Audio-GD DI-20
Oct 29, 2019 at 11:58 PM Post #2 of 5,419
Has anyone purchased or heard the new Audio-GD DI-20? As one who has tried a number of “usb digital interfaces”
Mutec MC3+USB, Kitsune’ tuned Singxter SU1, and currently Gustard U-16...this Audio-GD looks like beast, especially the DI-20 HE with the upgraded PS.
check it out:

I have ordered the HE-version. it's a beast all right. I have the U16 (two of them) to compare to/run against. Sure look forward to this delivery. Report is coming.
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Oct 30, 2019 at 12:08 AM Post #3 of 5,419
Jan; Thanks for responding so quickly. I would definitely consider the HE as well, but considering the cost of a GOOD power supply, seems like the price is commensurate. Do you have an ETA for delivery yet? Congratulations! BTW, I am using the Gustard 10MHZ master clock with my U16, and I like the idea that a master clock can be used with the DI-20 as well. Keep us posted!
Oct 30, 2019 at 12:19 AM Post #4 of 5,419
No ETA yet. I also use a OCXO-masterclock with my U16's. It pushes the performance further. I hope the new interface is a home run. The competition is high and Kingwa knows it well. The 10MHz EXT XO input makes it even more attractive.
Oct 30, 2019 at 1:55 PM Post #8 of 5,419
Thanks Fred!

Hey, can anyone speculate as to what Kingwa meant from part of the DI-20 description?


"Built in the Amanero USB interface that is the most compatible and steady , support WIN, OSX, IOS and Linux , and had been test with some TV that is based on Android system. (Has not test with Android phone yet ).
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Oct 30, 2019 at 3:20 PM Post #13 of 5,419
Haven't tried it yet of course with the di. With the dac fws, i would say the parallels probably have more res. but one of my favorite fw is tda_asy3, if not my favorite, not sure and it is a serial implementation. Matter of synergy and tastes...
Oct 30, 2019 at 3:32 PM Post #14 of 5,419
Haven't tried it yet of course with the di. With the dac fws, i would say the parallels probably have more res. but one of my favorite fw is tda_asy3, if not my favorite, not sure and it is a serial implementation. Matter of synergy and tastes...
Interesting that you say that about tda_asy3 FW.

I too flashed back to that after trying DOP FW for a day or two. I heard what a few others experienced; treble roll-off, boomier bass and slightly bloomed mid-range. Not terrible but just not my cup of tea.

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