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  1. Spinlight

    FREE GIVEAWAY: Sound Magic E30 [read rules inside]

    Do sign me up for this haha. I've only got a Senn HD25 ($199, right under $200 haha) and I'd love to be able to have a good pair of in-ears :) Thanks again, even if I don't get picked.
  2. Spinlight

    hd25-1 impressions thread

    I myself am really happy with the pleather pads. They get really soft after you use them for a while and I think I prefer them over the velour pads. Honestly, the velour were just too much of a hassle with my hair, however short it may be, being in them every time I removed them. The pleather...
  3. Spinlight

    Getting "called-out" for not wearing the Beats

      Quote:   Really? So it's everywhere now, then... It's so weird seeing all of these new styles of wearing headphones when they're not on your ears. I'm glad that if you have to take them off for a short period, you can put them on your neck or something, but if you're deliberately just...
  4. Spinlight

    Getting "called-out" for not wearing the Beats

    It's Christmas time, yay! Beats galore. A friend of mine just posted a photo of his new Beats and... I see madness. The headband is at the back of his head and the cups are at his temples like they're pseudo-deadmau5 ears or something. Is this the new way of wearing Beats? No longer necklaces...
  5. Spinlight

    hd25-1 impressions thread

    Since the 100% No Modern Talking EP came out today and I was watching the release promo and I guess Rob Swire appreciates the HD25-1, too. (If you don't know who he is, he's the lead vocalist of Pendulum, half of the new DJ group Knife Party, and singer on Deadmau5's "Ghosts 'n' Stuff.")  
  6. Spinlight

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones

    So today I was doing some homework in the commons with my HD 25 Adidas Originals on while waiting for my soccer game to start. All of a sudden, my friend asks to try my headphones and I let him for a song. Then this girl sits down in front of me and asks what the big deal is when my friend makes...
  7. Spinlight

    [review/comparison] Beyerdynamic DT1350, T50p, Sennheiser HD25-1-ii, HD25-13-ii, Pioneer HDJ-2000, V-Moda M80, Aiaiai TMA-1

    Ahh, alright, thanks. :) Considering I like my isolation, I'll keep my HD 25-1 II's and just keep saving up money for the potential HD 25-1 II/DT1350/M-80 killer for when they're released. Thanks a bunch!
  8. Spinlight

    [review/comparison] Beyerdynamic DT1350, T50p, Sennheiser HD25-1-ii, HD25-13-ii, Pioneer HDJ-2000, V-Moda M80, Aiaiai TMA-1

      Hey, mighty fine work on the review! Never knew that there was such a difference between the HD 25-1 and the HD 25-13. You're probably the first person I've seen who's compared both the HD 25-1 II and the DT1350 to the M-80.   I'm wondering which headphone would be better for rock...
  9. Spinlight


    I want to be a part of Sennheiser history. History is not just what has happened in the past, but history is the culmination of hard work and groundbreaking innovations being recognized for years to come. My first audiophiliac headphones being the HD 25 Adidas Originals, they're still going...
  10. Spinlight

    Black Friday - Upcoming!!

    Hey guys, so as we all know, Black Friday is so close to all of us. I've got a $75 gift card to burn for Best Buy, and I was wondering what I should buy regarding portability. I wouldn't mind splurging an extra $25 on some, but remember: this is from Best Buy, in-store preferred, but online...
  11. Spinlight

    hd25-1 impressions thread

    Got poured on while wearing my HD 25-1 II's out. Current condition? Still nothing short of amazing. These things are tanks, I tell you. TANKS.
  12. Spinlight

    Headphone Sightings 2

    A pair of HD 201's on an eighth grader. Surprised he chose something with such an unwieldy cord and non "mainstream" name like Bose or Beats by Dre. I should show him some of the higher end Senns, considering he spends money on designer clothes...
  13. Spinlight

    Reply to review by 'spinlight' on item 'V-MODA Crossfade M-80'

    Great review! The HD 25-1 II and the DT1350 were the headphones I'd been wanting these to be compared at least somewhat in-depth with the M-80. Nicely divided into sections so that people who want more of that particular detail can snip to it right away. Very well done, my friend.
  14. Spinlight

    What does everyone want for christmas?

    Prior to July, I would have gone with some game I would have gotten bored of in a month. But now... I REALLY want those Beyerdynamic DT1350's to compliment the HD 25's, hahaha. My parents aren't the gift-giving type so I'm going to have to count on Saint Nick... Whenever he rises from the grave.
  15. Spinlight

    New Headphones by Beats by Dr Dre

    Hmm... Well, I actually DO like Guetta's Beatport edition of "Nothing But the Beat" (please don't shoot me!) so I'm actually really interested in seeing if these will be the black sheep of the Beats by Dre line. Guetta uses the HD 25's for DJ'ing live shows and producing, so if he's serious...
  16. Spinlight

    Favorite Test tracks/songs??

    ...variety of songs. My current list is:   Taking Back Sunday - Spin Pendulum - Crush Brand New - (Fork and Knife) Kanye West & Jay-Z - Ni**as in Paris David Guetta (feat. Sia) - Titanium Benny Benassi - Cinema (Skrillex Remix) Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945 Within...
  17. Spinlight is giving away a pair of Creative Aurvana Lives: Tell us about the best live show you've ever seen

    It's Saturday night. I'm walking around the concessions stands, talking to my friends and laughing about how I had to navigate through aisles and aisles to find them earlier. All of a sudden, the lights from inside of the stadium dim and I can faintly make out words being said. "A beautiful girl...
  18. Spinlight

    Portable closed-back headphones?

    I'm quite surprised nobody has suggested the Sennheiser HD25 Adidas Originals (seeing how the OP wants some style to it)! I personally LOVE my HD25's. The HD25's are perfect for the genres you listed (rock, hip-hop, pop)! They've got some nice punchy bass and are a joy to listen to going to and...
  19. Spinlight

    digiZoid ZO 2 contest! "Show me the ZOvatar!"

    Why zo zeriouz?     Huh, I guess it takes a while for avatars to be updated.
  20. Spinlight

    iem for small ears

    If you're willing to wait a while and are able to cope with the chance of not being picked, SpiderCable currently has something going on in the Sponsor Anouncement Deals thread for their new TinyEars IEM.
  21. Spinlight

    V-MODA CROSSFADE M-80 AUDIO VOYAGE – Reviewers wanted!

    Man, these things are really THAT. o.o Do you guys think you might do something similar like this for "fair-weather audiophiles?" I was afraid to sign up for this because that's what I think I am, haha.
  22. Spinlight

    V-Moda Crossfade M-80?

    Man, all of this love is making me want to buy the M-80's, haha. Money for prestigious MUN conference or prestigious set of cans that may possibly dethrone the HD25 as most-widely recommended portable? I wonder how hard it was for them to keep these under wraps for so long. Apparently they...
  23. Spinlight

    Portable Headphones for Metal/Rock

      Quote: The cord seems quite long on the SRH 440, but I'll ask him about it.   Quote: He blew out the speakers by doing who knows what, haha. But I'm hoping that a new set of cans will tide him well for years to come.  
  24. Spinlight

    Portable Headphones for Metal/Rock

    How long is the cable length on these? I'm looking for cable length of at most 3.5 feet.