Grumpy Old Git's latest activity
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git reacted to Maxx134's post in the thread Audio-Technica ATH-WP900 with Like Like.
    I believe the WP900 would give you a closer punchy sound. If your used to 7200, then stay that size headphones. That was definitely...
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git reacted to zolkis's post in the thread Denon AH-7200 with Like Like.
    That is a good observation. Compared to the TH900, the less cups volume and different internal shape contribute to less V-shaped sound...
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git replied to the thread Denon AH-7200.
    I was really disillusioned by my experience with the D7200 that's why I decided to move them on and not source although they sounded...
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git reacted to zolkis's post in the thread Denon AH-7200 with Like Like.
    Sorry for that. At least you could have tried changing the drivers to the "golden" chinese ones from Ali (~72 eur per pair). @Maxx134...
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git reacted to crewcut's post in the thread Denon AH-7200 with Like Like.
    Be interesting to see your comparison with the 7200. I passed on some 2000s a while ago,and regret it as they don't come up for sale...
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git replied to the thread Denon AH-7200.
    I'm now awaiting for a pair of Lawton modded D2000's to arrive, should be early next week.
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git replied to the thread Audio-Technica ATH-WP900.
    Well I've pulled the trigger on a pair of Lawton modified D2000, I do know that these have the older and (hopefully....) more reliable...
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git reacted to plakat's post in the thread Audio-Technica ATH-WP900 with Like Like.
    The old D2000/5000/7000 was manufactured by Fostex (or their parent company Foster), so while looking similar the drivers were...
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git reacted to Luis Mad's post in the thread Denon AH-7200 with Like Like.
    Sorry to hear your story. I hope I will not have to deal with that. Lack of quality control is extremely dissapointing in these...
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git reacted to JML's post in the thread Audio-Technica ATH-WP900 with Like Like.
    I don't think anyone has reported problems with the WP900.
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git replied to the thread Audio-Technica ATH-WP900.
    Thanks for your comments. I have only read about D7200's with faults, not read of any issues with the D5200's or D9200's having...
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git replied to the thread Denon AH-7200.
    Well I sold my D7200's on at a substantial loss. I won't be touching used Denon's again thanks to their QC and reliability, such a shame...
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git reacted to Hyde00's post in the thread Audio-Technica ATH-WP900 with Like Like.
    I can't comment on WP900 since I returned mine to the store. But my "god knows how old" (last batch is 2012) D2000 is still alive and...
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git replied to the thread Audio-Technica ATH-WP900.
    Hi Guys, I'm jumping on this thread without having read the previous 61 pages, so forgive me if this question has been already...
  • Grumpy Old Git
    Grumpy Old Git replied to the thread Denon AH-7200.
    Oh dear........My D7200's are not very well. They have been working fine until today, was using them earlier this afternoon and i...