Recent content by MelaVerde
  1. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    What a huge loss for his and the ALO family, friends and the community as whole; I will treasure every single moment the wonderful products Jim helped build, farewell Jim!!!!
  2. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    Hello everyone, I have been a happy Studio Six owner for quite sometime, used mainly with the Studio Six Phone Pre-Amp and a Clearaudio concept turntable connected on the input 1 of the amp. For a period of time I have a Hugo TT connected as pure DAC on input 2 until recently when I sold it...
  3. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    I just recently had the same issue but it turned out, in my case, to be the 6SN7 tube KENRAD I purchased used on eBay two years ago, replaced with the stock tube and the issue went away; now waiting for the RCA Black plate to be delivered as replacement of the current stock one.
  4. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    Meomap let me know how the Sophia perform, I am interested as well for my Studio Six Phono Pre-amp tube replacement.
  5. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    Tubes have changed a bit but still retained their musicality, the addition of the GE-Ken Rad 6SN7GT black plates has made the entire dynamic between the tubes much more exciting, very happy at the moment!!!! Currently I am using an Audeze LCD-3 still have 3 weeks before I can send it back for...
  6. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    Thank you fhuang for the feedback I will keep in mind the suggestion from you and Tom and stick with a GZ34
  7. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    Tom, as usual, thank you for your quick reply, technical explanation, it makes very much sense as I am learning more and more of tube technologies. The current rectifier is good and the combination of the Marconi 6V6 and the Ken-Rad 6SN7GT Black plate seems to have brought the desired results...
  8. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    Has anyone tried to use the GZ37 CV378 Philips/Mullard as replacement for the current GZ34 / 5AR4? Are the G37 and GZ 34 compatible? I am looking at one NOS Mullard GZ37 from the 1960 as replacement of my current stock JJ. I am currently running two Marconi 6V6 and a GE-Ken Rad 6SN7GT Black...
  9. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    Great choice and congrats on the purchase, this forum is full of great knowledge and precious and valuable information, reading from the begin really provide an amazing source of answer to question that noob like myself was seeking, some members have, with their early adoption and experience...
  10. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    Tom see some impression in my reply to fhuang post in regards to the Marconi tubes, I will try the Phillips in the near future and report back. Thanks again for all you do for this forum it is rare to see the product designer being so engaged with he users community. Best
  11. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    Chiang, after few hours on it I start to like them very much. Initially I thought that the SS with the standard tubes sounded good but a little sterile or lifeless if you will, as I invested in a tube amp, coming from the Hugo TT which I now use strictly as DAC, I was expecting a more warm and...
  12. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    longbowbbs, I am torn between the HD800S and the Audeze LCD-3 as I would like to complement my listening experience with something different from my Foster TH900MK2, I am heavily into traditional jazz and vocal jazz, blues is something I am getting exposed too, do you have any insight or...
  13. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    New Marconi 6V6G, impressions will follow in the next couple of days!!!!!
  14. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    Dear TomSix, no apologies are needed and I appreciate the follow up to my question. As I stated I am very ignorant in regards of tubes so you can understand my apprehension as my 6SN7 was displaying the dark spot from the inside; as far as I can tell no changes in sound can be perceived, so...
  15. MelaVerde

    ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread

    Hello everyone, has anyone any experience with the Northern Electric 6SN7 from Canada, reviews seem positive although someone has issue with the center pin being a little fragile. I was looking for the RCA Red Base but of course I might have more luck finding a pink Unicorn; as usual any...