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  1. hcker2000

    Sansa View?

    I just got a chance to run to best buy and see if they have the view. The indeed did have a view setup for display. The only problem was it was in another language (the menu's). So that sucked but it gave me a good idea of the player as they had video and a couple mp3's on there. The video...
  2. hcker2000

    Sansa View?

    The only thing I have against the fuze is that the screen is a little small for watching video on. 1.8" inches I think it is. If the view has the same bookmark features then I am willing to give up some audio quality so i can view videos. I really hope some one with the view can let me...
  3. hcker2000

    Sansa View?

    I am trying to find a new mp3/video player. I listen to audio books every day so it needs to be able to bookmark my spot. I also would like to watch video on it when I am waiting for what ever to happen. The 2.5" screen is fine for me. Does any one know the bookmarking situation on the Sansa...
  4. hcker2000

    KSC75 storage?

    Quote: Originally Posted by young&wild Cheap plastic soap case i got from the local supermarket. Great idea. Now next time I am there I will check to see what they have. I am sure they are durable but seeing as how they are the best headphones I have ever had I am not going...
  5. hcker2000

    KSC75 storage?

    Didn't know they sold one. I am off to look at there website.
  6. hcker2000

    KSC75 storage?

    I used to keep my TI-92 calculator in one of those during my school days.
  7. hcker2000

    KSC75 storage?

    I am curious as to what people keep there KSC75's in when they are travailing and not using them?
  8. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    Lol trust me with my massive amount of hobbies I keep spending low where I can. Lets do the hobby list. Computers Electronic Design (headphones could fall under this) Motorcycles (got to love my 96 katana 750) Cars (got to love my 78 camaro) Photography Aquariums All that sucks up...
  9. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    So far I am liking the the clip on style but it is nice to know I have options if I need them
  10. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    Yes I figured that it would muffle the base some but I had to give it a try. This really makes me want to get an amp for the Image dynamic IDQ10 and see what it sounds like. Supposed to be made for precision as apposed to most which are just to move air and make noise.
  11. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    I just experimented and stuck them in some -22db ear muffs used for shooting and overall the no ambient noise between tracks is a little spooky but you lose they base by closing them in which sucks :/
  12. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    I have the ones with the inline volume and like I said plenty good enough for my needs. I am glad I didn't go with some thing higher priced and I probably could not have told the difference in them.
  13. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    Every one I know is going to hear about these for weeks. My friend has a pair of 50 or so dollar sony buds and I am going to get him to listen to these. I think he may like these better.
  14. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    To me these sound exactly like those bose ones i heard. Even better I would say. Base is there every thing is balanced. How did I not know about these sooner?
  15. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    Ok i just went and got the ksc75 and my god that is some good sound. Plenty of base and about oh i dont know 6x what my earbuds had. If any one else looks at this thread and wonders if they are worth $20 my god yes they are worth it.
  16. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    My.. Brain.. Going.. To.. EXPLODE First we have one who says the base is not much over cheap ear buds then we have one who says the ksc75s have a lot more base. the hell with it I am going to go get the ksc75's and worst comes to worst I return them.
  17. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    Ok well if I have to save I may as well save up for some thing around the $50 mark any thing around that price? I know best buy has the cheaper skullcrushers for like $40 but i have no idea what they sound like just saw a review on there more expensive model and it seemed to be alright.
  18. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    Ok I have up to $30 bucks right now and I need some head phones with some good base and sound. Is there any thing at radio shack that is better than the ksc75's for a bit more? Or even at walmart?
  19. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    When I am playing games at night I basically know I am going to have to make a sacrifice when it comes to playing with headphones on. Ok let me ask a simple question. Are the ksc75's going to have more base than the cheap ear buds you get with electronics? If so how much 2 times as much 1.5...
  20. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    I think the ksc75's will do. I need some thing to replace the all the factory earbuds that come with things. The best pair I have are a pair that came with my rio mp3 player and the left driver must be damaged as I am getting crackling in it. They have some base but I am looking for a more. I...
  21. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    Lucky me there is a ratshack about 5 minutes from my house. They are $20 there but by the time a payed shipping at amazon I would have spent more. I think I may go pick these up as every thinks very highly of them. See this is exactly what I was hoping for when I came here. Find out how...
  22. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    wow after reading more reviews it seems that every one but the most demanding seem to like the ksc75's. I think I may just go searching for a pair today unless some one knows of a pair of over ear that are not much more and sound about the same. Any one know any normal retail stores that...
  23. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    I figured bose were no ware near top of the line. I know I wont use them a whole lot as when I can use my surround sound set up in the computer room I will but there are times when others want to watch tv in the living room or are sleeping and I want to have my games turned up. So I figure no...
  24. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    Thanks. I have never had audiophile ears so I am not as picky as some and will mostly be using them for games and some times music as well. I do a lot of moding and electronics work so I am sure I could do the mods just fine. Any chance you have a link to some of them? Oh and I am looking...
  25. hcker2000

    Is there a set of headphones with the same sound for less?

    I recently tried on a pair of bose over the ear head phones and boy I am sorry I did because those sounded much better than any of the cheap head phones I have had. The bose are out of my price range so I am curious if there are any head phones that are cheaper but have about the same sound...