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      tpal reacted to HWB3's post in the thread Cat-Fi with Like Like.
      Tom's going to be 16 next month. He's getting to an old guy, like me. He's checking out Hotel California with me.
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      tpal reacted to Ghoostknight's post in the thread Cat-Fi with Like Like.
      probably not quite the right answer, or it might be even a mix but it has something of "norwegian forest cats"
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      tpal reacted to Kevintj604's post in the thread Eversolo DMP-A6 Network Streamer/DAC with Like Like.
      I'm on my first few hours with the DMP-A6. Easily one of the biggest audible changes I've had in the hobby. Super happy with it so far...
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      tpal reacted to DaveStarWalker's post in the thread Cat-Fi with Like Like.
      Who's the boss ? 😎
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      RME ADI-2 is a great pairing with HD800s, I have used that combo for over a year until recently, I have upgraded to an Violectric 222...
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      tpal reacted to baskingshark's post in the thread Cat-Fi with Like Like.
      My BSH came to attack me last night while I was lying on the bed listening to an IEM. Felt something nibbling on my toes, looks like he...
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      tpal reacted to OceansRise's post in the thread Cat-Fi with Like Like.
      Mika in her bed this afternoon looking like a sweetie. She was giving the slow blinkies so it was hard to capture her with her eyes open!
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      tpal reacted to Shane D's post in the thread Cat-Fi with Like Like.
      The boys waiting patiently for mama to give them supper. :thumbsup:
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      tpal reacted to pataburd's post in the thread RME ADI-2 DAC Thread with Like Like.
      The Violectric V222 drives the HD8xx just fine for me.
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      tpal reacted to Whazzzup's post in the thread Cat-Fi with Like Like.
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      tpal reacted to OceansRise's post in the thread Cat-Fi with Like Like.
      Mika's been with us for about 8 months and I think she's definitely realised we're her new family now. She's become Ms. Velcro lately as...
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      tpal reacted to klappco's post in the thread Cat-Fi with Like Like.
      Prince Aspen of Lilac Lane. At 14 weeks and now at three years old. Maine Coon!
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      tpal reacted to Trihexagonal's post in the thread Cat-Fi with Like Like.
      I involve his toys with the laser play so he doesn't get frustrated by not being able to catch the red dot. :)
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      tpal reacted to Trihexagonal's post in the thread Cat-Fi with Like Like.
      It was playtime last night. Tut had his mink, red shoestrings, Mr. Bill (protected under his paw from the laser) and me on a string with...
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      tpal reacted to Skev's post in the thread Cat-Fi with Like Like.
      All these cats… my dog is not impressed 😂 As you were …
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