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  • Users: Wulvy
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  1. Wulvy

    Audio-gd R2R DAC Thread

    Thanks for your reply Fred. My unit is the same. I'm sure I had the cable the correct way. Out of desperation I tried it the other way and it didn't work at all, didn't harm the R2R11 thankfully. I guess it could be a driver problem. I tried doing this on Windows, did you? The fact it worked...
  2. Wulvy

    Audio-gd R2R DAC Thread

    Also having issues updating my R2R11... More specifically, in the iMPACT software when I initialize chain it detects there's a XILINX device but it's "unknown". According to Kingwa, it should detect more information and be ready to flash. As it's unknown, it keeps prompting me for a config file...
  3. Wulvy

    Gustard A20H DAC (Dual AK4497EQ, analog preamp, headphone amp, all in one)

    Received my A20H a few days ago and am thoroughly enjoying listening to it, very clear and detailed. I don't know if I believe in 'burn-in' but it definitely seems to be sounding better the more I use it.   I'm interested in the Singxer SU-1 upgrade which I see quite a few Gustard owners have...
  4. Wulvy

    Audio-gd NFB-28

    Yeah. I can't quite get over how it only happens sometimes. I love the sound of the NFB28 and as a balanced DAC/preamp/HP amp it's perfect for my needs so I'm set on getting this to work. Will email Kingwa then. I'll post again when it's been solved.
  5. Wulvy

    Audio-gd NFB-28

    Yes exactly the same issue. As soon as it is plugged in "USB Device Not Recognised" comes up. Going into Device Manager it comes up as 'Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)'. Double clicking on this shows this is error 'Code 43'. Like I said this happens intermittently...
  6. Wulvy

    Audio-gd NFB-28

    Desktop and laptop both Windows 8.1 x64
  7. Wulvy

    Audio-gd NFB-28

    Should have mentioned I've reinstalled the drivers (it's funny - on the AGD website they use an outdated version of the amanero drivers. I've tried both clean installed). As it happens on my laptop and desktop I don't think it's a driver issue. Is there any guidance online on reflashing the...
  8. Wulvy

    Audio-gd NFB-28

    My NFB-28 is having an intermittent "USB Device Not Recognized" issue. It is one of the newer versions with the Amanero interface. I've tried different power cables, USB cables, USB ports and different computers. Other inputs work as normal. It appears the Amanero USB interface isn't starting...
  9. Wulvy

    Audio-gd NFB-10

    ^ All the ES9018 DAC's say "upgrade to TCXO clock since 21st February" on their product pages (well the NFB7 is the only current product with the ES9018, the others all said it before they were discontinued). So the Digital Interface isn't the only unit with an upgradeable TCXO. I just paid...
  10. Wulvy

    320MP3 To 320M4A VBR?

    Only do this if you are suffering from space limitations because you are lowering the sound quality of your whole library as ClieOS has pointed out. On better sound gear you probably could hear the difference.   If you must transcode, it would probably be less harmful and more space saving...
  11. Wulvy

    What's your favorite " rock-out/headbang " headphone?

    325i's were but no longer own them.
  12. Wulvy

    Need Some Speakers ($300 Budget)

    Behringer Truth B3030A's  are 165 each on Amazon. They're active studio monitors so you can use them direct out of out your NFB5 and don't need to worry about an amplifier. You will need a RCA to 1/4" adapters or cables (they only take 1/4" or XLR). I'm running their bigger brother (the...
  13. Wulvy

    Sansa, Nationite, or Cowon digital audio player?

    FWIW - I was looking into getting a Nationite S:Flo2 and found a couple of reviews on here. Apparently the SQ is very good but it suffers from a terrible UI. Hopefully a software update can fix it.
  14. Wulvy

    Audio-gd NFB-10

    I see the WA6 doesn't have XLR inputs so you will have to use SE. An XLR to SE cable loses all the benefits of balanced so don't bother.
  15. Wulvy

    Audio-gd NFB-10

    ^ XLR will be considerably louder, have a lower SNR than SE and usually benefits from common mode noise rejection. It's technically superior to SE so you should expect a small increase in sound quality. Definitely worth the cost of the IC's - there's little point in purchasing balanced gear if...
  16. Wulvy

    Music Game IX

    Quote: "Love Love Love" - Avalanche City
  17. Wulvy

    $300 budget for my AKG 702s need an AMP and DAC

    Yes you plug it into the USB port on your laptop or whatever and change your sound settings to output to it (in Control Panel -> Sound on Windows for example).   Then you select the output on the NFB12 to either headphones (in which case it goes through the inbuilt headphone amp to the...
  18. Wulvy

    $300 budget for my AKG 702s need an AMP and DAC

    I haven't compared many headphone amps / dacs in this price range, but I was in your shoes recently and did a bit of research - settling on the Audio-GD NFB12. It's an excellent integrated DAC + headphone amp featuring USB (perfect for you), coaxial and optical inputs plus headphone output and...
  19. Wulvy

    Music Game IX

    Quote: "Electric Dream" - Shapeshifter  
  20. Wulvy

    Music Game IX

    Quote: "First Dream Called Ocean" - Helios
  21. Wulvy

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

  22. Wulvy

    Music Game IX

    Quote: "Basement Track" - High Contrast  
  23. Wulvy

    Music Game IX

    Quote: " Mary Jane's Last Dance" - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers  
  24. Wulvy

    Music Game IX

    Quote: "Young and Foolish" - Netsky  