hitchhiker reviewed the item Eminent Ears Ruby.
hitchhiker reacted to SHOOTINGTECHIE's review on item BGVP DMA Hybrid Bone conduction IEM with Like.BGVP has been in the game since 2015. They manufacture from China and produce many well-balanced and excellent-sounding products. While...
hitchhiker reviewed the item Nostalgia Audio Camelot.
hitchhiker reviewed the item DUNU x Gizaudio DaVinci.
hitchhiker reviewed the item Canpur Performance Series CP622B.
hitchhiker posted a comment on the item Aroma Audio Jewel.Yes it can drive it. Although there is definite benefits in adding an amp
hitchhiker reviewed the item Letshuoer Cadenza 4.
hitchhiker reviewed the item Elysian Acoustic Labs Pilgrim.
hitchhiker reviewed the item ISN H60.
hitchhiker reviewed the item Penon Voltage.
hitchhiker reviewed the item Sound Rhyme PRADO.