Recent content by UnsurePerson
  1. UnsurePerson

    Best Way To Improve Sound From A Source For £50?

    Will be V-Moda M100's
  2. UnsurePerson

    Portable Speakers??

    thankyou, that was very helpful. Anyone have any recommendations??? I am personally looking at the fugoo style, any impressions??
  3. UnsurePerson

    Portable Speakers??

    How is the charge??? Whats the sound, particularly bass, like??? Isn't there some playback issues with certain songs??
  4. UnsurePerson

    Portable Speakers??

    Cel, what would you recommend >$200?????? Thanks for the answers btw guys- v. helpful
  5. UnsurePerson

    Portable Speakers??

    Thankyou Cel4145, anyone have any recommendations, links or thoughts on portable speakers????????????
  6. UnsurePerson

    Best Headphones For Me At Around £250?

    Thankyou very much Kozic. Personally, for me the AKG K545 is a bit too big on the head.. However, the Beyerdynamic T51p looks REALLY good, I will definitely have an investigation! Anyone have any thoughts on any of the headphones mentioned, particularly the V-Moda's, PSB's and Beyerdynamics???
  7. UnsurePerson

    Best Headphones For Me At Around £250?

    Yeah, the lack of isolation and sound leakage is a big problem for me as I need these headphones to be portable with isolation, like on a bus. I think I am after a more exciting sound, not particularly analytical, but fun to listen to......... 
  8. UnsurePerson

    Best Headphones For Me At Around £250?

    I want a tad more bass, but not sure about anything else to be honest! I just want a sound that excites me when I listen to it, making me want to rediscover all of my music, breathing life back into songs I thought I had listened to too much..
  9. UnsurePerson

    Best Headphones For Me At Around £250?

    Anyone else?? I am getting desperate! What are the best headphones in the price range IYO????
  10. UnsurePerson

    Portable Speakers??

    Thanks for the replies guys. I have been looking at the Sony SRS-X5 series, they seem good, I will be doing more research. I really like the look of "Core" by Mass Fidelity, but it's just too expensive for me. This is a real shame as it looks INCRDIBLE! Anyone else have anything to say good/bad...
  11. UnsurePerson

    Best Way To Improve Sound From A Source For £50?

    Not really sure where this goes to be honest.. What is the best way to improve sound out of a iphone and a macbook pro?? I'm not talking about buying headphones, I'm talking about things such as upgrading cables, DAC's and FLAC services subscriptions. What is the best way to upgrade sound then...
  12. UnsurePerson

    Portable Speakers??

    I am currently looking to buy a portable speaker. When I say portable, I mean it should be travel friendly, not a huge, boombox like thing. It needs to fit in a rucksack. I would greatly prefer a inbuilt rechargeable battery, not normal AA or other batteries, preferably. I want it to sound...
  13. UnsurePerson

    Sexiest headphones.

    Very true, thatBeatsguy. But those are all customisations. And as far as I know, the V-Modas are the most customisable,or that at least have the most useful customisation IMO, other than possibly those urban ears which you can change the colour of... 
  14. UnsurePerson

    Best Headphones For Me At Around £250?

    Anyone else know anything about the three headphones or any suggestions????