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    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      It is not limited/gimped you just have to acknowledge the higher volume aka click ok that's it.
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      It does read as multi is down sampled to stereo.
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      The strap is a gimmick for the youngsters, it is useless in reality.. I don't use this dap outside so it won't be in my pocket but if it...
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      So people who take it outside with them with the case on and put it in their pockets are doing it wrong? :dt880smile:
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      I don't sleep with mine but I would say so yes.
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      Glad to hear it pardon the pun :) I had to get a replacement also.
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      Look at it this way an extra gig of ram won't really add much, it is already snappy enough and the little extra storage is not much use...
    • pooley
      pooley posted a comment on the item HiBy R4.
      Thanks for the reply, I have contacted Hiby about this and will be shipping a replacement.
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      Will do thank you for the link.
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      I already did the factory reset but that did nothing, Channel balance is at 0 and this problem still persists. I am never going to use...
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      Line out works ok as both ear pieces do play at 100% volume in both 3.5 and 4.4 but when in Phone out mode one ear piece cuts out and...
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      I have an issue where Phone out setting is bugged and when enabled one ear piece cuts off while the other one plays at 100% It's...
    • pooley
      pooley posted a comment on the item HiBy R4.
      It does appear to be a software issue as in line out mode both L and R are working but putting it into phone mode one cuts out and...
    • pooley
      pooley posted a comment on the item HiBy R4.
      I cannot either, It plays full blast in the left ear only in both 3.5 and 4.4 tried different iems I think this unit is faulty!
    • pooley
      I found those: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003448365913.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.797a2e0ePsdNzN...
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