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  1. Kodachrome2000

    Westone UM PRO Series Thread

    bought a pair of UM pro 20's.   i was kind of on the fence; i didn't see a lot of reviews on here or thoughts about them.  however, they were brand new in the box for 179$ so i jumped based on some feedback elsewhere.   now that i try them, i think i see why nobody here mentions them...
  2. Kodachrome2000

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

    yeeeup; that's actually what got me started trying to hunt down other reviews of the combination.  while there was a small amount of info, it was from a couple people who were banned under different names.  for all i know, it could've been the same person talking to themselves the whole thread...
  3. Kodachrome2000

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

    what does the burson soloist do to these headphones?  i've seen a couple short impressions, but nothing that i felt really conveyed a lot of info.
  4. Kodachrome2000

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

    i was trying to resist the urge to buy the purpleheart as well - that's actually what made me buy the 600 bundle instead.  i wanted to start with something well-researched, inexpensive and neutral/natural so i could sink a good chunk of my money into a good all-rounder amp and then dac to...
  5. Kodachrome2000

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

    getting a new cable is on my to-do list, for sure.  not for sound purposes - i just don't like this cable.  it feels like i'm trying to run a telephone line somewhere.
  6. Kodachrome2000

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

    Lmao, not quite. I'm really enjoying listening to them. Screwed around with the foam mod, liked it, but back on stock for now. It opened up the soundstage a bit and brought the treble forward, made it more engaging, but some songs were too sibilant. Had a spooky moment earlier on the keyboard...
  7. Kodachrome2000

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

    got'em!    i haven't had my 598 for over a year so i'll do my best to compare.   plugged into my receiver; yamaha htr 5550 headphone out (it's all i got for now) i have to say i was let down - which i expected, given that it's a headphone out.   so far it sounds like a 598 with better...
  8. Kodachrome2000

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

        Thanks for the info!  Being that I haven't tried a whole ton of headphones I figured the 600 would be a safe jumping off point into real gear, and you're correct - i haven't really memorized the list of terms on the site so i should probably be a little more careful with what i say, haha...
  9. Kodachrome2000

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

    Hey guys.  Finally jumping back into 'phones.   So far I've had a few pairs - monster turbine coppers, hd598, fischer audio fa-011, and a couple others i can't really remember - klipsch, sony, etc.   I decided to pounce on the gift card bundle from amazon last night (hopefully their one day...
  10. Kodachrome2000

    Android: Neutron Music Player

    really enjoying this player; dumped poweramp immediately.  the parametric eq sold me instantly.   having a really irritating issue, though.  i've got replaygain on track mode and everything is eq'd and normalized.  when my music is playing through playlists normally, it is at a louder volume...
  11. Kodachrome2000

    Minneapolis Meet?

    i don't have much to offer - i only have hd 598's. if only my buddy hadn't broken my fa011's and my hd 238's . . .  but i think it would be awesome to finally hear different stuff and meet some peeps. will be paying close attention.
  12. Kodachrome2000

    Sennheiser HD518 HD558 HD598 HD559 HD589 HD579 HD599 Support Thread

    well, it's been a loooooong time since i bothered to frequent this forum.  big props to everyone here; was looking for reviews on varying headphones under 150$ for my little sis this christmas and found the answers i needed.   as far as MYSELF, however, i've had 598's for over two years now...
  13. Kodachrome2000

    The "Headphones That Significantly Perform Above Their Price Point Thread"

    it was at radioshack; no longer able to be found, unfortunately.   as far as the v-moda's go, you can get them at 150 for the m80 at v-moda's site or 119$ on amazon for the v80 which is the same headphone . . . just kind of embarrassing to endorse that silly "true blood" show.  easy way to...
  14. Kodachrome2000

    REVIEW: Fischer Audio FA-011 - OFF THE DEEP END!!

    Haha!  So, funny story.  I had forgotten to fill in what state I live in somehow.  I paid for them immediately after ordering the other day, so hopefully it changes to "shipped" instead of "confirmed" sometime soon.  Awesome to hear from an official source, too.   Happily a guinea pig.  Glad...
  15. Kodachrome2000

    REVIEW: Fischer Audio FA-011 - OFF THE DEEP END!!

    So from what I'm hearing, those of us ordering later shouldn't really have to worry about a huge wait time since the customs issue is resolved?  If so, that's really nice.  I had kind of expected to wait a while.
  16. Kodachrome2000

    REVIEW: Fischer Audio FA-011 - OFF THE DEEP END!!

    Also ordered.  I have my 598's and I'm quite happy with them, even unamped, but I would like to hear more "fun" cans as well and these seemed good bang for buck.  Hopefully this will go smoothly, despite all the shenanigans I've been reading about.  :)
  17. Kodachrome2000

    Bassy IEM reccomendations

    Hmm.  Well, I have limited experience with headphones in general, though I do believe I have kept my mouth shut long enough and lurked enough to know at least something.   I searched your M2s and they retail around 60$.  A good IEM at that price point eludes me; this is a new game for me...