Recent content by Laseng
  1. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    It's not just that they do not manage to deliver any products more to their backers. Service on defective products is not existing. It's now over 15 months since I submitted a ticket to LH Labs on two defective Geek Out V2. If I get an answer, it may seem that it is risky to spend money sending...
  2. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Almost a month since last post. Today, it's the five-year anniversary of the Pulse campaign. It's also five years ago today since I backed the Pulse campaign. I dont think this is a jubilee that anyone wants to celebrate. I still Waiting for a Pulse infinity that never comes. That's why it's...
  3. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    It's only a month to it's five years since I backed Geek Pulse. LH Labs will continue to ignore anyone who has backed them via Indiegogo. As long as they can delay forever, they do not have to deliver us any things. We will never get the goods we have backed.
  4. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    I think all the updates we've got in the last 2.5 years are untrue. LH Labs can wait until nobody wants their Pulse, they know Indiegogo will not do anything to help us. Stuck limos post below may indicate they are trying to wait us out. Already now I wonder if I want to pay over $ 300 in VAT...
  5. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Has anyone received any LPS lately? The production of a lot of new LPS is well done now? What happens to Pulse Infinity? We never knew why they suddenly stopped the production of Pulse Infinity in April. Was it again problems with the production of the PCB board? When will they start production...
  6. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Something is serious wrong with LH Labs. LH Labs has not produced anything for us Indiegogo backers for over two years. Every time they promise to deliver, they break their promises with new postponements. I think it's unlikely that any of us ever will get what we're waiting for. LH Labs has...
  7. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    More delay from LH Labs. It does not look like we will get any Pulse in May. From LH Labs: We ordered a small amount of LPS4 units, so the factory is finishing those up. When we get those done, the factory will move onto finishing the Pulse units. I’ll post more information when I have it.
  8. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Hi, We are at least two. I backed Pulse 29 October 2013.
  9. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    That's the big problem, nothing is happening. There is no real progress on any of LH Labs products. All products appeared to be closer to delivery for two years ago than they are today. Example: When I backed Pulse Tube HPA, it was almost ready for production, Expected delivery was Feb 23...
  10. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Where are all the updates that was promised Sep 10, 2017? Larry and I are going to work extremely hard on timely, accurate updates. We realize how important they are and that you placed your trust in us to...
  11. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Indiegogo may now call a collection agency if backers aren’t kept informed about delays.
  12. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Ticket #40777 from 25 Jun, 2017.
  13. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    I am angry with LH Labs. I don't think we will get our stuff. I have invested around $ 3000 in equipment from LH Labs. I see that I do not get anything left for everything I've invested. I was one of the first to back Geek Pulse on the first campaign day. It's now over 50 months since I backed...
  14. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    I think you're right, the correct number is probably zero. That means that LH Labs still has about 197 Pulse to deliver and not 130 as they say. Why does not LH Labs give us the correct number of Pulse left?
  15. Laseng

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    LH Labs had 197 Pulse left to deliver on Jan 13, 2017. Have LH Labs delivered about 67 Pulse in the last year?