• tendou
      You like this better than artti t10?
    • tendou
      tendou reacted to JAnonymous5150's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Teaser for the impressions I'll write up tomorrow: The RW-4000s aren't just a revamped RW-3000. Yincrow have really set out to create...
    • tendou
      tendou reacted to h8uthemost's post in the thread Obscure Chinese DAPs with Like Like.
      Any thoughts on the Ruizu Z80 ? I've never known Ruizu to have an android dap. Android 8 that is. But still, if it streams Spotify and...
    • tendou
      tendou reacted to h8uthemost's post in the thread Obscure Chinese DAPs with Like Like.
      Does the Ruizu A55 have that pesky bug of not showing your folders alphabetically, but by the last folder(s) added? I have a cool...
    • tendou
      tendou replied to the thread Obscure Chinese DAPs.
      So is there a good DAP around that price?
    • tendou
      tendou replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      Thanks! Very helpful. I'm inclined to get them now lol
    • tendou
      tendou reacted to mt877's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      First let me say that I used the foams supplied with the Temperament X6 on both LLBS and X6 for my listening comparisons. That is one...
    • tendou
      tendou replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      I have read that but for someone who already have Ks LBBS is it worth it to get the X6 in your opinion? Is the noticable difference only...
    • tendou
      tendou replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      What's the differences between k's lbb and the new temperament x6?
    • tendou
      tendou replied to the thread Obscure Chinese DAPs.
      How about Z80? Any good current model Ruizu or Benjie?
    • tendou
      tendou reacted to mt877's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      That is one industrial looking IEM. Just put a dab of grease on that gear like end piece and they got that machine tool / grunge look...
    • tendou
      tendou replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      placed the order and message them. Thanks!
    • tendou
      tendou reacted to mt877's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Yes. When you place the order you can leave an order message. If you can't figure out how to do that, after placing the order, go to the...
    • tendou
      tendou replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      can we request for the 4.4mm balanced from aavck( or something, the seller on AE names) since they no longer sell the mmcx version?
    • tendou
      tendou reacted to baskingshark's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      It can, but on the 4.4 mm balanced output port on DESKTOP MODE. Ie your Yinman 600 ohm must be configured with a 4.4 mm balanced cable...
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