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  1. rsaavedra

    Sennheiser HD660S... Finally a successor for the HD650?

    Why no direct FR chart comparison with the HD600? (Went through the thread quickly, only saw 660-650, and 650-600)
  2. rsaavedra

    Review by 'rsaavedra' on item 'SONY MDR-EX110AP HEADPHONE (Black)'

    Honestly I got these because I needed cheap (<€20) in-ears that where black and ergonomic enough e.g. not pods but true in-ears, to block a bit of external sound and leak no sound. Also preferably with the bent form, so that they would align better into the ear canal. Intended for radio or...
  3. rsaavedra

    A Brief Guide to Audio for the Skeptical Consumer

    The degree in question I think might be a PhD in being delusional. Confusing a clear challenge as a plain liar and bull diseminator, plus a request to show actual evidence of claimed PhD student status, with "welcoming an idea with skepticism." Oh boy...   I will refrain from too much...
  4. rsaavedra

    A Brief Guide to Audio for the Skeptical Consumer

    I did research in grad school as well and at work. And I *do not* understand where he's coming from. And this is the section about "Sound Science" after all, and the title of this thread can clearly suggest why I might be all out hostile against what seems to me a lot of plain bull.
  5. rsaavedra

    A Brief Guide to Audio for the Skeptical Consumer not disninform people." Well, claiming that you have "results" and the truth in your hands, and then claiming that you can't show any evidence ***IS*** misinforming, and shamefully so, especially for any PhD candidate. It would be just bluff. In fact, even if you already published any...
  6. rsaavedra

    A Brief Guide to Audio for the Skeptical Consumer

    That can't be enphasized strongly enough.   Quote:
  7. rsaavedra

    A Brief Guide to Audio for the Skeptical Consumer

    Well wouldn't it be nice if anything one needed to do to pretend to win an argument was to say that one has indicated an "objective truth" to point to an alleged "flaw" in the opponents point of view. Gee, I could write a LOL but it's not funny really. It just shows that besides being...
  8. rsaavedra

    A Brief Guide to Audio for the Skeptical Consumer

    For anyone interested in learning about blind tests:
  9. rsaavedra

    A Brief Guide to Audio for the Skeptical Consumer

    Well, hard to find anyone who would say otherwise, isn't it? Sorry but from your comments, it's clear you are not particular familiar with critical thinking, or cognitive biases, or self-delusion: You are just trying to have people...
  10. rsaavedra

    A Brief Guide to Audio for the Skeptical Consumer

    You are mixing apples and oranges. Driving experience and enjoyment is subjective, true, but car performance is almost entirely perfectly measurable and cars can be compared easily with no risk of cognitive biases. Very easy to see when a car runs faster, breaks faster, steers better, or has...
  11. rsaavedra

    A Brief Guide to Audio for the Skeptical Consumer

      You are clearly quite the (gullible) customer, not just in audio, for any salesman wanting to make a huge profit.
  12. rsaavedra

    A Brief Guide to Audio for the Skeptical Consumer

    You've described somewhat exactly how it works, only incompletely. When one knows that the expensive equipment is playing, our brains will fool us into thinking we are hearing something somewhat different and perhaps better. But you failed to keep going about where the ultimate truth gets...
  13. rsaavedra

    10 Biggest Lies in Audio

    Original link is broken, here's a working one: I recently created another thread with a similar collection of audio truths assessed by mostly skeptics and engineers...
  14. rsaavedra

    A Brief Guide to Audio for the Skeptical Consumer

      Quote: Ah, I see. Well, here´s a hint: something slightly older than quotes from 2013.
  15. rsaavedra

    A Brief Guide to Audio for the Skeptical Consumer

    Nineteen likes on Facebook's Headfi group post so far after one day, so it deserves its own thread here on Head-fi I think.   I love to listen to music, and would like to say that being a tech/audio enthusiast has helped me actually become more skeptic and a better critical thinker in general...
  16. rsaavedra

    Has anyone who owns >$50 powercords ever wired a house?

    I find this link worth adding here to revive this old thread:
  17. rsaavedra

    Tomorrow I'll hear half-million dollar speakers (Marten Coltrane Supreme 2)

    Well, I already received a very kind and long email from Marten AB's CEO himself, Jörgen Olofsson, basically lamenting the experience I had in that shop. Turns out  Hifi Linzbach is their biggest dealer in Germany. He tried to highlight their passion for hifi and music, in spite of my...
  18. rsaavedra

    Tomorrow I'll hear half-million dollar speakers (Marten Coltrane Supreme 2)

    Well, rather negative impression, not from the speakers at all (did not listen to them) but from one of the salesmen at Hifi Linzbach in Bonn. Last week at the demo, one of the employees was very kind and I told him that I'd like to come back to better be able to listen to the speakers. That...
  19. rsaavedra

    Tomorrow I'll hear half-million dollar speakers (Marten Coltrane Supreme 2)

    Took some pics and posted them on my Instagram with comments, here's the link. The summary: couldn't really listen critically, too many people, and three adjacent rooms playing speakers simultaneously, you could hear the speakers from the other rooms in...
  20. rsaavedra

    Tomorrow I'll hear half-million dollar speakers (Marten Coltrane Supreme 2)

    Believe it or not, *each* of these speakers costs $240.000 :S Anyone near Bonn Germany might want to check them out too, after all the audition is free.
  21. rsaavedra

    Sennheiser Opens its Flagship Store in Germany. Check out the full gallery here!

    Ok Wennebostel, near Hanover, good to know:,+30900+Wedemark/@52.5292301,9.7497182,10z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x47b06cf5b8293569:0xc919b0795fe22a07
  22. rsaavedra

    Headphone identification challenge!!! ("Let it go" and 20+Headphones)

    You should definitely watch it, particularly in 3D, a visual feast! The climax in the movie to me was seriously dissapointing though. Wrote a huge critic about it (to be read only after watching the movie). It's in Spanish, here it is anyway...
  23. rsaavedra

    Headphone identification challenge!!! ("Let it go" and 20+Headphones)

    Thanks ForceMajeure! The Mandarin and Japanese Sony you list as the CD900st look exactly like V6's. I wonder if those are simply different regional names for the same Sony headphones.
  24. rsaavedra

    Headphone identification challenge!!! ("Let it go" and 20+Headphones)

    OK guys, here's something I immediately thought of when watching this video: whether we can collectively identify absolutely all headphones appearing in this video. There are 25 languages, but not 25 headphones. Some appear more than once, and Spain and Portugal aren't wearing any. Let's see how...