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  1. bbdollar

    HD MP3 players with true lineout on the player and remote control?

    The HD5 has a lineout on the body, but I'm not exactly sure what you mean by 'true'.
  2. bbdollar

    Nano owners

    Quote: Originally Posted by BodiesOfLight PS- do those invisible shields come off with out leaving it sticky if for some reason you want to take it off? Yes they do. I'd recommend the Martin Fields protector-- you pay for what you get. Don't go for some cheap one from the night...
  3. bbdollar

    recommend me portable recorder that has mic in, storage and is easy to use

    Any iRiver with a line-in on the unit should be simple enough.. they don't use that weird 1/16 jack, either, like Samsungs do.
  4. bbdollar

    CMOY vs. PA2V2

    Thanks for all the help.. I have a PA2V2 on its way now. And about the Grados... I had a pair of SR225s that I just sold, so I'll be picking up a pair of SR60s or SR80s. Is there a considerable difference? Couldn't keep the 225s because in general I prefer IEMs, but if I get to like the...
  5. bbdollar

    Best IEM for sleeping with and GOOD SOUND is a MUST!

    Get a pair of Sony MDR-EX81's. Not the greatest sounding phones, but for 25$ you won't be crying if you kill them in your sleep.
  6. bbdollar

    Next step after a Zen Xtra?

    Sony NW-HD5H, or iAudio X5. Both very solid players.
  7. bbdollar

    Sony NW-HD5, Cute Girl, Moral Turpitude

    Quote: Originally Posted by Emmanuel My HD5 shows up as external HDD every time I plug it in the USB port. The HD5 is MSC for data storage. If you want the music you put on it to play, you have to go through one of Sony's programs. MP3 File Manager is not a hack. It's an...
  8. bbdollar

    good ripping software

    Does the software you use to rip/encode music make a difference...? I always thought they all ripped and encoded the same way.
  9. bbdollar

    CMOY vs. PA2V2

    Alright, this forum has convinced me that I absolutely need an amp to add to my portable set-up. Narrowed it down to two in my price range; a CMOY mint-tin amp (would buy one off Head-Fi), or a PA2V2. Which amp is your preference, and why? I know I'm already leaning towards the PA2V2 because...
  10. bbdollar

    All Creatives 25% off at bestbuy

    Wow.. same price for the Zen Sleek, and the Zen Micro Photo. I wonder which I'd rather have?
  11. bbdollar

    Muvo TX FM or Shuffle?

    If you don't need the FM radio or don't have a huge need for a screen (you like playlists/random play), go for the Shuffle. The TX sounds alright, but the Shuffle sounds better.
  12. bbdollar

    Creative Zen Micro or M:robe 100 ?

    I think most of the bugs the Micro had originally are gone-- most reviews are sort of outdated. The new Micros don't have that weak headphone jack problem, either. It's a tough call... I've heard both (briefly), I think the Micro sounded better overall (and it has a custom EQ), but the m:robe...
  13. bbdollar

    Toshiba Gigabeat X30

    So.. this replaces the F-series? I was considering getting an F20. No wonder they're so cheap right now, eh?
  14. bbdollar

    Final Deciscion: NW-HD5, NW-A300 or IPOD 5G

    I was deciding between the A3000 and the HD5 myself.. if you're not going to use the shuffle feature, I'd go with the HD5. The design looks like it can withstand a lot more roughing.
  15. bbdollar

    Considering Upgrading from 3G iPod...

    Oh, yeah; all the movie playing, photo viewing, radio tuning features are lost on me. Wouldn't use them... doesn't give points if they are there, doesn't take away points if they aren't.
  16. bbdollar

    5G Ipod Has Poor Sound Quality ???

    Does it really sound bad...? I'm considering the 30Gb iPod 5G or the Sony NW-HD5... probably would use them, unamped, with Shure E4c's.
  17. bbdollar

    Considering Upgrading from 3G iPod...

    Hey, everyone. Long time reader first time poster... This forum's already taken a sizeable chunk out of my wallet. I am considering an upgrade from my 3G iPod right now-- both because I don't feel like replaceing the battery, and I've outgrown the 15Gb (again.. Head-Fi..). I've narrowed it down...