TTP1410 reacted to XTF1's post in the thread HiBy Digital M300 Android Digital Audio Player,"The Gen-Z Music Player" - Discussion thread with Like.Same here, but I consider it a minor problem: precisely evaluating the battery % charge is non trivial and that’s why many devices use...
TTP1410 replied to the thread HiBy Digital M300 Android Digital Audio Player,"The Gen-Z Music Player" - Discussion thread.I cant full charge for M300. It going to 95% or 97% and stop charging. Anyone had this problem?
TTP1410 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.Zx500 is fine in audio quality at price, but one thing you must care is battery life, it very poor!
TI have a question, will you choose this over the ZX707, I just don't like the ZX707 with the boxy design, and the sound quality does not...
TTP1410 reacted to dstaley's post in the thread New Sony Walkman NW-A300 Series (Android 12) with Like.Just got my A306 today from Japan and wanted to share a few things I've discovered, as well as provide another example of a lack of...
TI went from international to Chinese and didn't enjoy the hassle of trying to get the Play Store on there for USB Audio Player Pro...
TTP1410 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.Hi, im using zx505 + newest international fw, can i go back to stock chinese fw?
TTP1410 reacted to Matpar's post in the thread Astell&Kern Launches KANN ALPHA Digital Audio Player with Like.For our italian users, here a Quick intro/review on the Kann Alpha from Spirit Torino, which you maybe know already for their...
TTP1410 reacted to Stuff Jones's post in the thread Cayin N3Pro DAP: Dual AK4493 and MQA with Vacuum Tube with Like.Yeah I did reset it. It only happens when I use the EQ when a track is playing.
TTP1410 reacted to Andykong's post in the thread Cayin N3Pro DAP: Dual AK4493 and MQA with Vacuum Tube with Like.I'll take a week off and away for a short trip, I didn't take any dayoff during the National Anniversary holiday so its my turn now, in...
TTP1410 reacted to Stuff Jones's post in the thread Cayin N3Pro DAP: Dual AK4493 and MQA with Vacuum Tube with Like.Every time I try to use the EQ it stutters and restarts. Anyone else experiencing this?
TTP1410 replied to the thread Cayin N3Pro DAP: Dual AK4493 and MQA with Vacuum Tube.1. System rebooted: i faced this issue when playing music, then i trigger wifi on-off, system will be randomly reboot... 2. Yup, i...
TTP1410 reacted to Andykong's post in the thread Cayin N3Pro DAP: Dual AK4493 and MQA with Vacuum Tube with Like.Can you tell us more information? We need to replicate the problem before we can find a solution, we can't do much base on your current...
TTP1410 replied to the thread Cayin N3Pro DAP: Dual AK4493 and MQA with Vacuum Tube.Yup, i had this issue too