didn’t feel fatigued even after hours of listening.



Planar magnetic IEMs always impress with their technicalities. Personally, I think you can’t get something technically better than planars below 500 USD if you don’t mind the timbre of course. T10 is no different in that regard, it is as resolving and detailed as its predecessors. It also has a very sharp imaging and feels decently spacious. Again like other planars, timbre is not exactly the best but there is an improvement here too. If you listen to T10 after a good single DD, you notice it sounds off but in a vacuum it does a good job. As always, a comparison will give more context to what I tried to describe.


Artti T10 vs LetShuoer S12​

The similarity in the graphs is uncanny. So much so that I thought T10 is just a recycled S12. But A/B comparison proved otherwise.


  • T10 is harder to drive.
  • Graphs may look almost identical but differences are more substantial than the graphs indicate, probably because of the insertion depth of the nozzles. Shell materials and other differences also might be the cause.
  • S12 has slightly more body. Bass impact is similar. T10 extends better into the subbass with more rumble.
  • Tuning in mid frequencies is more or less the same. They are both forward in the upper mids. Vocals are intimate and borderline shouty. Moreso on the S12.
  • Both have some treble emphasis and intensity. S12 is harsher, more intense and more prone to sibilance. I usually use my S12 with foam tips and after a while get fatigued. I didn’t have such an issue with T10.
  • Timbre is better on T10 although it still has the metallic sizzly planar timbre. S12 has more air and sounds slightly more open.
  • Both are very resolving and detailed.That is the trademark of planars. But S12 feels like it spoon feeds you the details with more treble emphasis, T10 not so much.
  • They both have laser sharp imaging. Staging is also pretty good on both. They sound open and wide. S12’s headstage might be slightly wider.



I’m not gonna lie, I had high expectations for T10. If it was just a cheaper S12, that would already be a win but surpassing that? I wasn’t expecting that at all. These last few weeks, I didn’t have much time to listen to my other planar IEMs and headphones and while reviewing T10 I noticed how much I missed this sound. It could easily be a 5-star review at the price T10 is offered. However that would imply that T10 is a perfect IEM, which it isn’t. It still has some quirks that other planar IEMs have, like sounding a little dry and intense. But for 70 USD (actually it can usually be found for less than 50 USD on aliexpress) I don’t know why someone looking for technicalities would buy anything else below 100 USD.
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Headphoneus Supremus
Affordable planar for party music and casual listening
Pros: Lightweight and non slip surface
Cable is excellent quality
Price competes with KZ PR3
Cons: Upper male vocals and acoustic guitar not realistic
Too much bass for gaming without EQ low shelf filter
Price range is crowded with technically better models

Just got the 4.4mm version of these in. Tested on an SMSL DL200 DAC and Topping A90 amplifier. These are a fun planar really best for hiphop, EDM, or happy teen music. It's not for critical listening or production work. I bought these with my own money and at about $69 and a $10 off coupon, they're a good value for a planar, just not as competitive as the 7hz Salnotes Zero:2 I got at the same time. Those really set a new bar of price and performance for IEMs. My usual daily driver is a Simgot EA500 with black nozzles. Listening to them now without equalizing, they aren't the most detailed set, comparable to the Hifiman HE4xx. It's fun though, the bass has some authority, the 8khz treble peak can be hear, mids like male vocals sound a little recessed but not bad. Upper male vocals and acoustic guitar just don't sound realistic though, which is the main reason I wouldn't use them. For gaming, a low shelf filter took the bass below 150hz down, and imaging was pretty good. Also the soundstage has some width to it, but average depth. They really do sound like they chart below, including the rapid treble rolloff which deprives them of any airy feeling. Cymbals and high hats sound muted, not much sparkle.

Screenshot 2023-12-24 at 18-39-16 artti t10 frequency response graph - Google Search.png

The cable is very high quality, and stock tips were fine (which measure 5.7mm outside dimension on the nozzle). For $60 on sale I'd say they're worth they money if it wasn't for the 7hz Salnotes Zero:2, which for $24 runs circles around them. For the same price range, the Simgot EA500 is built so much better, and the red and black nozzles give flexibility for tuning. The Moondrop Chu II is just as fun in the bass department, and so much less expensive.

Overall the listening experience is pretty good, but below and above this price is better. If you really want the planar sound, then it's a good option. The KZ PR3 is very close to them, so if you have those, these will just be a sidegrade. I wouldn't use them every day, and would recommend to a friend they go with the 7hz Salnotes Zero:2 or wait for a sale or coupon because I just got the Letshoer S12 Pro for $91 on Aliexpress and they're much better for only a little more. The $25 segment has gotten so good, it's really worth skipping this price point and aim for $90+ instead. If you just have $50-$60 burning a hole in your pocket or gift card, the 7hz Salnotes Zero:2 and an Apple USB to 3.5mm adapter would a lot more fun. I use a pair of them, and my Hifiman HE5xx for daily use. Spend more or spend less than the $60 price point on IEM's, it just isn't a good segment to shop these days.

Good about them:
Non slip coating looks utilitarian, but these aren't going to slip out of your fingers.
Cable is really nice, I wish all IEMs came with this cable, sturdy and tangle free.
They do take well to equalizing if you have extra power for a preamp reduction.

Treble rolloff takes air and sparkle out of listening. Heavy metal tracks sound flat and dull.
Bass too much for gaming, explosions are annoying.
Mids recessed, too few tracks where these shine.
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Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
An amazing budget planar!

Model: ARTTI T10

Driver Configuration: 14.2mm Dual Magnetic Circuit Planar Driver

Acoustic Duct: Carefully Selected Acoustic Damping System

Cavity Material: PC Engineering Plastic + UV handling Technique

Faceplate: 6063 Aviation Aluminum Alloy CNC Carved Decorative Plate

Cable Material: 4-Core 216 Strands * 0.05mm High-Purity Copper Silver-Plated Wire

Cable Length: 1.2m

Cable Connector: Standard 0.78mm 2-Pin

Cable Plug: 3.5mm/4.4mm Plug (depends)

Storage Box: Hard Bulletproof Cloth Velvety Storage Box

Ear Tips: Silicone Tips

Impedance: 16.5Ω±1% (@1kHz)

Distortion: ≤1.5% (@1kHz)

Sensitivity: 96dB/mW (@1kHz)

Frequency: 20Hz-20kHz

The ARTTI (Letshuoer) T10 is a entry level planar IEM. So far I'm liking the companies two models the R1 triple dynamic and T10 planar. Inside the box you will find the T10, a cable that comes in either 3.5mm and 4.4mm, the cable itself is pretty good for its price range. You also find a case and some very decent letShuoer tips in narrow and wide bore.
The body of the T10 is 3D printed resin of the matte variety with an aluminum circular faceplate. It doesn't look amazing, but it also doesn't look bad either. Its lightweight and unique circular shape might not fit everyone perfectly but as for me I found it comfortable for hours. The ARTTI T10's isolation will depend on how good a seal you can achieve but it should be average and above.

Sound Impressions:
The 14.2mm driver of the T10 is similar if not the same as the S12 but the tuning is different.
The Bass: Is very deep and impactful, while not the speediest Bass it retains good speed and control in both the Sub and Mid Bass. The Bass is more impactful with the narrow tips, I recommend the wide ones with this its better but still so enjoyable.
Mids: There is bleed into the Mids themselves giving the lower Mids warmth and thickness but not overly so. Mids present warm and smooth with average details, there is a lift in the upper mids giving them a slightly brighter presentation. Vocals have forward but not in your face positioning and mids in general have decent separation and clarity with details being average and smooth.
Treble: I extended well and has good air and sparkle to compliment the lower end, details are also smoothed but natural in sound and no harshness was heard using my equipment.
Soundstage: Is above average, imaging is good with average accuracy, this still would work for most casual games and movies sounded great.

The ARTTI / Letshuoer T10 is a mazing performer while not the most detailed IEM it gives an amazing blend of warm, musical, and smooth details in a wonderful, fun and engaging V-shaped sound that Is sure to be loved for casual listening. I personal love this IEM.

What is that red headphone amp /dac?
indeed amazing...damn, it need more review.
will work on this! i own like 15 planars....
its a bit sad here sound graph W and then you its more a video review so...
man, life is unfair!