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    • schwaiger
      schwaiger replied to the thread XDUoo XD05PRO.
      Quick question, I know it was already discussed but I still have not found a clear answer. Which power supply should I buy to use the...
    • schwaiger
      schwaiger replied to the thread Feliks Audio ENVY.
      Unfortunately, I recently had a similar experience with the same dealer... I don't want to go into too much detail, but in the end the...
    • schwaiger
      schwaiger reacted to Leto Dal's post in the thread Feliks Audio ENVY with Like Like.
      Western Electric confirmed that the second tube is pre-owned so it can’t receive any warranty. The matching is bellow average according...
    • schwaiger
      schwaiger replied to the thread Feliks Audio ENVY.
      channel cross talk, I asked feliks about it, it’s normal and nothing to worry about.
    • schwaiger
      schwaiger reacted to ThanatosVI's post in the thread Feliks Audio ENVY with Like Like.
      so you actually used the new Envy with sensitive IEMs and no noise whatsoever? This video hyped me even more than I already was about my...
    • schwaiger
      schwaiger reacted to ThanatosVI's post in the thread Feliks Audio ENVY with Like Like.
      The sockets aren't rotated, the print on the Feliks Elrogs is. On the Feliks site with regular Envy, when you look at pictures of the...
    • schwaiger
      schwaiger replied to the thread Feliks Audio ENVY.
      I use the globes since at least 1 year, no problems so far!
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    • schwaiger
      schwaiger reacted to turbofeet's post in the thread Feliks Audio ENVY with Like Like.
      Awesome - it's always a worry when you post such things but glad they arrived safely! I added some bubble wrap in between the boxes as...
    • schwaiger
      schwaiger reacted to walterboss's post in the thread Feliks Audio ENVY with Like Like.
      Haven't even got my Envy yet, but thought I'd make a head start on things :) Now delving into the murky world of 6SN7s... Thanks a ton...
    • schwaiger
      schwaiger reacted to nwavesailor's post in the thread Feliks Audio ENVY with Like Like.
      I need to 'keep it under my hat' but I have it on good authority that it is more than $10K and less than 1 quadrillion $$$ Until March...
    • schwaiger
      schwaiger reacted to ThanatosVI's post in the thread Feliks Audio ENVY with Like Like.
      Well the masses will get to know the price on 9th of March. I think guys like us who have the order already in, know the price already...
    • schwaiger
      EMI protection on SP2KT was quite good, but it used NuTubes and not real tubes. Woo Audio Mini which also uses real tubes do suffer from...
    • schwaiger
      schwaiger reacted to AudioFanX's post in the thread Feliks Audio ENVY with Like Like.
      Another great weekend ahead of me. 🎧😉🎧
    • schwaiger
      schwaiger replied to the thread Feliks Audio ENVY.
      Crazy that that topic popped up again today, my transformer hum is back too, but only after approximately 2 hours of listening (i...
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    • schwaiger
      schwaiger reacted to incredulousity's post in the thread Feliks Audio ENVY with Like Like.
      While ELrog Mo are better than ER, you will get more improvement from cleaner power, and PSM 156 is an excellent choice. It will likely...
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