KKonanAtlante reacted to Isaacc7's post in the thread Tube rolling thread | UltraSonic Studios with Like.This is wildly OT… I was smitten by the audiophile bug while I was in college in the early 90s. Went to a high end dealer and heard...
KI've been scheming a little bit while waiting for Landfall to come back online. I already have more than enough to work on my plate...
KKonanAtlante reacted to fiascogarcia's post in the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please... with Like.My latest iteration., Some solid state, tube, and electrostat in a relatively smaller footprint.
KKonanAtlante reacted to Wes S's post in the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please... with Like.
KI have no idea, the amp was built for me, and these figures were suggested. Couple of pics or so.
KKonanAtlante reacted to jonchard's post in the thread The Reference 6J5 Thread (L63, 6C5, 12J5, 6P5, etc.) with Like.I have played with National Union 2c22s and i felt they were equally as good as most cv6 derivatives... maybe a little more treble...
KKonanAtlante reacted to simorag's post in the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please... with Like.
KKonanAtlante reacted to Thomasr's post in the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please... with Like.
KKonanAtlante reacted to Honeypot's post in the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please... with Like.New guy in the block. Cayin ha-3a has arrived. When the zmf atrium open zebra arrives along with Mullard 12au7 10m & 6v6gt at will post...
KThere's so many must-haves! Here's my must-have, whittled-down to nearly nothing short list: 6SN7s: Sylvania VT-231, 6SN7W or...
KCan someone school me on these vt-99 tubes? The 2 on the left are Sylvania (1 new, 1 old), then round plate is rca. What's the...
KTurns out I had the energy to trim some length off my desk and set up the audio rack. Desk is a butcher block countertop, took 6 inches...
KHmm, I've seen these before and kinda dismissed them. Are they really that good? Have you experience with many other 6SN7 to compare to...
KKonanAtlante reacted to leftside's post in the thread The Reference 6J5 Thread (L63, 6C5, 12J5, 6P5, etc.) with Like.As I enjoy tube gear so much, I decided to go "all in" on tubes a few years ago. DACs, preamps, speaker amps and headphone amps. I have...
KKonanAtlante reacted to OctavianH's post in the thread Tube rolling thread | UltraSonic Studios with Like.And since the end of the year comes, I will say a few words about my top 3 tubes and why I consider these tube types the best. I reached...