SleepyRhythms's latest activity
SleepyRhythms replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .Amps and dacs can bring a completely transformative experience to music. If you’re happy with your headphones just focus on the setup...
SleepyRhythms replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .Grados freaking rock!!! I love the hemp design and a few of my buddies really dig them with different pads. What are you all running...
SleepyRhythms reacted to jb77's post in the thread Audeze LCD-5 Review, Measurements, Interview with
Audeze LCD-5 Headphones ==================================================================== Review written by Jeremy B. (@jb77) A... -
SleepyRhythms reacted to antdroid's post in the thread Precog's IEM Reviews & Impressions with
Helios is good. -
SleepyRhythms reacted to Bosk's post in the thread DX320 ROHM dac chips, Android 11, AMP11MK2s. *******NEW FW: 2.07******* with
Literally mere days after I order a DX240.... -
SleepyRhythms reacted to If6was9's post in the thread Cayin RU6: R-2R USB Dongle DAC with Head-Amp with
Having a Dragonfly Cobalt, in your opinion, what difference can there be compared to the RU6? -
SleepyRhythms reacted to Whitigir's post in the thread DX320 ROHM dac chips, Android 11, AMP11MK2s. *******NEW FW: 2.07******* with
I definitely don’t want to see the regular version, then the S version , then the pro version, then limited version, then the next... -
SleepyRhythms replied to the thread DX320 ROHM dac chips, Android 11, AMP11MK2s. *******NEW FW: 2.07*******.Very curious about the price. I was going to get the DX240 since people are raving about its dynamics. Wanting something warm and...
SleepyRhythms reacted to PierPP's post in the thread DX320 ROHM dac chips, Android 11, AMP11MK2s. *******NEW FW: 2.07******* with
Wow! -
SleepyRhythms replied to the thread Schiit Jotunheim 2 - Impressions Thread.The Crack definitely has that.
SleepyRhythms reacted to Xerosnake90's post in the thread Schiit Jotunheim 2 - Impressions Thread with
I would snatch it up immediately. Schiit prides the Valhalla 2 as a tube amp that doesn't sound tubey, I think that's the best part -
SleepyRhythms reacted to Luckyleo's post in the thread Schiit Jotunheim 2 - Impressions Thread with
Yes, you are correct. I have the Espressivo and love it and don't mind that it is no longer the latest greatest..... I have compared...