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  1. setasai

    Receiver died, looking for poweramp replacment?

    Hello, I think i posted in the wrong forum so I thought i'd transfer it here.   The jist... I have a Marantz TA170AV receiver that has recently died (right channel is static and left channel comes in and out). I have checked all cables and components and found that it is the Receiver. I want...
  2. setasai

    Speaker Amp to replace dying receiver?

    So, I spent some time reading up on my current receiver and found that some sites mention it is 170w per channel. That seems like quite a bit. Can anybody confirm whether or not the speakers require that much? I was thinking of getting the Audiosource AMP-100 off amazon for $100 but if it...
  3. setasai

    Speaker Amp to replace dying receiver?

    Hello all. I have a vintage Marantz Receiver model PM170AV that has been bypassed and only the PowerAmp has been used to power floor standing speakers. I use a PreSonus central station to feed passively to the poweramp and then directly out to the speakers. Recently (last night), there has been...
  4. setasai

    Sub $50 Speakers purely for when i'm in lab.

    Well I want it to be more powerful than that. The altec lansing looks interesting... I'll look into that.
  5. setasai

    Sub $50 Speakers purely for when i'm in lab.

    I'm looking for a sub $50 set of speakers... 2.1 that is relatively decent. When I say sub i mean really sub... I have no intention to get anything great since at home I already have a nice setup. The purpose: I am in an immunology lab doing research and my experiments sometimes take over 12...
  6. setasai

    power amp for old speaker set recommendations.

    nevermind... i saw the pins and yanked them out... pretty cool... but now its scary cuz i need to be careful not to accidentally turn the volume up too much on the central station. Thanks Budgie.
  7. setasai

    power amp for old speaker set recommendations.

    OMG now thats interesting... anybody have anymore info on what i'm supposed to do to separate the poweramp on it?
  8. setasai

    power amp for old speaker set recommendations.

    Hey all, I need some advice on what would be a good course of action. My uncle gave me these old marantz floor speakers that are similar in size to those found at small concerts. Anyway, it also comes with a receiver model pm170av and I would like to replace the receiver with a poweramp...
  9. setasai

    hd580 headband snapped... ideas?

    ok so its the next day now and the epoxy did not work... it was strong enough to put the whole thing back together and the second i went to put it on my head it cracked again and the epoxy just fell off. guess i'll have to just send it in. I hope it wont cost too much.
  10. setasai

    hd580 headband snapped... ideas?

    ok so i epoxy'd them using some generic epoxy from ace hardware... it says it sets in 5 mins but it definitely did not so i held it for like 10mins... after that its pretty solid. its been about 7ish hours now... they say it gets to usable strength around 8 hours and cures in 24. i'll be...
  11. setasai

    hd580 headband snapped... ideas?

    how did you remove the original headband? do those clips that hold the foam cushion just pop out?
  12. setasai

    hd580 headband snapped... ideas?

    lol yea i thought bout that... figured the plastic should be stronger than that... lol... lesson learned. I searched through the forums and all i've seen is people using HD525's headband replacement or duct tape... not a permanent solution i dont think... so i'm going to try epoxy glue and...
  13. setasai

    hd580 headband snapped... ideas?

    Hey guys... i was trying to stretch the headband out on the hd580s since it felt kind of tight and it snapped in half. Any idea on how i'd go about fixing this? Replacements of any kind? Ideas ASAP please as this is my fav set of headphones and i wanna use it now without holding it on...
  14. setasai

    next upgrade amp recommendations

    I know they pair well but would they be an adequate upgrade. I'm not really a fan of baby steps. Especially when these things get expensive.
  15. setasai

    next upgrade amp recommendations

    hmmm well i only use flac files converted to alac so i can use my imac's remote. What tube amps would be adequate... and relatively easy to replace (tubes)? I'm researching for probably another 2-3 months and then i'll most likely spend around 500-600 for a stand alone amp... i suppose if...
  16. setasai

    next upgrade amp recommendations

    lol what do you have in mind?
  17. setasai

    next upgrade amp recommendations

    Hello, I just recently bought both the HD580's and the Presonus central station to be used as both a dac for my imac optical out and headamp for the senns. What would be my next logical upgrade? BTW, I use flacs. I would like to fit the PCS somewhere in the path most likely the dac. I'm...
  18. setasai

    Describe HD580 sound unamped

    I just got the HD580's about a week ago and am currently running it through my old marantz receiver. Supposedly not that good and most likely thats the case since i hear a hissing sound. Anyway, Was just wondering what all of you would describe the sound coming out of these cans unamped and...
  19. setasai

    New HD580's... exciting

    Quote: Originally Posted by NtD Gr3nade $10 for the HD650 cable isn't bad, and will boost the SQ alot more than the Equinox would from a HD650 cable to a Equinox. HD650 is a must have, upgrading later or not. I am usually against going step by set, but they are cheap, and they keep...
  20. setasai

    New HD580's... exciting

    ahhhh stop it people... lol I just got them and now I want to mod them already. Has anyone used the Central Station's headphone amp for the HD580's... I really hope its a decent upgrade from no amp. Then again I really did buy it for its source inputs.
  21. setasai

    New HD580's... exciting

    haha... I love how even if everybody disagrees on performance per headphone here... everybody agrees on not needing a wallet seeing as nothing is gonna make it there.
  22. setasai

    which one first amp or amp/dac combo?

    well i'll find out when the PC arrives in about a week... ordered from Northern Sound and Light for about 400 after shipping... pretty good deal if u ask me... will report back. so far loving the HD580's out of headphone jack of Cowon A2. I'm actually quite surprised at how good it sounds...
  23. setasai

    vintage marantz receiver ST170AV

    heh naw... i'd much rather not touch it... i really didnt expect much from it and to tell u the truth i'm kind of glad its not super amazing cuz i think its super uggggggllly... Anyways... i'm just gonna listen to it for another week until my Presonus Central Station gets here... atleast then...
  24. setasai

    vintage marantz receiver ST170AV

    lol does that mean you'd expect it to sound decent? My HD580's just came in today and i plugged it into that reciever... sounds pretty good to me but it has a slight hiss in the background... not sure where that's coming from... but its not bad... Will probably get a Presonus Central station...
  25. setasai

    New HD580's... exciting

    Thanks to all of you and your experiences... i bought a Senn HD580 and I'm currently listening to it right now... Here is what i have to say about it: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG anyway... thanks... now its time to...