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    • keesue
      keesue replied to the thread The discovery thread!.
      Switched through eartips and settled on Penon’s blue silicone foams. The nozzles on these are short so I needed some room to get a good...
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to Hypops's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      As a rule, set digital components to 0dB (max) and use a quality analog attenuator to adjust output. But ultimately, if your goal is to...
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to o0genesis0o's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      I say max out the digital signal and control volume from the amp is the best choice because the signal integrity is preserved. That...
    • keesue
      keesue replied to the thread The discovery thread!.
      Just received the Tinhifi DUDUs. At the price point and despite the name I just hadta. Good sounding no doubt. Good bass, digs deep...
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to pk4425's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      So do Tri-Clarions. Both tame the bass a smidge and elicit more midrange. I think I might like the S&S a smidge better, as the...
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to ILuvAudio's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      OG S12 with RU6 was a match made in heaven
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to dialogue's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      Spec and Description GEEK WOLD GK300 from website thehificat Brand: GEEK WOLD Model: GK300 Unit Configuration: 8 BA + 2 Piezoelectric...
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to Ozboyblu's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      I really like your reviews hey. The honesty and transparency is apparent. I also like your charts 📊. Hand written and drawn is cool 😎...
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to Ozboyblu's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      You are absolutely correct. while DSP can enhance or tailor the audio experience, it does change the bit-perfect nature of the sound...
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to FreeWheelinAudioLuv2's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      That last phrase is understood and speaks LOUD VOLUMES, my friend. VOLUMES.
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to FreeWheelinAudioLuv2's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      To this day, still one of the best $400.00 spent in audio. The Aur Audio Aure. 6+1 hybrid. Pulled it out tonight to give it a spin with...
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to Surf Monkey's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      Yeah, I tend to agree to a point. Any EQ system is going to “degrade” the signal to some degree. The MSEB system is actually pretty...
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to FreeWheelinAudioLuv2's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      The NiceHCK F1 Pro has been saved from it's previous destiny in the metal tin box! I ended up slapping a Tripowin Moss 2.5mm balanced...
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to baskingshark's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      The NF Audio RA15 is a very interesting animal. This is an $89 USD single DD set with 2 tuning nozzles. Unlike the weekly Harman...
    • keesue
      keesue reacted to baskingshark's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      Ever since the Stellaris, Moondrop has released a bunch of mediocre IEMs, or at best sidegradish stuff. They keep on rehashing the VSDF...
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