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  1. Territhemayor

    Will a "selector/switcher" really impede SQ?

    Hi guys, I was wondering what your thoughts were on this problem. Everyone here has headphones, but what if you need more than 1 person to listen at a time? I really want to get a Raptor, but that's only single channel, and I sometimes need 2 headphones to be powered at the same time. So I'm...
  2. Territhemayor

    iPhone + Special iPhone Dock Line out not working?

    Hi Guys, I bought a special iPhone Dock Line Out from ALO audio (jumbo cryo) but when I plug it into my iPhone, nothing happens. Sometimes I get the RF thing (that forces it into airplane mode due to the LOD) that lets me use my portable amp, but 3/4th of the time that dosen't come up. Is there...
  3. Territhemayor

    Reaaaly Cheap DACs

    Hi, I need 2 DACs for computers that don't have sound cards. I'm thinking like 100 to 200 bucks for each. I know that EMU 4040 is good, but is there anything cheaper? And I also would have to buy a headphone amp right?(even if it is a cheapo rolls, I don't really care about SQ for these) SQ is...
  4. Territhemayor

    iPod Classic Freezing/Sync Problems

    Hello, I bought this iPod classic (160 Gb) right when it came out. I used it for a while and then just put it away for a long time, I think I just left it in my backpack and whenever I wanted to use it, it was out of battery. Fast forward a few months. So I bring it home this weekend to...
  5. Territhemayor

    Does a Dock Line Out work with the iPhone?

    Title says it all, but would a dock line out work with the iphone? Can I still receive calls? Does it disable some features? Thanks
  6. Territhemayor

    What do you guys do for your EQ?

    I know this isn't the right place, but I didn't know where to post it. When you guys are using itunes, or whatever music player you've got, how do you set your software EQ? I have no idea where I got the thing I am using, but I wondered what you guys recommend for this. (Hopefully it's not...
  7. Territhemayor

    "Proof the iPods white earbuds dont suck that much"-- from Gizmodo

    Apple Earbud Battlemodo: Proof the iPod's White Earbuds Don't Suck...That Much Gizmondo reviews low end earbuds and decides that the ibuds are the best. I wonder what you guys think of this? Forgive me if this has been submitted already or if this is the wrong forum. It's semi-relevant...
  8. Territhemayor

    I am now sure that every cent I spent in audio was 100% worth

    For my school I am reviewing after market IEMs so I can make use of my headphone hobby and get some school credit at the same time. I am reviewing 3 headphones at a time, and I am trying to make them what stupid idiot teenagers (aka my peers, lol) would buy (i.e. v-moda and skullcandy) These...
  9. Territhemayor

    R10s or Stax SR-007Mk2?

    If you have the money for one, which would you choose? This will be for my next pair of headphones, when I'm breaking into the really high end. I know there are plenty of stax owners here so I really want to hear what you have to say. Right now, the Sonys are leading in my book. However, I...
  10. Territhemayor

    Symptoms of a Blown Mosfet (BADA PH-12)

    I hear a ton about blowing a Mosfet, specifically about changing tubes to frequently. If I have blown a mosfet, how would I know? I usually wait at least 5 hours before changing tubes (with the power off) But I only waited an hour and a half before swapping this time. Now my Right channel has a...
  11. Territhemayor

    Over Tube Dampening?

    I am scared of over dampening my tubes to get rid of microphonics. I';ve made these changes: 3 of these Herbie's Audio Lab: Tube Dampers (The 30's, one on each tube) 4 of these Herbie's Audio Component Feet (The 1 inch tenderfoots) I'm using a BADA PH-12 with deep darth beyers and I'm using...
  12. Territhemayor

    DAC recommendations

    I've heard that DACs are a worthwhile investment, right now I'm using my X-Fi sound card and people are telling me to upgrade to a DAC. I've got about 6 to 7 hundred to spend, but from what I've seen I wont be needing all that (hopefully, I've seen that they cost like 200-/+) I'm going to be...
  13. Territhemayor

    Hp-2 burn in?

    Just a quick question on whether there is a significant difference before and after a 200 hour burn in on my hp-2s. The question really is, is it worth it to leave my amp on for that long, lol. It's a tube amp and I dont want to wear them out.
  14. Territhemayor

    Next headphone purchase help! HP-2s or Audio Techina?

    Hi, today my pair of darth beyers broke, so while sending them back for repair, I'll be headphoneless for a month. I had alot of other cans (3 pairs of Darth Beyers, Edition 9's, GS-1000s), but I sold them all, so now I'm sitting on a large wad of cash and I really want another pair of cans for...
  15. Territhemayor

    THE most comfortable headphones

    I know there are alot of posts about this, but most if not all of them have people looking for a cheap comfortable pair. I'm asking about the most comfortable headphones. ever. Everything from a lowly pair of apple earbuds to sony's MDR-R10s. If there already is a post about this, then sorry...
  16. Territhemayor

    How do you guys attach your amp to your iPods?

    As the titles suggests, I just bought an ipod classic 160gb, case, and Meier Move amp. how do I connect the two together? I have seen people use Velcro, rubber bands, and other things I cant identify. What do you guys suggest. Thanks, Charlie
  17. Territhemayor

    X-CAN v3 or Antique Sound MG Head?

    I cant decide between the X-CAN v3s (Which I hear are very good, a little more expensive, but I feel the quality isn't as much of a gamble as the Antique Sounds) OR the Antique Sound MG heads...
  18. Territhemayor

    Darth Beyer Amp?

    Hey, I'm looking for a headphone amp for my darth beyers. I'm willing to spend at most 500 dollars, maybe a little more. I'd really like a tube amp, but its not necessary, however having at least 2 outputs is, and individual volume controls are also necessary. What do you guys think? I've...
  19. Territhemayor

    Edition 9 Comfort problem?

    Whenever I wear my edition 9s, my ears start to KILL me, even when I wear them for less than an hour. I love the sound, but they simply don't agree with my head. Have you guys had comfort success with these headphones? Possibly the best sounding headphones I've ever had, but the ear pain just...
  20. Territhemayor

    What should I get as first headphone amp?

    Right now I'm using this POS (Rolls HA43) and now that I'm using 600+ dollar headphones (And in some cases, over 1,000 dollars) I think I should be using more than a 40 dollar thing. What I'm looking for is a multi channel (maybe not the right terminology)...