Recent content by gulf1263
  1. gulf1263

    How many of you have found your endgame holy grail headphone?

    I got the Audeze LCD-XC's, it will be quite a while before I need something more. Had to completely upgraded my system to take advantage of their sound quality. Art
  2. gulf1263


    I apologize. Became confused versus the amp and headphones. Oppo produces excellent and in the US fairly priced gear. My point being that just because it is Oppo does not make it superior in a particular system, other gear may sound as good or better. The "collective" seems to trumpet the...
  3. gulf1263


    Hello: I would not say the Oppo's are better than Audeze.....they are open backed, different, from reports they are better than the 2's but not quite as good as the closed back X's. It seems the Oppo collective just keeps repeating the mantra...."better than anything else" and do it often...
  4. gulf1263


    In regards to an amp, I use the Woo Wa7 or the headphone output from my Marantz 1602 which is being upgraded to a AV 7701 and 7055 combo. They both sound good, different but good...neither for me is fatiguing, which is important. I am going to try my little Micromega DAC instead of the DAC in...
  5. gulf1263

    How many of you have found your endgame holy grail headphone?

    I was able to get both the PSB M4U 2 and the Audeze LC-XC, then I had to upgrade my pre-amp to Marantz 7701 because my old one starting dying and bought a headphone amp (Woo Wa-7). Then discovered how crappy my Blu-Ray player was so went with a Marantz UD 7707 (?) because it also can play SACD...
  6. gulf1263

    Oppo PM-1: A New Planar Magnetic Headphone!

    Oppo only sold via mail order at first, since brick and mortar dealers are now competing with company direct online sales their profit margins are thin. Oppo's international direct sales are an unknown to me. I don't know how much tax other countries add on to what they consider to be luxury...
  7. gulf1263

    Suggestion for tube or tube/hybrid headphone amp

    See if he can get the Audio Quest Dragon Fly to start with, it will make a huge difference since it is a DAC and headphone amp although solid state. Until he has a decent DAC the amp no matter how good is not going to make enough of a difference. Then he can check out a decent tube amp and a...
  8. gulf1263

    Oppo PM-1: A New Planar Magnetic Headphone!

    I live in Anchorage, Alaska and spend time in Albuquerque, New Mexico were there are a very limited number of dealers and equipment to have demoed so you folks outside of the US that have access to dealers are pretty lucky. The problem here in the US is "showrooming" which is where someone goes...
  9. gulf1263


    My Wa 7 is running in, along with power cords and Venom Defenders. I will be running a signal through the Wa 7 amp in a few days and expect my new Marantz amp and blue-ray to arrive in about a week so it appears it will be some time before everything is run in. The phones sound fine as it from...
  10. gulf1263


    One of the things that convinced me to buy the Audeze LC-XC were the two dealers who bent over backward to allow a audition. I tried them through a Marantz and Integra amp, receiver and Blue-Ray and a tube amp that was close to the Woo Wa 7 Fireflies amp I will be using to drive them...
  11. gulf1263


    Hello all: I decided to check out HeadFi after starting to research new equipment on the web. Read many posts and learned a lot, also found out there is always someone who is willing to diss anything without listening to it and ignored those kinds of posts. Bought a Ray Samuels  Predator for...