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  • Users: Vkamicht
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  1. Vkamicht

    DT-880 user here, question about the 990 and headroom graphs

    So if you've read any of my posts in the last few months you've heard me spout off about heavily EQing my DT-880. Anyway, one of the hardest areas to get right has been between 300-1000hz. It always seems like even if the sine sweep sounds even, that any instruments in this range that are loud...
  2. Vkamicht

    Replacing black foam on DT-880 / 990

    So my replacement ear pads came in today. They came with 2 pieces of replacement black foam that goes under the ear pads, along with instructions on how to replace it. Except they are very basic and the pictures don't help very much at all. I can't figure out how to get the "ring" thats locking...
  3. Vkamicht

    My ears suck! (LCD-2)

    Typical thread title, I know, but seriously...   Background info:   My source is the analog out on the E-MU 0404 PCI card, my amp is a CIAudio VHP-2 with power supply. Please before you scream source or amp as the problem, know that I am putting my foot down on this issue - it ain't it...
  4. Vkamicht

    Pre-digital music: How do you know you're hearing it right? (mastering related)

    I want to limit this to analog recordings because you typically don't have this problem with something that was recorded digitally and included it's debut on CD.   Mastering changes a lot of what was actually mixed down in the studio. I've encountered this particular phenomenon many times...
  5. Vkamicht

    E-MU 0404 PCI line in / recording not working right... please help!

    I don't use my 0404 to do any actual recording, but I've been trying to route the line-out back into the line-in to do things like RMAA test, or just play something back like a sine sweep and record it... but it doesn't seem to be working right and I'm stumped. Anything that comes in has a very...
  6. Vkamicht

    I am now a true believer in "flat" ...

    ...I used the DT880 as a starting point.   (I also used pink noise to assist in making sure something was evenly leveled)   Right now I have *counts* ... 19 EQ inserts in the main mix of patchmix, as well as one for right channel only, and one for left channel only. (To do this I make...
  7. Vkamicht

    Questions about streaming through PC, squeezebox, more...

    I've never owned a Squeezebox but even reading about it I'm not sure it's what would suit my needs.   The idea is I need something that'll accept an audio stream from anything playing on my PC (be it Pandora radio, or foobar) over the network, with an optical output so it can feed my 0404...
  8. Vkamicht

    Personal ear resonances / equalizing

    We all have different ears, and it's a known fact that the ear/ear canal contains resonating frequencies which differ between people, due to the shape and workings of our inner ear. If you lined up 10 people and had them listen to a sine sweep through the exact same setup, they'd all probably...
  9. Vkamicht

    Beyer experts help! - may add a DT880 or 990 to collection

    I've read a lot of threads and though it did give me some insight I'd still like to get a personal opinion Important things to keep in mind: - Low-fi equipment (A/V receiver + soundcard that sounds JUST FINE to my ears compared to DAC/AMP combos I've heard. Plenty of volume and sounds nice...
  10. Vkamicht

    My first day as a Team Sennheiser member! HD600 Impressions

    In the beginning: I have had a Grado HF-1 since the month they were first sold. Proud owner of #66, though someone else here will have that claim to fame soon (And an SR-80 before that..!) So having recently re-evaluated all of my music, and noticing a lot of it could probably benefit from...
  11. Vkamicht

    Grado (HF-1) user looking to go elsewhere

    I've changed a lot of things lately - bought an expensive DAC, my first real amp, etc. It's making me question whether I have the right headphones or not anymore. My DAC is currently getting fixed by CIA (broken switch), but I've gotten to try out my new Little Dot I+ (default tubes) with my...
  12. Vkamicht

    Best soundcard as a digital (optical) source?

    I have an E-MU 0404 PCI right now, and I am growing tired of it. I really dislike the drivers and patchmix, and the fact that it will only automatically switch between certain sample rates (44.1 and 48 are OK, but when I play a song in 96 it freaks out and makes me manually change it) All I...
  13. Vkamicht

    Warm amp for Grado HF-1, w/ CIA VDA-2?

    Alright, so here's the deal... up until a few days ago my system has been: E-MU 0404 -> Sony Receiver -> HF-1 Clearly a budget setup, but it has worked for me. For the record, I turn the treble and bass knobs all the way to +10 or else the sound is unbearably dull to me. I also flip on the...
  14. Vkamicht

    Cleaning Grados (driver)..

    Here's my first post in well over what feels like 2-3 years... although it has actually just been 1 My HF-1s have lasted me all this while and I've had no reason to consider anything else. Although lately I've been hearing the annoying "rattling" sounds coming from the right side of the...
  15. Vkamicht

    HF-1 and amp questions

    So, I'd been using the HF-1 with my E-MU 0404 and a hand-me-down receiver with a standard 1/4" headphone jack on the front for a while. Now, with all "extra features" turned off, it had a pretty weak sound. Yes it was significantly better than straight out of a sound card, but it still had a...
  16. Vkamicht

    HF-1s starting to go? First sign

    Well, I've had these since the first batch. I can't even remember when that was, if someone could fill me in. Anyway, never had any problems with them at all until tonight, noticed randomly there was some kind of fuzz or crackling in the left driver. Almost sounded like a hair or dirt in there...
  17. Vkamicht

    Some E-MU 0404 stuff (possibly, possibly not)

    I'm not sure it's the soundcard, so I'm not blaming it entirely just yet. Since I upgraded to the 0404, I've bought a couple new CDs (Arsnova, Gerard, Kotebel, not sure if anyone will know these ) but each of them have some sections where the music is fairly loud and I start to hear slight...
  18. Vkamicht

    ARS Nova

  19. Vkamicht

    Card with optical s/pdif INPUT

    Alright, here's the deal. Looking for a card that fits these requirements: 1. Has an optical s/pdif input 2. Is not E-MU 3. Is not the card that is just like AV-710 but with optical input 4. Costs ~$150 See, I got the 0404. While it records audio great (after being frustrated for a...
  20. Vkamicht

    E-MU 0404 clipping/popping (I know, you love these threads)

    OK, installed my 0404 tonight (early x-mas present). Still have to change my sig. Anyway, for the most part is works great. No sound problems playing out of foobar2000, winamp, PC games. However, an additional reason I got this card was for s/pdif optical input. I am running my PS2's optical...
  21. Vkamicht

    Grado Website

    I went over to the website to gather some information, and noticed this page it takes you to: I was just there the other day and didn't see this so it must be new... just thought it was interesting.
  22. Vkamicht

    Not looking good...

    Here's an update, if you'll recall I posted a thread a few days ago that I thought I was having an allergic reaction from the HF-1, possibly from the mahogany (can't see what else it would be) Well, the doctor gave me some dosage of medication, he didn't necessarily make a conclusion on what...
  23. Vkamicht

    Allergic reaction to the HF-1?

    Argh, this sucks. Since yesterday my entire head has been itching pretty bad, my neck, my face and my scalp. Yesterday I got my HF-1s. I can't think of anything else I've encountered in the last two days that I usually don't. I've owned the SR-80s and the MS-2 in the past. Is it...
  24. Vkamicht

    Envy24 Driver update (4.73b)

    New drivers over at VIAARENA... new control panel. That's really all I can tell that's new. Also the option for 192khz for the wolfson DAC is back for us, right on the control panel on a nice button. I don't use it but I know some people use older drivers to attain this. Volume control...
  25. Vkamicht

    Those of you who received your HF-1...

    How's that new Grado smell?