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  1. Mikey01

    The ATH-CKS77.

    I have not had the chance to hear any of the Sonic Fuel lineup and don't find the reviews and discription to suit my tasts. But thats me, you are different.. If ya like em, than so be it. I hope it works out for you in the end...
  2. Mikey01

    The ATH-CKS77.

    UPDATE:  I am glad you enjoy your 77X's.. I have the basic 77's and they need much more burn in.. The JVC HA-FXZ200's have cooked for four days at 24 hours per day.. I read one review where the author claimed it was peaky in the high frequencys.. He was right for the amount of burn in he gave...
  3. Mikey01

    Galaxy music player power input bad.

    My Galaxy music player power input mini usb female jack fitting is bad. If you hold the plug with a tad bit of downward pressure it works. Tried several new patch cords. The unit is out of warranty. Is there a way to solder a female 8th inch mini jack fitting to a 2 or 3 inch piece of speaker...
  4. Mikey01

    The ATH-CKS77.

    You would think that a line-up of IEM's with the same architectural theme and engineering theme would have the same basic sound signature as you go up in price and model numbers just better at doing it and sounding better. But it does not appear to be the case with this Audio Technica line-up. ...
  5. Mikey01

    The ATH-CKS77.

    I am not physically up to do full reviews. I am too sick.. Sorry bout that.. I would rather insert random thoughts as they surface in this journey.. So far the CKS 77's seem to be firing on all cylinders.. Each frequency is well represented and none of them are laid back.. The CKS 1000's seem to...
  6. Mikey01

    The ATH-CKS77.

    Based on the overwhelming response to this IEM thread, I today purchased the CKS 77's.. Two weeks ago, before running across this thread, I had just purchased the ATH-CKS1000 IEM's along with the Sony XBA-4IP and Westone Three's . The JVC HA-FXZ200 are on there way to me as an Xmas present...
  7. Mikey01

    Able Planet Sound Clarity® SI500 (impressions)

    Then what is the "Triple-element architecture" that they refer to?
  8. Mikey01

    Eddie Current Zana Deux owners

    Geeeeez, this thread is still going? A mention to the above posts about Dire Straights---If you like them than check out all of Mark Knoplier's recordings. They are well mastered too. He sounds real good on the zana.
  9. Mikey01

    Able Planet Sound Clarity® SI500 (impressions)

    Been playing 24/7 round the clock. They just get better and better. They have replaced my Sony EX 700 IEM's as my go to IEM's of choice... Again a real surprise for $49.95 and free shipping... The silicone rubber reinforcement buttress piece that follows the cable into the ear piece came out of...
  10. Mikey01

    Able Planet Sound Clarity® SI500 (impressions)

    Three elements and they are not copies of the Radius.    LINX AUDIO® ADVANTAGES Award Winning Sound Quality & Speech Clarity LINX AUDIO® creates higher frequency harmonics Filters undesirable sound Increased Perceived Loudness Without Increasing Volume SPECIAL FEATURES Patented LINX...
  11. Mikey01

    Able Planet Sound Clarity® SI500 (impressions)

    This will not be a review on the Sound Clarity® SI500. However they deserve one. This is moreover to bring some enlightenment to HeadFiers.. Recently I made a comment in another thread about buying a pair of Meelec M-Duos with dual dynamic drives after falling for Amazon review hype. I wanted...
  12. Mikey01

    [Review] MEElectronics A161P - Intro Into Neutrality

    I have been away too long from here. Sorry for that. For those who don't know me, I am the owner of the original prototype Eddie Current "Zana Duex" from a few years back. Yes, I still have it. Make me an offer.... I digress!  I would really like to try the Meelectronic A161P's but I have...
  13. Mikey01

    David vs Golith or P51 Mustang vs Zana.

    Fridays burn-in. Still enjoyable to listen to. Doing the Texas two step here. Two forward and one back. Not as good sounding or synergy as yesterday....To be expected though.
  14. Mikey01

    ray samuels range

    Not at all. Use the shots any way you like. The blue and red was my nightmare till I saw it in person. In person it is 300% better looking. Set an forget the gain. The superior sound qualities, super long Li ion battery life, and very small size over Ray's other portables wins hands down IMHO.
  15. Mikey01

    Who is reviewing!?!? iQube - take 2

    In that review there are three maybe top amps. It's .00 desmal points between them in perfection. Thats why I chose the Ray Samuals P51 Mustang at $250 something dollars less than the I cube and got a BLOCKBUSTER amp with one hell of a perfect sound IMHO.
  16. Mikey01

    Who is reviewing!?!? iQube - take 2

    REPRINT FROM: Review: Portable amp roundup! 37 portable amps reviewed and compared .....DOHL! > Qables iQube Info: i-Qube - A new dimension in portable hi-fi » home The iQube is a very interesting amp. It's a class D amplifier topology. This is the first of its kind as far as I know - a...
  17. Mikey01

    Who is reviewing!?!? iQube - take 2

    It's covered in a thread right on this page.
  18. Mikey01

    David vs Golith or P51 Mustang vs Zana.

    Yesterday, Thursday was the first day long burn-in. But I think I did myself an injustis towards evaluating the P51 during burn-in....or did I? The Mustang was hooked up to a pair of IEM's, Sony EX 500 LP's to be exact. I listened in last night and the sound was glorious. Was this because the EX...
  19. Mikey01

    David vs Golith or P51 Mustang vs Zana.

    Look up into the sky. It's a bird. No it's a plane. No it's "Mustangman". More powerful than a locomotive. Faster than a speeding bullit. Smaller than a pilonidal cyst on your grandpas butt.
  20. Mikey01

    David vs Golith or P51 Mustang vs Zana.

    Quote: Originally Posted by jamato8 I think on the 51, color combos are great and fun. You are right, with the small size colors that might be tooo much on something else are right on the amp. I look forward to reading more impressions. I run a radio station out of my home and in...
  21. Mikey01

    David vs Golith or P51 Mustang vs Zana.

    David vs Goliath! This is my newest "LIL BABY". Aint she a purrdy little thing? Very patriotic indeed. It's all about lighting. The faceplate printing in the 2 upper photos looks silver or white and in the bottom pic is gold???? In real life the red is a darker red and not a hit of...
  22. Mikey01

    ray samuels range

    Soundwise the P51 Mustang has an improved sound over all his other portable amps, is very small, and has a 3 position adjustable gain switch for powering large cans, efficiant cans, and IEM's. Plus it has a rechargable Lithium Ion battery that will probable last you all week and then some on a...
  23. Mikey01

    Sony EX700: Uninspiring high-end treble performance?

    Quote: Originally Posted by mark2410 do you actually mean brand new EX500? not that they are brand new they came out last year at least as i got mine then No! The EX700LP which I got before the EX500LP's.