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  1. Ithilstone

    Introducing HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled: Elevating Audio Excellence!

    loudness is a form of distortion - that's why 0.5W battery radio can be painfully loud - So loud doesn't necessary mean driven to full potential or actually even driven well - it is just driven loud... so loud can mean many things - one would be your DAP is distorting - I am not saying it is a...
  2. Ithilstone

    HiFiMan Susvara

    ok get that- just to clarify as I am not sure what part sounded like i have no clue what i am talking about - I provided 2 ideas of how to make it much cheaper without affecting the sound ( or actually improve it as motorised tubes vs non motorised - i would bet second option could possibly...
  3. Ithilstone

    HiFiMan Susvara

    I love the fact that you assume I have no knowledge about manufacturing process... ignorance is a bliss i suppose - I spend 6 years working for UK audio manufacturer - Rather small and boutique one ( but with over 40 years of history) so I got my hand "dirty" with all aspects of manufacturing...
  4. Ithilstone

    HiFiMan Susvara

    if price is not sum of physical parts why complain about new susvara price ??? it took Hifiman what 7y to come up with something that they believe is better let say they sit there doing nothing for some of that time - i bet they spent years at working on it other wise new susvara would be here...
  5. Ithilstone

    HiFiMan Susvara

    yeap... and what's the need for marble case and motorised tubes ( that brings nothing to sounds - just justify the price) ?? without it at normal margins it would cost less than 10k... and they could sell hundreds if not thousands of them - you see it goes both ways
  6. Ithilstone

    Massdrop x Hifiman edition xx

    Then go for XX 🙂 as from what you said they will suit you better
  7. Ithilstone

    Massdrop x Hifiman edition xx

    XS is stealth and easier to drive - sound wise is rather flavour difference rather that superiority (from good source being able to power XX) of one over the other ( and here your taste is your judge) In my opinion comfort is on XS side also is XS coming with original proof of purchase? ( if...
  8. Ithilstone

    Hifiman HE-400SE Stealth Magnets (International Edition) Impression

    It was quite opposite for me - I found them thin and harsh for the first 30min or so. After that It become smoother and fuller ( I had 3 songs on repeat and listened for 30 sec. at the time every 5 min ) Planar bass is about clarity and speed - It can be very powerful but only if it is on the...
  9. Ithilstone

    Hifiman HE-400SE Stealth Magnets (International Edition) Impression

    Depends on what you will be using it with - if mostly phone or small dap then definitely go for 400i - you will only get benefit of 2 sided magnets if you will be using powerful DAP or desktop amp and then I would go for 400se - those scale up nicely with better amps and unfortunately are less...
  10. Ithilstone

    Hifiman HE-400SE Stealth Magnets (International Edition) Impression

    True that - do not currently have any Sennheiser's and never owned ( or heard ) HD560 - my limited experience with them was limited to HD 600, 650 and 800 fact that I do not own any of those tells something ;] Well I only own 3 dynamic HPs ;] Superlux HD681EVO - as it used to be one of the best...
  11. Ithilstone

    Hifiman HE-400SE Stealth Magnets (International Edition) Impression

    Full review is coming - so for now couple of thought. It is relatively hard to drive - what I mean is 400i 2020 can be powered by phone ( OnePlus 3T) it will not sound it best but it will be OK where 400se needs more juice - not even talking about loudness ( as loudness is distortion) up 80%...
  12. Ithilstone

    Hifiman HE-400SE Stealth Magnets (International Edition) Impression

    Still early days but I would say in quality more than in quantity.
  13. Ithilstone

    Hifiman HE-400SE Stealth Magnets (International Edition) Impression

    Well I guess some will have to wait for their local distributor to stock them.
  14. Ithilstone

    Hifiman HE-400SE Stealth Magnets (International Edition) Impression

    So just received those (Thank you Hifiman): It is international version - So comes with stealth magnets technology - There is another version for Chinese market - confusingly under the same name... but with "normal magnets" Also some claim that magnets are only one-sided but reports are...
  15. Ithilstone

    HIFIMAN HE-R10P Loaner Tour

    Is the tour still going?
  16. Ithilstone

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Well took me a long time ;] but finally ordered 64 ohm version For bassier stuff I have VE ZEN Omega - and do not use them that often... ;] - we will see if I like that 64 ohm driver - I will just drop it inside K's housing as is and see a bit of mix tuning as K's is using some kind of...
  17. Ithilstone

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Loudness is a factor of distortion not power, so no one should listen too "loud". A half watt radio may be 'too loud' at 70db A biamped 80w system may not be at all 'loud' at 85db
  18. Ithilstone

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Thank you! I believe I have older version with silver cable (no Mic) they came broken - from left channel only I like what I hear but really it is hard to evaluate;] Will read up more and pick one of the 2 you suggested p/s it is funny but just from pictures I picked those same drivers and...
  19. Ithilstone

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Hi there - hope you don't mind me asking where did you sourced those drivers? I have Ksearphone bell-lb where one side failed - as there is no chance to source original drivers I am thinking of transplant, to resurrect Ksearphone bells in different form. Or any other suggestions for pair of...
  20. Ithilstone

    HIFIMAN HE-R10P Loaner Tour

    I would love to be a part of this tour! Location: UK
  21. Ithilstone

    Hifiman HM1000: Worlds first Quad PCM 1704 DAP

    You are absolutely right my mistake - sorry for confusion
  22. Ithilstone

    Hifiman HM1000: Worlds first Quad PCM 1704 DAP

    Other way around HM1000 don't work as a BT transmitter - only as a receiver. Comparison was made playing same songs from tidal on phone over BT to hm1000 and tidal on laptop over usb otg cable to hm1000 Hope it clarify it a bit
  23. Ithilstone

    Hifiman HM1000: Worlds first Quad PCM 1704 DAP

    What is a power supply module ?
  24. Ithilstone

    Hifiman HM1000: Worlds first Quad PCM 1704 DAP

    So that happened: I am a fan of Hifiman and my friends know it;] and one decided generously lo loan me his freshly acquired unit for a very short time… I am away from home so that means very limited gear I can use with it therefore it will not be review just very quick first impression. I...
  25. Ithilstone

    HIFIMAN HE-R10 Closed-Back Headphones Discussion & Impressions

    and you heard new HE-R10? nothing is as "good" as internet warrior that been nowhere seen nothing and has a lot to say... I, myself, am looking forward to check both dynamic and planar version before I will make my judgment. I didn't like Edition 6 - but I love Susvara and I suspect what we...