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  1. SamNOISE

    Yulong DAC

    Sold to a fellow Head-Fi'r! Tnx for the interest guys. Andrew D.
  2. SamNOISE

    Yulong DAC

    Mine is up for sale – dirt cheap if anyone is interested. I only purchased it to conduct some cable evaluations. PM me or better yet, drop me a line via my hobby-site: Canadian Audio Video BTW. in case this is 'against the rules' round' here, I apologize in advance to Mods / Admin. Delete...
  3. SamNOISE

    My cat tore up my Virtual Dynamics Power 3...

    Quote: some people just don't want to know the truth Ya, I Know I just wish that one, just one one - power cable mfg. living in Western Canada would invite me in for an unsighted evaluation as detailed earlier. If I was the manufacturer of a product which was as controversial as...
  4. SamNOISE

    which DAC or sound card should i buy??

    I take it you already own a 1616 Cardbus? Sounds like a kick-butt device to me, whats wrong with it? E-MU Systems - 1616M CardBus - Laptop Digital Audio System Andrew D. Canadian Audio Video
  5. SamNOISE

    My cat tore up my Virtual Dynamics Power 3...

    Well, it’s been a few weeks now since I public ally asked the owner of the cable company in question if he would take me up on my offer to set up an unsighted audition at his home, under his terms – so I guess it’s on to ‘Option 2’. ‘O2’ goes about the issue quite a bit differently: I’ve...
  6. SamNOISE

    My cat tore up my Virtual Dynamics Power 3...

    Furball That’s a chance I’d be willing to take! I suggest that it’d be damned difficult to mess with a bit of wire to the extent that it’s design would actually have an audible effect on the output of a stereo component. I recently ran a 'blind' post of two lossless .wav files and posted...
  7. SamNOISE

    My cat tore up my Virtual Dynamics Power 3...

    Quote: Samnoise, it is an interesting idea and maybe a fun exercise, but a n of 1 with single blinding would not do much in the end to satisfy either side. However, if you power it adequately, add a proper control (I guess it would have to be an active control, so blinding may still be a...
  8. SamNOISE

    My cat tore up my Virtual Dynamics Power 3...

    . This would be an excellent opportunity for the owner of Virtual Dynamics to step up and demonstrate to potential customers that he can in fact discern audible differences between his very best cables and a basic computer power cable, the likes of which is powering your home PC at this moment...
  9. SamNOISE

    Power Cables Make A Difference? Have A Listen Here...

    Ohhh, 15-pages and we’ve got where on this subject? Lets see, 15 pages, perhaps an hour worth of typing per page (lotsa’ two-finger hunt & peckers out there), and not one single person has attempted to post their replicated work? Again, let me know and I’ll offer to host you lossless .wav files...
  10. SamNOISE

    Power Cables Make A Difference? Have A Listen Here... now in dozens upon dozens of forums – it’s the same every time… As for the rest of ya': If we let [this] thread devolve to "F@#$ You", no, F*&^ You!" - It’ll simply be canned / locked, by the mod' team... Brain’, the other way, is to have members conduct evaluations along the lines...
  11. SamNOISE

    Power Cables Make A Difference? Have A Listen Here...

    nick_charles / Filburt, Nice work fellas. Did the same thing today with a CD / RIP - of Eric Clapton's 'Alberta', taken from the excellent Unplugged CD. I find the same kind of visual variances - even with the same cable - but don't hear a damned bit of difference when A/B/X'd using...
  12. SamNOISE

    Power Cables Make A Difference? Have A Listen Here...

    Wow!!! You guys blow my mind – I posted this one in several other audio discussion forums as well and didn’t get nearly the sane lines of questioning as I have witnessed here. Sorry I took so long to respond, I’ve been on the Mt. boarding my butt off! Some unanswered questions: The output...
  13. SamNOISE

    Power Cables Make A Difference? Have A Listen Here...

    . Stereo System Power-cables – Audible difference? - Listen for yourself here... Last time ‘round (see January 24th post on, I put together a quality, ultra-thick, shielded power cable with cytogenetically treated, ‘audiophile quality’ IEC and plug, and compared it to a ‘freebee’...
  14. SamNOISE

    Yulong DAC

    . Ok then; I've been running a Yulong DAH1 DAC for a couple of weeks now and here is my quick and dirty overview of the device. First off, its silver, and I wish that they would release a black face-plate! Secondly, the front panel LCD is a little dimmer than what most might expect, however...
  15. SamNOISE

    Yulong DAC

    Am still waiting for mine (Yulong DAC) to arrive. I don't expect anything earth-shattering, I think one would have to be pretty naive to believe that DACs haven’t reached a state of maturity in this day and age - to the extent that they're all more or less transparent. I'll post some audio...
  16. SamNOISE

    Yulong DAC

    . Well, Paid for one on eBay this evening (late holiday present to myself), will let you all know my take on it when it arrives in the new year! Andrew D. Canadian Audio Video PS: (If) this unit does in fact sport a Lehmann Audio Black Cube Linear Headphone Amplifier - that would be...
  17. SamNOISE

    Best AA batteries for sound quality

    . Quote: yet one type of claim is taken seriously To polish that comment with a little more accuracy ~ In fact: Those who have taken the time to sit down with their equipment in a setting where they had no idea which cable was being swapped in at any given moment - without any...
  18. SamNOISE

    Best AA batteries for sound quality

    Yup... makes ya' wanna' take up a crack habit just to see if you can find some way to get on the level of some of these folks... Andrew D.
  19. SamNOISE

    Cheap stock cables still sound good

    Steve999 Your comments: Quote: I don't really agree. I think the same sound will never sound exactly alike twice to the same person, for a variety of reasons. When people say they perceive a difference, they are quite often being perfectly honest. Also, performing a valid...
  20. SamNOISE

    Cheap stock cables still sound good

    Voltron's effort is commendable: I can see the effort that was put into it. Unfortunately, he chose to conduct it in such a way as to complete negate any valid hypothesis... Had the gentleman taken the time to arrange for an assistant (wife / friend / kids), he could have conducted the process...
  21. SamNOISE

    Cheap stock cables still sound good

    These arguments go on and on forever on every single online forum. The (only) way the folks will understand the truth about this phenomenon is to get them into a situation, in their own homes, with their own equipment with their best source material, a glass of their favorite beverage, in a good...
  22. SamNOISE

    Musiland MD-10

    ... Admin - Can you enable us to delete accidental posts...?
  23. SamNOISE

    Musiland MD-10

    From what I have read on Microsoft forums, I do believe that you are correct about the 44.1 > 44.8 K switching thing being caused by Windows System Sounds. The answer was: turn off Windows System Sounds. It’s an issue with KMixer, not the Musiland device per se. I wish to purchase one of these...