roiosdona's latest activity
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona reacted to Baci's post in the thread Audio-GD DI-20 with Like Like.
    I had experienced the noise - infuriating, as it appeared also to happen almost randomly. Sometimes a track would play distorted, then...
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona reacted to sajunky's post in the thread Audio-GD DI-20 with Like Like.
    This is not related to a firmware. It is breaking synchronisation, a sign of data errors. Normally errors during USB transfer happen...
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona reacted to bos3812's post in the thread Audio-GD DI-20 with Like Like.
    Hi Thinman. That's too bad. Is the distortion you have the same as I described, riding on the music wave, going up and down with the...
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona replied to the thread Audio-GD DI-20.
    @Thinman I have the same problem how did you solve it ?
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona replied to the thread Audio-GD DI-20.
    I tried it.. same problem appeared with ACSS...
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona replied to the thread Audio-GD DI-20.
    Did anyone have static noise/ distortions when changing sample rates with coax out? I'm frustrated and Audio GD don't seem to know what...
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona replied to the thread Audio-GD DI-20.
    Exactly what @Oepsie wrote... This is what happens... I had to limit the sampling rate to 44.1 KHZ on the Eversolo...
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona replied to the thread Audio-GD DI-20.
    The problem happened with both windows PC and my EVERSOLO DMP-A6 as a source (via USB)
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona replied to the thread Audio-GD DI-20.
    I have a Luxman D-10X connected via COAX to the DI-20HE
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona replied to the thread Audio-GD DI-20.
    I have exactly the same problem, is this a problem with the DAC or with the DI-20HE? Is there a different solution ?
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona reacted to galthepal's post in the thread Stax SR-X9000 with Like Like.
    Never really considered or frankly cared about Stax until hearing the X9000 at CanJam. Jesus, I know sound is subjective but this is the...
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona reacted to Kerry's post in the thread Kerry's got a new Co... Eksonic with Like Like.
    Email se Email sent.
  • roiosdona
    Has anyone heard from Kerry? Last time I heard from him was 12 days ago........
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona reacted to all2ofme's post in the thread Kerry's got a new Co... Eksonic with Like Like.
    Shame! I’ve had the oddest of behaviours fix themselves by just reseating tubes. You’re in great hands with Kerry and co — hope you’re...
  • roiosdona
    roiosdona reacted to all2ofme's post in the thread Kerry's got a new Co... Eksonic with Like Like.
    Oh bummer! I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure Kerry and co will sort you out and have you grinning ear to ear, but it’s a bummer...