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    • pooley
      pooley posted a comment on the item HiBy R4.
      Thanks for the reply, I have contacted Hiby about this and will be shipping a replacement.
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      Will do thank you for the link.
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      I already did the factory reset but that did nothing, Channel balance is at 0 and this problem still persists. I am never going to use...
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      Line out works ok as both ear pieces do play at 100% volume in both 3.5 and 4.4 but when in Phone out mode one ear piece cuts out and...
    • pooley
      pooley replied to the thread HiBy R4.
      I have an issue where Phone out setting is bugged and when enabled one ear piece cuts off while the other one plays at 100% It's...
    • pooley
      pooley posted a comment on the item HiBy R4.
      It does appear to be a software issue as in line out mode both L and R are working but putting it into phone mode one cuts out and...
    • pooley
      pooley posted a comment on the item HiBy R4.
      I cannot either, It plays full blast in the left ear only in both 3.5 and 4.4 tried different iems I think this unit is faulty!
    • pooley
      I found those: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003448365913.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.797a2e0ePsdNzN...
    • pooley
      Still have these but it seems the right ear piece has stopped working :slight_frown:
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