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    • robrob
      robrob replied to the thread HE-500 Broken Headband & Fix.
      Yes, I'm very glad I changed my mind and took my 500s out of the trash and installed the HE-400i band.
    • robrob
      robrob reacted to bagwell359's post in the thread HE-500 Broken Headband & Fix with Like Like.
      Never broke one, but it's heavy, so I flipped a MD-4XX headband (lighter & more comfy) on, and put the 500 headband on the 4xx, has...
    • robrob
      robrob reacted to genck's post in the thread HE-500 Broken Headband & Fix with Like Like.
      I've broken my he-400 headband, it's the same headband as the he-500. It broke at the circle housing which is glued and screwed in. I...
    • robrob
      robrob replied to the thread HE-500 Broken Headband & Fix.
      I've put a lot of time on the new 400i headband and I absolutely love the upgrade. The band is much more comfortable but the real bonus...
    • robrob
      robrob reacted to RCBinTN's post in the thread Schiit Gungnir DAC with Like Like.
      The same thing happened with me. It was a game-changer for my rig. I still use the Gumby as my DAC ... the SQ is amazingly real. Oh and...
    • robrob
      robrob replied to the thread Schiit Gungnir DAC.
      I received my Gungnir back from Schiit today for the multibit upgrade. I already had the Gen 5 USB. I had to wait about two weeks in the...
    • robrob
      robrob replied to the thread Schiit Gungnir DAC.
      Schiit's turnaround time for the Gungnir Multibit upgrade has been slow. I had to wait about 2 weeks in the que to ship my unit. They...
    • robrob
      I'm wondering how common is it for the HE-500 headband to break? I ask because I used one hand to remove my HE-500s a couple of weeks...
      • HE-500_with_400i_strap.jpg
    • robrob
      robrob replied to the thread Schiit Gungnir DAC.
      The Gungnir multi-bit upgrade is pretty popular. I'm currently # 3 of 37 in the que for upgrade. I did the Gen 5 USB upgrade last year...
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