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  1. LucyWu

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    I have zero interest in comparing this or that headphone. I have been down that road in the past and it's a waste of time. Most high end headphones are more similar in technical performance than my brain can accurately recall from one listen to the next. So I am lucky that I have the headphone...
  2. LucyWu

    PGGB Offline Remastering

    Via the T+A Dac200, an ideal partner for upsampled DSD, PGGB DSD512 offers significant improvements over the PCM version based on early listening. There's lots of options (different upsampling "types") but based on 1 step upsampling red book to DSD512, this is pretty special.
  3. LucyWu

    PGGB Offline Remastering

    I dragged myself back from the precipice of 64bit/32fs too. Life's too short even with a fast computer to process and a 20tb hard drive.
  4. LucyWu

    PGGB Offline Remastering

    I'm not sure if you've tried selecting no processing in HQP and playing the PGGB files directly (HQP is very good just as a player for these upsampled files as it's gapless playback is excellent). Sounds superb, but I also like the Closed-Form filters. Also - especially is you're using DSD, but...
  5. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    I only have experience with Rephase (free to download as part of Room EQ Wizard). I don't have time to prep a full tutorial, but basically there are multiple tabs. In one of which you can create an frequency eq curve to suit your requirements. There is a separate tab which shows how the...
  6. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    Your experience aligns very well with my own. My own EQ curve (fabricated over many iterations in Rephase, which allows correction of phase also) is very similar to yours, but with a little extra weight in the low end because I don't use passive baffle step correction (I don't like the result of...
  7. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    Ribbons being such low impedance require lots of current, very little voltage. As I recall JotR can deliver 13 amps (at low voltage). OTL tube amps tend to be quite high resistance, so are current-limited, swinging higher voltages to deliver what power they can muster. Transformers are a great...
  8. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    JRiver, as I recall, allows VSTs to be loaded - a convolver VST could then run the filter.
  9. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    Except of course they do:beerchug:. PGGB has exactly that functionality, I do exactly that. It's not a perfect paradigm, especially for those who use multiple headphones and systems (files prepped for an SR1A with a decent bass lift won't play nice with already bassy headphones or speakers), but...
  10. LucyWu

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    Hi - I was wondering how you find the bass of the SR1a with the Envy? My hankering after a nice tube amp is strong but I haven't yet had a chance to listen to the Envy and I don't want to go out of my way to audition something with a flabby bottom. I know the Kallyste Amethyste offers a taught...
  11. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    I am intrigued by the two new Raal offerings and I hope they meet the very high expectations Alex has set, but as RLawry nicely said above, one of the big appeals, driven by the format of the SR1a, is the presentation that comes from the lack of a cup. There are some excellent cupped headphones...
  12. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    I have to say I tend to keep the wings close to my ears, not touching but not spread out. I don't notice much difference in soundstage but the extra weight in the bass tends to suit my preference.
  13. LucyWu

    PGGB Offline Remastering

    I've been using a combined PGGB/HQPlayer approach for a long while. I use PGGB to upsample everything to 705/768ks at 64bit (maintains the best accuracy and minimises noise shaping). HQPlayer then converts to DSD using Poly-sinc-Gauss-xl and a 7EC modulator variant. Volume control is disabled...
  14. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    I believe the Jot R has no output transformer. It is possible to make an output circuit that will handle the current required to handle the impedance, but it's not common.
  15. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    I saw a comment from the Solaja owner saying he was ceasing VM1a production to focus on new projects (that 300b amp Aleks mentioned recently in this thread). OTOH, Headphone Auditions in Amsterdam, NL told me earlier this week that VM's are available on a 45 day leadtime. I am still debating...
  16. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    WHat's the lifespan of VM1-a tubes? Anyone have any firm data?
  17. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    So can we look forward to 1995 pricing? :o2smile:
  18. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    Thanks yyzSB - I have read many of your posts here and eslewhere. Everything I've read points to the VM1a being a natural choice. Your Schiit stack might also be a good option (but UK Schiit support is often patchy in terms of product availability). The Peachtree amps were an option I toyed...
  19. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    Advice sought - may be ignored. I find myself "slumming" with my old Jot-R, my Benchmark AHB2 having stopped working following a transient mains power event at the weekend. Checked the fuses but the amp shows no signs of life. I'll get it fixed, it's a great amp, but has got my brain whirring...
  20. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    If you can incorporate high quality EQ the bass on the SR1a is deep and satisfying. No sense of anything lost, unless you really miss tuneless thudding:L3000:
  21. LucyWu

    T+A HiFi - DAC 200 - Official Discussion Thread

    I'd be inclined to go with whatever settings yield stable results @DSD512. I am using the newest hybrid modulators rather than the ASDM/EC settings now and these are working very nicely with both DSD512 and DSD1024.
  22. LucyWu

    PGGB Offline Remastering

    I think you're right about the improved detail retrieval. I never got on with Roon, just load files directly into HQP. I sold my Chord Dave a few months ago, and would agree it never excelled with DSD.
  23. LucyWu

    PGGB Offline Remastering

    I have only used the trial version of HQP5 but I think there were small improvements over HQP4 playing back PGGB files, but I'd need longer to be sure. I will probably get around to making the move to "5" in time, but this is my only use case so am not in any hurry. Experimenting with...
  24. LucyWu

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    There is only so much you can bring up the mids - otherwise you increase overall spl and have to turn the overall volume down to maintain a comfortable (safe) air pressure at the ear. If you like the prominent bass on the 1266 the way it is, you have to sacrifice further up the spectrum to get...
  25. LucyWu

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    I don't have Mitch's filters but have been through many iterations of my own filter for the SR1a. With the JotR I have long since bypassed the inbuilt baffle step correction with the same benefits people have found here. Greater clarity, deeper bass and generally better bottom to top tonal...