Tuneslover's latest activity
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover reacted to Strat1117's post in the thread Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread with Like Like.
    So far, not only beautiful to behold (and don’t kid yourself, at this level pride of ownership counts), but liquid, naturally detailed...
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover reacted to surfgeorge's post in the thread Focal Clear headphones with Like Like.
    IME there are different types of soundstage, there are „tricks“ to make setups sound spacious and wide, but to achieve good imaging...
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover reacted to 393699's post in the thread Focal Clear headphones with Like Like.
    You two also don't live in Canada. We get gouged massively on anything purchased and shipped into this shithole country. I am sure you...
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover reacted to Arora's post in the thread Focal Clear headphones with Like Like.
    same here in england. you can blame exchange rate differences all you want but dekoni won’t be reducing their prices to £55 when the...
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover replied to the thread Focal Clear headphones.
    Ear Pads Profits = Unnecessary Gouging
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover reacted to 393699's post in the thread Focal Clear headphones with Like Like.
    Do you work for Focal ? I find it shocking that you are so adamant about defending obscene prices for pads. Charging 100-200 for pads is...
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover reacted to Zlivan's post in the thread Focal Clear headphones with Like Like.
    So I received a pair of dirt cheap pads for my Clears that recently appeared on Ebay and Aliexpress. For their price, $10 or less, I'd...
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover replied to the thread Focal Clear headphones.
    Of course profits are important to a business BUT so are THEIR CUSTOMERS. Gouging, oh yeah there’s plenty of that going around for a...
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover replied to the thread Focal Clear headphones.
    I have been complaining about pads prices for years going back to my Sennheiser 650’s for $50 Cdn. Let’s face it folks, there’s $10 of...
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover reacted to 393699's post in the thread Focal Clear headphones with Like Like.
    I would never pay 135 canadian, plus taxes, duties, and brokerage fees for pads. If a canadian was dumb enough to ever buy these, it...
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover replied to the thread Focal Clear headphones.
    I also use the Violectric HPA V200 with my Clear Pro and XLR Periapt headphone cable. Sounds much better than Focal stock cable.
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover replied to the thread Focal Clear headphones.
    I also have that ugly knit cover but I find it uncomfortable and just interferes with a good fit. I do want to keep the headband clean...
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover reacted to Derivative's post in the thread Focal Clear headphones with Like Like.
    I'm fairly open minded. I like to try things and make my mind up based on personal experience. I have not experimented with cables at...
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover reacted to PointyFox's post in the thread Focal Clear headphones with Like Like.
    What do people even mean when they say something sounds like metallic? Metal doesn't have a particular sound. They must be remembering a...
  • Tuneslover
    Tuneslover reacted to dougms3's post in the thread Focal Clear headphones with Like Like.
    I recently experienced a left side driver failure on my clears. Contacted focal support for a quote on out of warranty repair since...