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  1. oneway23

    Geshelli Erish Pro 3 :: General Impressions Thread

    Just got the Erish 3 Pro in yesterday and was a bit surprised to see no thread for it and, well, not much Geshelli discussion in general (aside from the Archel 3 Pro thread, that is). I feel like they make fantastic products for the price. Proud to buy from a family business located here in...
  2. oneway23

    AXPONA 2024 EarGear Impressions thread

    Edit: Sorry folks, I thought the forthcoming Geshelli E3 amp was being discussed, not the DCA E3. My mistake!
  3. oneway23

    Schiit Vali 3 : Impressions Thread

    Not sure where the ability to "like" posts went, as I haven't been around in a while, so, I'm just saying thanks!
  4. oneway23

    Schiit Vali 3 : Impressions Thread

    As a lover of a wide headphone soundstage, I'm wondering how the wide soundstage of the Vali 3, as reported by the user above, compares directly with that of the Piety? Any detail appreciated, thank you!
  5. oneway23

    Geshelli Archel 3 Pro :: Impressions Thread

    Cheers Roni, thanks!
  6. oneway23

    Geshelli Archel 3 Pro :: Impressions Thread

    Late to the game here, but,I'm looking to invest in the Geshelli line and I'm a little unclear: Is the Archel 3 Pro w/ Sparkos opams a fully balanced amp, or is that designation reserved for the E2? Thanks!
  7. oneway23

    SMSL SP200 THX AAA 888 Balanced AMP!

    Appreciate your response. Glad you've found one you're content with. I have a pair of Focal Stellia, the original Dan Clark Mr Speakers Ether from 2015, and a really old pair of Sennheiser HD600s. I primarily use the Stellia these days. For my DACs, I've got the original Schiit Yggdrasil...
  8. oneway23

    SMSL SP200 THX AAA 888 Balanced AMP!

    Thanks for your write-up. I have this amp, as well, but, I've admittedly been out of this hobby, and generally content with my stuff, since around the time of the onset of the COVID pandemic. It's only now that I'm starting to pop my head back in and begin to think about changing my headphone...
  9. oneway23

    Unpopular Opinion: I tried Qobuz and it was absolutely horrifying

    So, let me get this right...instead of troubleshooting your own install, looking in the mirror, and taking responsibility for your own set-up, your immediate, knee-jerk reaction is to blame the software, insult the userbase, and, in order to leave no doubt as to your complete lack of...
  10. oneway23

    TOPPING DX5 DAC & HP Amp Now Available

    When folks are considering whether or not to spend their hard-earned money, I'm not sure the design of the website is a primary consideration (though it may be for some?). The inclusion of an 4-pin XLR output has usually (though, granted, not always...especially lately) historically indicated...
  11. oneway23

    TOPPING DX5 DAC & HP Amp Now Available

    Unfortunately, yes...Nick is correct. For instance, amps such as SMSL SP200 and SH-9 are not fully-balanced designs, despite having XLR output. It seems to be becoming somewhat of a trend, particularly with devices coming from some Chinese companies.
  12. oneway23

    TOPPING DX5 DAC & HP Amp Now Available

    Right, understood...Of course, all comes down to dollars and cents. Guess the DX7 Pro is still the only Topping AIO with fully-balanced architecture?
  13. oneway23

    TOPPING DX5 DAC & HP Amp Now Available

    Thanks for replying, ahmonge! Oh, brother...Respect the hustle, Topping, but, that's a no-go from me. Just read Amir's review, where he also confirms that the XLR headphone out is, in fact, unbalanced and is there "only for convenience." Topping, Why do this?
  14. oneway23

    TOPPING DX5 DAC & HP Amp Now Available

    Isn't is true that the DX5 is not actually fully-balanced, and that the XLR is there merely for connection convenience?
  15. oneway23

    The Pono Player Impressions Thread

    Was thinking the same thing...Forgot to come back & ask, so, thanks!
  16. oneway23

    SMSL SP200 THX AAA 888 Balanced AMP!

    I don't think absolute arguments are very helpful when it comes to comparisons between products like this. I think the more helpful question would be: How much more money, beyond the cost of the SP200, would one have to spend, in order to significantly better its performance?
  17. oneway23

    SMSL SP200 THX AAA 888 Balanced AMP!

    Anyone using this amp with the Focal Stellia who can offer impressions? Thanks!
  18. oneway23

    HEDD Announces HEDDphone With AMT Technology

    There was a really nice guy at NY Can Jam last month whose entire purpose for traveling there was to hear the HEDD so that he could buy it. I was the guy in the motorized wheelchair waiting on line with you to hear it. If you're on here and you happen to see this, I'd love to know what you...
  19. oneway23

    PONO - Neil Youngs portable hi-res music player

    Yep. They bought Omnifone, who was the back-end provider for Pono (as well as a number of similar services), and quickly shut them down.
  20. oneway23

    PONO - Neil Youngs portable hi-res music player

    John, I wouldn't worry about it. That light was reverse engineered a long time ago, and, if I recall, it doesn't indicate anything. There was merely something included within the data of files purchased in the store which popped the light.
  21. oneway23

    PONO - Neil Youngs portable hi-res music player

    Do you happen to know if/where it's possible to still purchase one? Thanks
  22. oneway23

    PONO - Neil Youngs portable hi-res music player

    Much obliged. I have such a soft spot in my heart for my Pono, and still use it (although not as regularly anymore). It has provided me with such joy. I will be absolutely devastated when mine stops working.
  23. oneway23

    Schiit Jotunheim Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Yeah, I've never really been a fan of any headphone which requires a bespoke solution to enjoy. I will wait and see what the official word is from the boys, but, my initial impression is that this product would exist in a pocket reality. They would need to have been sufficiently compensated...
  24. oneway23

    Schiit Jotunheim Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    The original Jot came out two years ago now, right? I hope that there will be some form of revision or slight refresh of the primary Jotunheim when this single-purpose R gets released.