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  • Users: nleahcim
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  1. nleahcim

    Replacement cables for ER-4P?

    Hello! About 13 years ago I purchased Etymotic Reserach ER-4P IEMs and then got Westone custom ear molds that the ER-4P plugged into. I've been using that setup ever since and have been very happy with it. Sadly, the right channel is now kinda sketchy and I'm pretty much positive it's the cable...
  2. nleahcim

    How to get comfort, portability, isolation, and sound quality?

    Hi there - I've had a pretty sad battle with headphones for the past, ohhh, 10 years. I just want portable, comfortable headphones that sound great. I travel a lot (think planes, trains, buses, etc.) - so my headphones see a lot of use. I want isolation both in the sense that I can't hear what's...
  3. nleahcim

    soldering headphone cables

    Howdy folks - I need to repair a headphone cable. I haven't cut it open yet - but I suspect it'll be the standard stranded enamel coated wire that is awful to work with. Couple questions: Is there a standard for what colors are what? Are there any good methods for removing the enamel...
  4. nleahcim

    Where to find 3.5mm right angle stereo plugs?

    Hi there - I need to put a new connector on some headphones. I'd like to put a good right angle 3.5mm plug on them. These Switchcraft parts look real nice. I found a couple fairly shady looking places that sell them, most seem to have large minimum orders or non functional websites. This site is...
  5. nleahcim

    A letter to Bose

    I have Bose QC2 headphones. I know, I know - everybody hates them here. However, of all the high end headphones I've tried - they are by far the most comfortable. They don't have the sound quality of some of my other headphones, they aren't as portable, they use batteries, etc. - but boy do they...
  6. nleahcim

    Suggestions for noise cancelling/blocking headphones?

    Howdy - I work in a very noisy environment. Lots of loud lab sorts of noises, machinery noises, lots of people loudly playing music, people talking, etc. I would like to find a way to listen to music while at work. I currently have my Sony MDR-D66 eggos at work and my Bose QC2s at home (my...
  7. nleahcim

    would anybody be willing to look at a USB DAC + headphone amp for me?

    Hi - A couple years back I built a couple of Guzzler's USB DACs. At the same time, I built a basic CMOY amp. Everything was powered off of the USB supply. Anyways - when I got it all put together - I discovered to my dismay one serious problem: it was very quiet, and very noisy. Wayyyyyyyy...
  8. nleahcim

    how comfortable are JVC HA-FX55W and Panasonic HJE50?

    Hi - I am continuing my quest for the perfect portable headphones. My quest so far: Senn HD200: ok sound, huge, not very portable, no isolation whatsoever (what was I thinking?!) Etymotic Er-6: great sound, terribly uncomfortable, awesome isolation, very portable Sony D66 eggo: great sound...
  9. nleahcim

    best 5.1 (or more) analog channel USB/pcmcia sound card?

    Hi - I need a 5.1 analog channel sound card for my laptop - thus it needs to be USB or PCMCIA. I absolutely do not want a Creative Labs card. What's out there that is good? I remember hearing some mixed reviews of the M-audio sonica theatre (
  10. nleahcim

    isolated, super comfy, portable headphones - do they exist?!

    Hi - I want some headphones that will shield me from the outside world. I do alot of travelling (airplanes and buses) so I'm constantly dealing with noise. Right now I'm thinking I'll buy some Sony D66 eggos and some Bose QC2s. Why is this? I owned some eggos a couple years back and loved...
  11. nleahcim

    Choose me a case!

    So - I'm just about done with this project... It's guzzler's USB DAC coupled with a CMOY. Now I just need to find a case for the bugger and I'm done. Here's it all in an Altoids tin: it's a bit of a tight fit - but it does fit, so I'm vaguely considering putting it all in one. But I'd...
  12. nleahcim

    good audio surface mount components?

    So - I was wondering - I always see lots of talk about black gates, vishay dales, etc. when talking about good components for amps - but these are all through hole as far as I know. Are there any good series' of surface mount components, both resistors and capacitors, for audio amps? I've found...
  13. nleahcim

    what wire to connect boards with? What panel-mount headphone jack to use?

    Hi - I'm finally getting around to finishing the USB DAC that guzzler designed ages ago... I have a custom designed amp for it that will be arriving later this week. After building that - all I'll have to do is connect the dac to the amp, and then connect the amp to the headphone connector. This...
  14. nleahcim

    cheapest place for low quantity small PCBs?

    Hi - does anybody have any suggestions as to a good cheap place for PCBs in low quantities? I was just about to send an order to Sparkfun when I realized that they just recently DOUBLED their prices (now $5/in^2). a $20 order suddenly became a $40 order and I became a whole lot less interested...
  15. nleahcim

    Critique/mock/laugh at my CMOY layout

    Hi - Been trying to get this layout as good as possible - and this seems to be the best I can do. This CMOY is based 100% off of this design: The plan is to use the regulated +5V power supply coming from the USB DAC (Guzzler's design) that it...
  16. nleahcim

    How to design discrete op-amps?

    Hi - I'd like to build a discrete op-amp - can anybody point me towards any good resources on the subject? I should mention that it isn't for audio - I need to amplify a 0-10V signal to 0-400V - and the only op-amps that I can find capable of this are made by Apex (
  17. nleahcim

    Audigy2 NX skips occasionally - any idea what's wrong?

    Hi - I just recently got an Audigy2 NX (the USB 2.0 Audigy). Anyways - sound skips occasionally with it. Well I dunno if you'd say skips, or stutters, or what. But you get the idea... I don't know what could be causing it though - it's connected to one of my laptop's two usb 2.0 ports. My...
  18. nleahcim

    anybody have both the D-22 and D-66 eggos?

    Hi - can somebody tell me if the headbands are the same on the d-22 and d-66 eggos? Are they both essentially just a steel rod with a rubber casing around it? (that's what the d-66 eggos have) Thanks!
  19. nleahcim

    any good 5.1 sound cards for laptops?

    Hi - I'd like to get a sound card that can handle 5.1 analog channels for my laptop. My laptop has both USB 2.0 and PCMCIA. What cards would you all reccomend for this? Thanks!
  20. nleahcim

    modifying an M-Audio Revolution 5.1

    Hi - I'm working on modifying an M-Audio Revolution 5.1. I've been using this thread: as a reference - but I've come across a problem: The M-audio 5.1 board is quite different from the 7.1 board. I was expecting the same board with just two...
  21. nleahcim

    are there any board mount headphone jacks worth bothering with?

    Hi - I really like everything to be board mount. Hell - I really like everything to be surface mount. But looking around at other people's work here, it seems pretty much everybody is just using panel mount headphone jacks. Are there not any good board mount jacks out there? Also, are there any...
  22. nleahcim

    How to test a sound card?

    Hi - I am going to be doing some modifications to an M-Audio Revolution 5.1 in a week or so, and I was hoping to get some before and after results of the modification. Is there any way to hook up another sound card to it and test it somehow? I have a Creative Labs Audigy I could attach to it...
  23. nleahcim

    Sources for high quality electrolytics in the USA?

    Hi - what sources exist for good quality electrolytic capacitors in the USA? I know of Percy Audio and Handmade, but as far as I can see in their catalogs, neither stock Cerafines, and they both have limited selections of Blackgates. Are there other distributors out there? And is there really...
  24. nleahcim

    Eagle question: how to use eagle with cam machine?

    Hi - so I'd like to make a couple PCBs that I have drawn up in Eagle. I have access to a large number of CNC milling machines. I was told that they will mill out anything for me, as long as I can get them "g-code" for the board. Does anybody have any idea how to do this? I looked at the cam...
  25. nleahcim

    reccomend me a mini system?

    Hi - I need to buy a mini system for my brother this Christmas. All I need is for it to be small, have two speakers, have a CD player and AM/FM radio, cost somwhere between $150-300 (USD), and be available in the USA. Any suggestions? Thanks!