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  1. rstark18

    Bowers & Wilkins PX Noise-Cancelling Over-ears

    As I posted earlier (post1263), this is my view from a total novice perspective and my views have changed quite a bit. So I threw my new PX’s in the garage for two days hooked up to an old iPhone playing a playlist of different burn in tracks (Headphones Burn In Cycle) at just slightly higher...
  2. rstark18

    Bowers & Wilkins PX Noise-Cancelling Over-ears

    I just wanted to give my VERY novice opinion. I have not had the chance to sample a variety of nice headphones and I probably shouldn't as I don't want to start throwing money at it. I listen to mostly 70's-90's music with a little bit of everything thrown in every once in a while. I definetly...
  3. rstark18

    Bowers & Wilkins PX Noise-Cancelling Over-ears

    I wanted to get a set of wireless headphone for some time as I've been using my ATH-M50's for long enough and HATE the wire. I remember liking the wired P7's when they carried them at the Apple store so I thought I'd get the wireless version at some point. When the PX came out I thought I'd just...
  4. rstark18

    Bowers & Wilkins PX Noise-Cancelling Over-ears

    So Are you still deciding if you will keep the PX? The reason I ask is I want to get either the PX or the P7W. I don't care about ANC at all but just want a good sounding wireless set that plays well with Rock/Alternative/Jazz/Pop.
  5. rstark18

    Small Earbuds (Like Senn MX471 / MX271)

    Perfect!! Those look to be the same size (15mm across). Thanks.
  6. rstark18

    Small Earbuds (Like Senn MX471 / MX271)

    Can anyone point me in the right direction? I like to fall asleep listening to a podcast. For years I have been using Sennheiser MX271's. They were super cheap but did the job. The key to them was that they were made for small ears which made them VERY comfortable when laying on them. They...
  7. rstark18

    Monoprice Bluetooth Over-The-Ear Headphones?

    Has anyone tried these out? Wondering if they are worth $60 for banging around in the garage while working.
  8. rstark18

    Tapatalk stopped working

    It seems as though Headfi is using an old version of the plugin (according to Tapatalk). If Headfi would update this then notifications would start working again.
  9. rstark18

    Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 and Wireless!

    Anyone know of any cybermonday deals on these?
  10. rstark18

    Tapatalk not sending push notifications

    Yes. The interface is great but no push notifications and also I like having all my forums I follow (17) organized in one app.
  11. rstark18

    Tapatalk not sending push notifications

    Thanks. Can I add something else to submit or should I start a new thread? If it's okay to piggy back bugs. The other one that is very painful is quoted replies do not show up any different than the new message making it very confusing to read long thread with lots of replies. I love Head-Fi...
  12. rstark18

    Tapatalk not sending push notifications

    I use Tapatalk as I prefer to get push notifications and read all my forums in one place. Lately (I couldn't tell you how longs it's been) I haven't been getting push notifications from ONLY my Head-Fi posts. It seems as though the Head-Fi integration with Tapatalk is broken. I have done all...
  13. rstark18

    Seeking an earbud upgrade to the Apple EarPods

    I went through this dilemma a while back I wanted a good sounding earbud. I tried a bunch of different ones but in the end for me the best all around was the Apple Earbud (latest weird shape) with foam covers as was previously suggested. What I came to realize is all the earbuds I tried sounded...
  14. rstark18

    ATH-M50 Anyone Else Experience This?

    In my last post I described using some foam. The foam I used was not dense enough for my taste. Well I got a new DVR today and the foam that it was packed in was much denser than what I was using. Sound is great and it looks like it should hold up very well. I'm really surprised more people...
  15. rstark18

    ATH M50 felling uncomfortable

    When not wearing them, keep them mounted on the box they came in (lengthwise). This will stretch them out a bit and make them more comfortable. Now the earpads are a different story for me. They get hot and sweaty in a short listening time and they lose shape after a few months which affect the...
  16. rstark18

    ATH-M50 vs DT-770

    Just a comment on the M50's. In my case the earpads breakdown (flatten and lose thickness) fairly quickly (a few months). This dramatically changes the sound signature. For me this results in uncomfortable highs and lack of bass. This can be DIY'd by: lining the inside of the earpad with extra...
  17. rstark18

    Steven Tyler (60 Minutes) ATH M50?

    They interviewed Aerosmith on 60 Minutes last Sunday. When they interviewed Steven Tyler he had a set of Audio Technica headphones sitting on the piano. They looked like M50's but I'm not positive. Did anyone else notice?
  18. rstark18

    ATH-M50 Anyone Else Experience This?

    I decided to play around with a few other options besides the cotton balls. I had a length of 3/8 supple nylon cord laying around so I tried that first. Fit was great but the highs were a little harsh. Bass was fine. I then found a piece of 3/4in thick foam. I traced around one of the stock...
  19. rstark18

    ATH-M50 Anyone Else Experience This?

    So has anyone else done the cotton ball mod and noticed a BIG difference? I'm currently looking for a more permanent material besides cotton balks. OR, a replacement pad (dt250?) that has the height required for the bass. I tried a pair of Shure 840 pads and they are too shallow to keep the deep...
  20. rstark18

    ATH-M50 Anyone Else Experience This?

    Quote: I thought about this but I hear so many conflicting things about other manufacturers pads on the M50 that I don't really want to start experimenting and spend more money on earpads than the headphones are worth.   I did just line the inside with cotton balls and this has...
  21. rstark18

    ATH-M50 Anyone Else Experience This?

    I try my best to explain this. When I first got my ATH-M50's they sounded nice and what I expected. Over the few months that I've had them I noticed the punchy bass seemed less pronounced and the highs seem more pronounced (which these absolutely don't need). The sound was actually starting to...
  22. rstark18

    M50 bass - does this make sense

    I've had my ATH M50 for a little over a month. These are my first full size headphones. I'm pretty happy with them for now. One thing I've noticed over the past few days is that I perceive less bass than the first few weeks.   Tonight, being fed up with sweaty ears I decided to do the sock...
  23. rstark18

    Question About Test Source Tracks

    I'm fairly new to the headphones scene. I never really was intersted in full size headphone, but my not being able to get used to IEM's and not finding really good sounding buds that were comfortable enough I've decided that I'll test the waters and start off with ATH m50's this xmas.   With...
  24. rstark18

    Does this make sense?

    I tried the rubber sleeves that came with the 471's. I tried them on both the BeB's and the Senns. It made a world of difference. Surprisingly it didn't make them feel bigger or uncomfortable. The overall sound quality dramatically improved on both buds including the bass. Now the winner of the...
  25. rstark18

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Hi, I'm ready to buy my first set of headphones. I've been doing some browsing and I'm thinking of: Audio-Technica ATH-M50 Ultrasone HFI-580 My friend has Beats Pro. Will these compare with them? I am going to drive them almost exclusively with an iPhone4s and listen to mostly...